Andrew Jones said a lot; N&O added to it; SFN finishes it off

On Monday we asked why should we put ourselves through the pain of typing it when Andrew Jones’ article says it all?

On Tuesday, the News & Observer chimed in with their heavy hitters.

First, Chip Alexander asked, “What is going on with the Wolfpack” and then Caulton Tudor calmly opined that “The Wolfpack isn’t hitting the panic button yet”.

As much as I appreciate the ‘faith’ that things will get better this year exhibited by both the team and Tudor I exercise my right to remain worried because of the nature of the Wolfpack’s problems. [See (1) many previous entries; (2) Jones’ article; (3) Alexander’s article]

I PRAY to God that I am wrong…but, I don’t see a switch to be flipped here for the Wolfpack to get things fixed.

If we were ‘one shooter away’ or just needed to fix our broken 3-2 zone issues then things would feel different to me. But, NC State’s problems are significantly more systemic and fundamental than items that can be fixed with some tweaks in practice or a player becoming eligible or a player finding his shooting touch.

NC State doesn’t exert much effort on the court, period. This manifests itself in literally NO defensive or rebounding effort. (And, it will manifest itself into weak home crowds as fans do not respect or invest in teams that don’t seem to care).

You can’t just flip a switch and suddenly learn how to play defense and box out. As you will see here the offense is so bad it can only improve as the team finds its groove and Ben McCauley and Porkchop Costner (hopefully) find their heads and get out of their slump.

But, what good is scoring ten more points a game if you can’t stop the least talented opponents in America from scoring?

Worse yet…if Coach Lowe can find that magical switch and get these guys on a roll…is anyone convinced that our players are in the physical condition to even execute tough defense?

Have you seen the ‘physiques’ on these guys?

A friend of mine who has been very close to the NC State – and other ACC – program(s) for the last 15 years told me that he has never seen an NC State team – and rarely seen an ACC team – with the out-of-shape bodies of this team. Did Brandon Costner live at the Golden Corral in the off-season?

Seriously…what did these guys do in the offseason? They obviously didn’t work out…and they obviously didn’t work on defense and rebounding.

Don’t misunderstand me – as Coach Lowe and Caulton Tudor believe I recognize that there is a lot of basketball to be played this year. But, I also seem to be the only one who recognizes that the season is actually 25% completed. You don’t get to play that much basketball in March when you have two horrible losses on your resume with 75% of the season ahead of you to potentially lose more.

Don’t look now…but Friday night’s home game against a Davidson team who is significantly better than their record looms as one of the biggest games in Coach Lowe’s young career. With a loss, you can legitimately put a fork in the Wolfpack until they boys find a miracle run of upsets in ACC play to at least get us back to a fighting chance. With a win, some cupcake games sprinkled with Cincy and Seton Hall provide State an opportunity to get back on track for an NCAA Tournament bid with a 9-7 ACC record (and maybe an 8-8 record with the right mix of wins and losses).

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07-08 Basketball Sidney Lowe

138 Responses to Andrew Jones said a lot; N&O added to it; SFN finishes it off

  1. Trip 12/11/2007 at 7:40 PM #

    Question: Where did THIS Costner go?

    I haven’t seen anything near that this year. Sid is also blowing his whistle like nuts in the background.

    While I was on there, I also looked at some Johnny Thomas video, Wow. That guy has some major leaping ability.

  2. choppack1 12/11/2007 at 7:55 PM #

    Trip – have you seeen how hard UT plays? Johnson has certainly gone to a team playing a much more leisurely pace.

    As far as conditioning – that is 100% on the coaches in the college game. Besides Costner – who else is in bad shape? Someone else noted, in the NBA the players often “play themselves into shape.” In addition, their games – 48 a piece and over 90 games for the elite teams – don’t see the same kind of pressure defenses and overplaying that you do in college.

    However, you’ve got to figure if we know these things Sid and staff do. I do have some concerns about Sid’s preparation and planning….his attention to detail. He may be a guy who is not a motivator or a micro-manager – relying on his assistants and players to be up for a game, condition properly and develop their game. He’s seen more basketball than anyone on this board – so I imagine he knows adjustments – and we saw this last year – and we’ve seen it in the one tournament we’ve played this year.

    We’ll find out a lot about this team and our coach in the coming games. Will we see a renewed dedication to defense and rebounding? Will our guys play hard? Will our offense be at least mediocre?

  3. TNCSU 12/11/2007 at 8:00 PM #

    I hope we can get some good recruits in 2009. I think that will be a defining recruiting class for Sid & Co.

  4. Trip 12/11/2007 at 8:08 PM #

    choppack – I honestly have never watched the Volunteers’s play, I know that they’re doing very well this season and have good guards but I had no clue how they play. It’s good to know that Johnson came from a program that plays hard though, and it will probably suit his style more here since he doesn’t seem to be an explosive PG.

  5. Wulfpack 12/11/2007 at 8:16 PM #

    “If ASU, after an 8 (9??) win season makes the NCAA, and we don’t, following a 20-win season and adding the 19th ranked recuiting class, you cannot comprehend how pissed off I’ll be…”

    Well he’s been doing it for 15 years now, so we shouldn’t be too surprised if it happens. This is all new to Sid and I suspect we are witnessing some growing pains.

  6. Trip 12/11/2007 at 8:22 PM #

    Let’s consider some things about 09. Assuming these things:

    Javi(Junior) turns out to be a solid PG and Johnson (In his final year of eligibility) both run effective offences. Javi would probably be more of a pressing PG, and Johnson would run a better half court offense.
    Mays hits his shots as a 2G. (Sophomore)
    Johnny thomas(redshirt sophomore) retains all of his athletic ability and is extremely effective at the 3 as a slasher.
    Smith(Junior or Redshirt sophomore), who i’ve been impressed with so far, continues to improve his game and replaces Costner at the 4. (I know Costner sucks now, but assuming that he didn’t.)

    This is all assuming a lot, but if the pieces fall into place, we’re still looking good, we’d need one main thing for that year.. that 5 spot which I’m 99.9% sure Hickson would have given up by then for the NBA. If for some reason Hickson didn’t bolt for the NBA and followed his “Grandmothers wishes” we could be nasty good in 09. But, assuming he leaves, we’re gonna have to find a really good center prospect in 09, and probably another big man for the 6th/7th man. Pickup another strong guard prospect and it’ll be a great recruiting year.

  7. ShootingGuard 12/11/2007 at 10:05 PM #

    “If ASU, after an 8 (9??) win season makes the NCAA, and we don’t, following a 20-win season and adding the 19th ranked recuiting class, you cannot comprehend how pissed off I’ll be…”

    Herb is not a great coach, but he can put together a schedule to squeak into the NCAA’s (in year 6 and beyond) like nobody’s business…

    Don’t let the Herb lovers fool you into thinking he is some total miracle worker. He could not maneuver through the ACC to the NCAA’s for 6 years. It does not matter what he does in any year in the Pac 10 since the only reason he is there at a no-name school is that he couldn’t hack the pressure and the expectations of coaching in the ACC at a historical winner.

    Also, Herb has 2 McD AA’s on his ASU team, and his dynamite elite freshman is a guard. Give me a choice, in college, of an elite guard or an elite center, and I will take the guard every time. It is a guard’s game. Besides, Herb has McD AA Boetang in the middle to help the guard in the guard’s game. Neither Grant nor Fells, fruits of Herb’s many years of program building at NCSU, will be playing in the NBA with James Harden. Do a little research on James Harden’s recruitment and consider Herb very lucky to start with that guy…

    Of course, none of that matters. Herb couldn’t handle K, Roy, or Pack fans—so he went to a place where nobody cares. Until Herb goes to the Final Four or wins a national championship, nobody should care. To date, he is just a mediocre coach who has done nothing special. His mentor, Pitino, won an NCAA title. Tubby passed him by long ago and won an NCAA title. Billy passed him by long ago and has now won two NCAA titles. Thad Matta has now passed him by and played for it all. Sean Miller seems to have learned the game quicker than he. It is only a matter of time before John Groce and Archie Miller pass him by. What’s wrong with Herbie?

  8. travelwolf 12/11/2007 at 10:49 PM #

    how about apathetic = apathy + pathetic?

  9. ErB 12/11/2007 at 11:57 PM #

    Dennis Horner just updated his current status on Facebook. It now reads: “Dennis is now not going to be home for Christmas since he got practice on Christmas day.”

  10. Trip 12/12/2007 at 12:19 AM #

    I’m not sure what to think of that, I think family time is pretty important, but it’s not like most of them would have time to go home because they’ve got back to back games from the 21st, 23rd and 27th to the 29th that’s barely enough time to catch a flight there and back. Plus, the game on the 27th is away, so there’s even less time.


  11. Trip 12/12/2007 at 12:26 AM #

    Although going from Facebook, JJ is in a group called “J.J. Hickson stay all four years”… maybe we’ll get lucky?

  12. ErB 12/12/2007 at 12:37 AM #

    Yeah, good luck with that one. If we’re going by facebook, then apparently I’m friends with half the team. Yet I’ve never spoken to any of them.

  13. Trip 12/12/2007 at 12:43 AM #

    I’ve bumped into half of the team and said “WHASSSUPPP”, seen a few at some partys, but I doubt any of them remember me.

  14. packgrad93 12/12/2007 at 8:35 AM #

    LMAO at Shooting Guard. Herb left Sid a solid core to build around in Fells, Grant, Costner & Ben. Sid needs to figure out how to add to that core & keep building on the foundation Herb set. No NCAA’s this year will be a discrace with the talent we have.

  15. Stoner 12/12/2007 at 8:47 AM #

    Smith(Junior or Redshirt sophomore), who i’ve been impressed with so far, continues to improve his game and replaces Costner at the 4. (I know Costner sucks now, but assuming that he didn’t

    Costner is a Soph. this year. He’ll be a senior in the ’09-’10 season. If he doesn’t suck, he’ll be starting.

    From an article I read in the N & O, Costner had a knee injury over the summer, which kept him from working out, so he got out of shape. Hopefully that accounts for his conditioning issues.

    since the only reason he is there at a no-name school is that he couldn’t hack the pressure and the expectations of coaching in the ACC at a historical winner

    Always thought Herb took the ASU job, because they were paying him 50% more..;-)

    On a side note about “historical winner”, older fans need to flush that thinking out of their system. For the past 15+ years we’ve been between varying states of totally sucking to being mediocre. Whatever winning tradition you are talking about is lost on folks, like myself, who are under 35 because NCSU has basically been a disappointment, in men’s basketball, since I started rooting for the Pack.

    We’re a team, which will totally suck and occassionally scrap our way into the Sweet 16, once every 15 years or so. That’s what we have to look forward to from now on.

    The basketball program has done nothing to make me believe otherwise.

  16. Trip 12/12/2007 at 9:26 AM #

    I keep on forgetting that Costner will have 2 more years of suckage after this. Even more reason to redshirt Smith this year then.

  17. Stoner 12/12/2007 at 9:36 AM #

    I don’t want to get negative on any of the players. Costner’s in a funk. He showed tremendous potential last year and I think he can regain his form. It is really up to the coaching staff to figure out how to use him this year. Last year he was a match up nightmare, because he could shoot the three pointer, post up players and drive to the basket, if he had a lane. Not sure why the same mismatches aren’t being created this year.

    We knew Degand wasn’t highly rated coming of highschool, but hoped the drop off at PG wouldn’t be too dramatic. It’s asking a lot for a first year starter to replace a four year starter, without a drop off in productivity.

    We miss Atsur’s steadiness on offense and shouldn’t be surprised our PG position is still work in progress.

    Some of the problems this team has may either be (1) poor coaching or (2) trying to unlearn habits from the previous coaching staff, like not rebounding well.

    I don’t think last year the practices could be really instructional for our players, due to a lack of bodies, with regards to what Lowe & Co. wanted to do. This is really the first year of Lowe & Co. trying to bring in a new system, in both practice and games.

    My trigger finger’s itching for change, but a few days off from the ECU game, and I’m not as eager to pull it. Hopefully this mood doesn’t change or is given a reason to change, by poor play.

  18. Rick 12/12/2007 at 1:08 PM #

    “LMAO at Shooting Guard. Herb left Sid a solid core to build around in Fells, Grant, Costner & Ben”

    Other than Grant, that “solid core” appears to not even be trying. You cna continue propping up your hero but no matter how much you polish that turd, it is still a turd.

  19. packgrad93 12/12/2007 at 2:31 PM #

    Isn’t that the coach’s responsibility to inspire the players to try?

  20. pakfanistan 12/12/2007 at 2:34 PM #

    ShootingGuard is so much of a better poster than you it’s physically painful for me to see you trolling him.

  21. packgrad93 12/12/2007 at 3:04 PM #

    why, cause I don’t bash Herb?

  22. pakfanistan 12/12/2007 at 6:03 PM #

    No, because ShootingGuard produces posts that are a joy to read and which give me food for thought concerning Wolfpack athletics.

    You, on the other hand trot out the same tired arguments any time you think someone has besmirched the honor of your precious Coach Sendek.

    Just face the facts, he was a mediocre coach. In ten years he never won the ACC regular season, the ACC championship, and only made it past the second round of the NCAA tournament once. Meanwhile…

    Duke – 7 ACC tournament championships, 7 ACC regular season championships, National Championship, NC Game, Final Four, Elite Eight, 5 Sweet Sixteen

    Carolina – 2 ACC tournament championships, 2 ACC regular season championships, 3 Final Fours, National Championship

    Wake Forest – ACC regular season championship

    Maryland – ACC tournament championship, National Championship, Final Four

    It’s not bashing someone to say they suck if they really do suck.

  23. redfred2 12/12/2007 at 6:20 PM #

    A “solid core”.

    Let’s see now, Costner did play well as a freshman, didn’t he? …LAST YEAR! Ben McCauley, who was Ben McCauley anyway before… LAST YEAR??? Gavin Grant, the oldest and the only senior, he was and has always berated for his play under ” ” and now that seems to be continuing under Coach Lowe. I like Grant though, he may not always do the right thing, but at least he always puts forth the effort, right or wrong. Then there’s Corey Fells, a very athletic individual who doesn’t seem to care, or even have the least bit of initiative, in finding out how good he can be as basketball player.

    There’s more to being a good basketball player than just being able to run, jump, and shoot the ball. These kids are proving that to us right now. Yep, packgrad93, especially before… LAST YEAR, that was one hard playing, “solid core” of basketball players you’re talking about, for sure. Still are, it seems.

  24. Trip 12/12/2007 at 6:50 PM #

    Costner will pull out of his funk, and I’m willing to bet when that happens, Mccauley will come alive again. I have faith in the coaching staff to make the changes necessary to facilitate rebounding and aggressiveness, and I think that there will be a certain game in the near future that everything will just “Click” and we’ll remember what it’s like to be part of the Wolfpack. A pack isn’t a collection of lone wolves, a pack is a team of wolves fighting to survive and accomplish their goals.

    We’re all negative now, but I have a feeling (And wow, I hope I’m right.) that by the time March comes we’ll have long forgotten about the pain of the last few weeks.

    If i’m wrong though, Sidney’s seat is going to be a little toasty by the end of the year. I want to give him at least 3-4 years before making any drastic changes though.

  25. redfred2 12/12/2007 at 6:54 PM #

    “Isn’t that the coach’s responsibility to inspire the players to try?”

    Yes, you’re right packgrad93, it is his job.

    That’s also why 99.99% of the NC State fan base weren’t upset at all when the last coach, YOUR coach, packed his bags and left town.

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