Andrew Jones said a lot; N&O added to it; SFN finishes it off

On Monday we asked why should we put ourselves through the pain of typing it when Andrew Jones’ article says it all?

On Tuesday, the News & Observer chimed in with their heavy hitters.

First, Chip Alexander asked, “What is going on with the Wolfpack” and then Caulton Tudor calmly opined that “The Wolfpack isn’t hitting the panic button yet”.

As much as I appreciate the ‘faith’ that things will get better this year exhibited by both the team and Tudor I exercise my right to remain worried because of the nature of the Wolfpack’s problems. [See (1) many previous entries; (2) Jones’ article; (3) Alexander’s article]

I PRAY to God that I am wrong…but, I don’t see a switch to be flipped here for the Wolfpack to get things fixed.

If we were ‘one shooter away’ or just needed to fix our broken 3-2 zone issues then things would feel different to me. But, NC State’s problems are significantly more systemic and fundamental than items that can be fixed with some tweaks in practice or a player becoming eligible or a player finding his shooting touch.

NC State doesn’t exert much effort on the court, period. This manifests itself in literally NO defensive or rebounding effort. (And, it will manifest itself into weak home crowds as fans do not respect or invest in teams that don’t seem to care).

You can’t just flip a switch and suddenly learn how to play defense and box out. As you will see here the offense is so bad it can only improve as the team finds its groove and Ben McCauley and Porkchop Costner (hopefully) find their heads and get out of their slump.

But, what good is scoring ten more points a game if you can’t stop the least talented opponents in America from scoring?

Worse yet…if Coach Lowe can find that magical switch and get these guys on a roll…is anyone convinced that our players are in the physical condition to even execute tough defense?

Have you seen the ‘physiques’ on these guys?

A friend of mine who has been very close to the NC State – and other ACC – program(s) for the last 15 years told me that he has never seen an NC State team – and rarely seen an ACC team – with the out-of-shape bodies of this team. Did Brandon Costner live at the Golden Corral in the off-season?

Seriously…what did these guys do in the offseason? They obviously didn’t work out…and they obviously didn’t work on defense and rebounding.

Don’t misunderstand me – as Coach Lowe and Caulton Tudor believe I recognize that there is a lot of basketball to be played this year. But, I also seem to be the only one who recognizes that the season is actually 25% completed. You don’t get to play that much basketball in March when you have two horrible losses on your resume with 75% of the season ahead of you to potentially lose more.

Don’t look now…but Friday night’s home game against a Davidson team who is significantly better than their record looms as one of the biggest games in Coach Lowe’s young career. With a loss, you can legitimately put a fork in the Wolfpack until they boys find a miracle run of upsets in ACC play to at least get us back to a fighting chance. With a win, some cupcake games sprinkled with Cincy and Seton Hall provide State an opportunity to get back on track for an NCAA Tournament bid with a 9-7 ACC record (and maybe an 8-8 record with the right mix of wins and losses).

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07-08 Basketball Sidney Lowe

138 Responses to Andrew Jones said a lot; N&O added to it; SFN finishes it off

  1. MattN 12/11/2007 at 12:36 PM #

    Costner looks as out of shape to me as Sean May did in 2004. Degand is not as fast as I was led to believe. His man beats him consistently to the lane. Webb and Weems we’re light-years quicker.

    If Johnson isn’t some magical stabilizing force when he becomes eligible (and when IS that exactly?), we’re a 14-win team at best.

  2. colapack 12/11/2007 at 12:47 PM #

    SFN, My comments aren’t directed specifically at you so don’t take it personally. They were directed at the general mood of the overall discussion on the topic which I think I am interpreting correctly. Some comments just seem to be a little emotional and hotheaded which would lead one to believe there is a narrowing 3-4 year window…and as I stated, this is an unrealistic expectation. It sounds like you agree with that last statement therefore thanks for the clarification.

  3. Trip 12/11/2007 at 12:53 PM #

    Johnson’s first game will be Davidson… talk about getting thrown in the fire against Curry. We’ll quickly find out if Johnson has the “Stuff” that we need in that one game… but I’d give him at least a few games before we declare him DOA or our savior.

  4. packbackr04 12/11/2007 at 1:22 PM #

    i will reiterate…
    does anyone know if sid has called John Wall and co. to tell him that 4 yrs starting in the ACC is his if he will just sign on the dotted line?

    if not, who is going to be our next PG, im done w/ Degand and Javi.

  5. packbackr04 12/11/2007 at 1:46 PM #

    and the good press just keeps a comin’… from cbssportsline…

    “Loss to hide from: Man oh man, have things turned terrible at N.C. State. Brandon Costner and Ben McCauley are having subpar seasons and the Wolfpack are now 4-3 following Saturday’s 75-69 loss to East Carolina. How bad was this loss? Consider that East Carolina entered having played 57 games in history against ACC opponents while losing … (you won’t believe this) … all 57. So obviously, Sidney Lowe’s preseason Top 25 team is falling apart, and the poor guy must feel like he’s coaching the Timberwolves and Grizzlies all over again. Lowe’s career NBA record was 79-228. But it’s one thing to lose to the Spurs, Jazz and Mavericks, and quite another to lose to the Pirates. “

  6. Trip 12/11/2007 at 2:20 PM #

    Packbackr04, John wall has already said that he’s a “one and done”. I’d rather Sid go after strong 4 star prospects that will stay atleast 2 years, especially at the PG position.

  7. tooyoungtoremember 12/11/2007 at 2:31 PM #

    If things don’t show signs of improvement soon, and as a result, recruiting takes as big of a hit as I think it will, I’ll take any PG we can get.

  8. wolfonthehill 12/11/2007 at 2:46 PM #

    The whole “getting used to playing with Hickson” thing is, in my mind, a total crock of shit. You have to get used to playing with good players? Then what the hell are YOU? You, Mr. Costner, thought about going to the NBA, but you (1) can’t stay in shape, and (2) can’t get used to playing with an NBA talent?

    This is about ego and attitude. A few guys on the team need their egos squashed, O’Brien style, and they need a massive attitude adjustment. Anything short of that, and this season’s irrevocably in the crapper.

  9. RAWFS 12/11/2007 at 2:51 PM #

    packbackr04, without looking, was that one certain GD that wrote that?

  10. packbackr04 12/11/2007 at 3:10 PM #

    the title of the article was “Monday Look Back: Timeouts, underdogs and home cookin'”

    and the author was Gary Parrish… never heard of em, but he looked like a real prick

  11. ShootingGuard 12/11/2007 at 3:44 PM #

    “*State hasn’t scored more than 72 points in a game yet. Meanwhile, rebuilding Arizona State, in case you were wondering, has passed the mark four times, scoring 87, 75, 91, and 77 points in beginning the season 6-2.

    *New Orleans lost to Nicholls State by 18 points. ECU has lost to Richmond, Liberty, at South Florida, Winthrop, and at home to Clemson.


    The only thing possibly worse than losing to ECU is seeing Herb lovers use this as their opportunity to prove some stupid point after years of apologizing for blowing games left and right and their own healthy share of poor efforts…I guess that typical “smoke and mirrors” 6-2 mark of wins versus cupcakes and debacles versus the only good teams on the schedule still gets you Herb guys all hot and bothered! In the end, it doesn’t matter what Herb does in the Pac 10—he sucked when it mattered in the ACC versus Dean, K, Roy, Maryland, Wake, etc. Herb never could win the regular season in the ACC, the ACC Tournament, or get a real run in the NCAA’s, most fans don’t live their lives to be eternal losers of big games, so Herb left. Good riddance.

    I am no Sid apologist. If Sid doesn’t succeed very quickly, fire Lee Fowler for blowing it with every other coach out there—it is his fault for bringing in Sid not Sid’s fault for running to rescue a program he loves that was desperate. If Sid doesn’t succeed in a more reasonable amount of time, somewhere between year 2 and year 5 (but certainly we shouldn’t have to wait until year 6) he should go—and, if we have fired Lee Fowler already as it should be and hired a good AD, a good AD should then be able to bring in a good coach without any questions about it.

    No matter what happens with Sid, I NEVER, EVER want Herb or any other smoke and mirrors “success” coach to ever walk the sidelines at State again. As bad as these poor year 2 early showings have been, they pale in comparison to Herb’s “great” late year 10 last year no effort from team 24 pt pasting by Roy Williams in front of the home crowd at the RBC with probably the worst team Roy will ever field—2 walk-on’s in the starting lineup no less. As bad as these early year 2 losses have been, they pale in comparison to watching Herb blow every big time game he ever coached (except for that 1 game vs UConn when Julius Hodge took it all on himself and got a call for change).

    We started from scratch with Sid. If Sid doesn’t work out, we start from scratch again. So be it, but, I NEVER, EVER want to go back to the days of old with Mr Personality (or some wax replica of him) and the great “effort” that his teams put out in blowing it multiple times to El Deano in year 1, destroyed early by “greats” like Providence & Tulane & Fresno State & Ohio State, being dominated by non-Duke non-UNC programs like Maryland (who was rebuilt to win championships by Williams) and Wake (who was rebuilt to win championships surprisingly enough by Odom)…Mmmm, can you say “offense” versus Ohio State or Iowa during those “classic” Big10/ACC challenges?…Oh, can you say “blow me big time” versus Maryland (19 pts?) or Duke (15 pts) in the ACC Tournament?…Oh, we got the call back versus UConn or it would have been “cry UConn” all over again, but can you say “blow Cal” or “blow Vandy” or “blow Wiscy” or get run over by a Longhorn in the NCAA’s? Yippee! “Great” times I NEVER, EVER want to see again no matter how bad it feels right now.

    It’s funny that the guys Sid recruited himself are the ones giving maximum effort whether they are talented like JJ or less talented like Degand who came to help out when we were desperate also. While, the Herb recruits are the ones pouting and not trying. I guess these Herb recruits signed up for minimal success and maximum suck efforts, so last year pretty much used up all of the success, and now they are just starting the patented Herb Sendek late season swoon early with patented Herb Sendek end game stupidity such as Courtney Fells subbing for Marcus Melvin in “Intentional Foul Part Deux”…Boy, I can’t wait for Ferguson to run on to the court and be our “6th man” on the court at once like when Herb sent Cliff Crawford in with 5 other guys…

  12. packbackr04 12/11/2007 at 4:11 PM #

    shooting^ what is the feel in the locker room right now^ as you alluded to above, sids guys are giving their all, and it shows. while the leftovers from the herb era(except Grant) appear to be somewhat indiferent? have the coaches laid down the law? do they have costner on the big boy diet that marines put overweight people on? and i again will ask, does anyone know if Sid has reached out to each and every freakin single one of the top 10 or 15 PG recruits next yr and told them, the first one who signs, will get 4 yrs of starting in the ACC on tobacco road? and if not, why the hell not? we need a PG badly right now. Degand has played well, but not good. he doesnt really “run” the offense. all the guards just pass around the perimeter trying to get it into JJ. how about some ball screens, lets move without the freakin ball people. Basketball 101…it was like the first thing i learned when i was seven. if you dont have the ball, MOVE and get open. if we pass the ball around the perimeter like that againt UNC-CH they are going to pick off all those sloppy passes and have a field day with us.

  13. RabidWolf 12/11/2007 at 4:21 PM #

    The problems plaguing the ‘Pack at this point in time can be summed up in one simple word…WORK.


  14. Kman Chu 12/11/2007 at 4:55 PM #

    I am completely deflated for this bball season. It’s not that I can’t deal with our team being mediocre or even downright terrible, but it’s that I don’t see us improving. It looks to me like no one has any clue what’s going on. It’s not just that we’ve lost, it’s how we’ve lost. And when we’ve won, it’s how we’ve won.

    Our team hasn’t given one positive sign this season. We have looked like utter garbage in every game that I’ve seen (televised in the triangle.) It’s been ugly even when we won. Our complete lack of effort on defense and lack of ANY offensive cohesion I could chalk up to being in a funk if I had seen anything else. We can’t just blame not having a real pg or any other personnel issues. You have to game-plan for the players you’ve got. Offensively it looks like we have no game-plan, and that starts at the top.

    Furthermore, we have guys seriously out of shape. That’s a long-term preparation issue that the coaches have complete control over. To me, that’s all there is to say: our guys weren’t even in shape for the beginning of the season.

    I hope I’m wrong, but I expect more of the same.

  15. john of sparta 12/11/2007 at 6:02 PM #

    indecent proposal/proposition:
    TOB beats basketball in winning percentage.
    who takes Sidney?

  16. Sweet jumper 12/11/2007 at 6:06 PM #

    ShootingGuard, Thanks for your rant. N. C. State has a rich basketball tradition, and the mediocrity of the Robinson/Sendek regimes was a disservice to all of the passion and energy and results achieved by Everett Case, Press Maravich, Norman Sloan and Jim Valvano. Todd Turner got what he deserved–again. We need to rally around Sid and trust that he will right this sinking ship. If he cannot after 4 to 5 years, I bet that he is man enough to step aside. But do not count him out now. I watched him work miracles with Coach V and I think he learned a ton from Morgan Wooten, Stormin’ Norman and Jimmy V. If he has to bench the starters or clean house and encourage some malcontents to transfer, then I trust his judgement and support those decisions. We all need to be patient and expect the best because Sid will never, ever give up.

  17. chilly water 12/11/2007 at 6:14 PM #

    ^I’v heard “we all need to be patient and expect the best” “so and so will right the ship” “Dont give up” for the past 20 sumthin years!!! And then, when we THINK the ship has been righted(?), we suck or are mediocore as hell.

    Honestly, I dont think State Basketball will EVER get to where it used to be. EVER! For real, thats a fair statement

  18. Trip 12/11/2007 at 6:18 PM #

    “”It’s funny that the guys Sid recruited himself are the ones giving maximum effort whether they are talented like JJ or less talented like Degand who came to help out when we were desperate also.””

    Wow, an excellent point there. I never really correlated effort to who recruited them, but it makes 100% sense.

    JJ is hustling on every play, and even if he makes mistakes on double teams, he’s still playing hard.
    Degand is less talented, but one thing I could never say about him is that he didn’t give it his all. He seems to really enjoy being out there as well.
    Javi I believe will end up starting at the PG position, just not until his junior/senior year, I like the way he plays, and he seems to be the only one who can force turnovers. Give him some experience and time to grow and I think he’ll be a great 4 year player.
    I really wish I could have seen Johnny Thomas play this year, he sounds like a Bennerman-type player with tons of athletic ability. I hope his knee-injury doesn’t affect his game long term.
    Smith looked good when he was given time (more than trash minutes) to play. Sid seems to like him as well, he talked a lot about his great attitude on the radio show last night. The only thing i’m wondering is… why the )#*% isn’t he playing instead of Costner? Sit Costner on the bench, or even better, on the bike.

    Now, if Johnson also plays hard, then Sid is definitely recruiting the right type of people as far as work-ethic goes. I’m more worried about Johnson after reading some posts/news on his transfer from TN to here, seems he has some attitude issues if he doesn’t get his playing time. But, if he plays hard, then he shouldn’t have to worry about playing time.

    I love Grant, I really do. I don’t care how many times he turns it over, he plays hard and (atleast I was hoping) would show the rest of the team that you have to play hard. Even when he was playing for Herb, near the end of the season in 05/06 (I think) when they were laying an egg, he was the only guy on the court who seemed to give a damn. I really wish his ethic were contagious.

  19. Stoner 12/11/2007 at 6:25 PM #

    does anyone know if Sid has reached out to each and every freakin single one of the top 10 or 15 PG recruits next yr and told them, the first one who signs, will get 4 yrs of starting in the ACC on tobacco road?

    I assume you are talking about the ’09 class, since the ’08 (next years) class has already committed.

    Hopefully Julius Mays, will improve the guard situation next year. The recruiting sites have him listed as a three star prospect, but the local news, in Indiana, has him listed as a top five candidate for Mr. Basketball, in the state, so I’m assuming (hoping and praying) he’ll be an upgrade at the guard position.

  20. lush 12/11/2007 at 6:43 PM #

    john of sparta,

    for all of our sakes, i choose sidney. if i have to watch this team go under .500, there will be a rampage the likes of which hasnt been seen since sherman’s march

  21. Stoner 12/11/2007 at 6:47 PM #

    How do I contact SFN? I had a post, which seems to be deleted.

  22. sf 12/11/2007 at 6:49 PM #

    Wow, y’all are a tough crowd. Reality is not always immediately obvious (remember last year). Hang in there; things may not be as bad as they seem.

  23. GAWolf 12/11/2007 at 6:50 PM #

    I think it’s pretty safe to say we’ll get at least another year out of Costner. I was worried we’d have a big year and lose both Hickson and Costner. If there’s a silver lining here I reckon that’s it.

  24. ShootingGuard 12/11/2007 at 6:52 PM #


    You reminded me of those back-to-back double digit destruction losses to last place Wake Forest at the end of Herb’s “great” run of success! That was clearly a program headed for championships! If we could have only WTNY!

    Mr “I’m always in Herb’s doghouse” Grant was the only guy even trying at that point of Herb’s illustrious tenure.

    Where’s the “character quotient” in Ben, BC, and Courtney that Herb always said was more important than anything else in his players? Did it get lost in a daytight compartment? Surely guys with such “character quotient” wouldn’t piss and moan about minutes and shots or need a guy sporting a championship ring to motivate them to play ball? Have they forgotten how to chop wood? Wait, those guys weren’t good enough to get minutes for Herb, so we never got a chance to hear them piss and moan like Scooter and Cam and etc. had to to get on the floor before transferring like the other double digit guys with too much “character quotient” to continue waiting their turn to run the weave-and-heave…At least MOD had a great game recently…

  25. MattN 12/11/2007 at 7:13 PM #

    If ASU, after an 8 (9??) win season makes the NCAA, and we don’t, following a 20-win season and adding the 19th ranked recuiting class, you cannot comprehend how pissed off I’ll be…

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