State Wins 2nd Exhibition

Relatively unimpressive. No big deal. Hickson played better. Tracy Smith and Dennis Horner continue to be highly efficient on offense. The Pack was a blistering 18-21 (85.7%) in non-three-point field goal percentage. This game represented the polar opposite in free throw shooting for State after excellent FT shooting in the first exhibition.

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07-08 Basketball

21 Responses to State Wins 2nd Exhibition

  1. burnbarn 11/07/2007 at 12:29 PM #

    It was a kinda dull game.. p just sat tight in a 1-3-1 zone all night with it really packed in. Our guys did not seem to have the focus they should and our 3 pt shooting seemed hurried and not in the flow of the offense. P ran the clock on their end and we ran our offense looking for the better shot on our end, hence the lower score.
    In the 2nd, we came out and played better defense and the shots started coming out of the offense properly and we moved ahead nicely. I think we held them to 19 pts in the 2nd. It was a surprise to see ferg be so aggressive.

    I really expected more ball pressure this season, but i think with Degand being the only quick, it was difficult to do against this team. Our guys were playing guys 4-7″ shorter than them and it was hard to match up on the perimeter.
    Coach used Fells at point and Ferg at the 2 alot so they could work on early season sets when degand might be on the bench. We really need Javi and/or Johnson to do what coach wants us to do defensively.

  2. RickJ 11/07/2007 at 12:45 PM #

    None of this means much since he didn’t actually play but I thought I would post my impressions of Javy Gonzales. He was dressed out and took part in the warm ups with a big bandage on his right thumb. Javy surprised me with his outside shot – he was burying 3 point shots with a very smooth stroke. He seems to have an outgoing personality and carries himself with a certain confidence. I am really looking forward to seeing him play.

  3. PAPacker 11/07/2007 at 12:53 PM #

    Rick, thanks for the post. A lot of good information.

  4. MrPerfectionest 11/07/2007 at 1:11 PM #

    So far I haven’t seen a lot of chemistry in either game. It flashes at times, but I was kinda hoping we’d dominate both of these teams. On the one hand, I guess it’s a nice positive that as a whole team we could be so apathetic and still handle them both with real ease, on the other hand, I’m a little disappointed the team wasn’t interested in busting their a$$ and dominating those guys. Hope the preseason hype hasn’t gone to their heads too much.

  5. haze 11/07/2007 at 2:09 PM #

    Nothing to be worried about but, also, nothing to be really excited about either.

    I suspect that it’s going to take a while to really set the chemistry and defensive persona of this team. Seeing the rotation against quality competition with actual post players will be enlightening. On the upside, perimeter passing has been crisp and 3pt shooting looks better than I’d hoped.

  6. zahadum 11/07/2007 at 2:15 PM #

    I have an early Christmas wish, that I never have to read the following words again: ‘leading rebounder, Ferguson’.

  7. noah 11/07/2007 at 2:27 PM #

    Didn’t I read that several players were suffering from the flu?

  8. ncsubch2000 11/07/2007 at 2:36 PM #

    Nothing overly impressive about the win, however, i’m sure there are two big10 schools that would have taken it!–gotta like not playing well and winning by 35.

  9. primacyone 11/07/2007 at 3:04 PM #

    I’m acutally glad that exhibition went the way it did. I’m not sure if Coach Lowe told the Pemborke coach to run that zone or not, but I think it was a very beneficial exhibition game. Tough zone, half court game, a lot of in-game adjustments, plus some mental adjustments.

    Nice, beneficail exhibition game.

  10. Delete-Me 11/07/2007 at 3:05 PM #

    Big Ben didn’t start and only played 17 minutes or so.

  11. atlas 11/07/2007 at 4:34 PM #

    Giglio said Ben fell ill during warmups.

    Also, anyone else see that Michigan State lost to Grand Valley State? I was hoping they’d be faultless when we beat them on the 28th.

  12. Mike 11/07/2007 at 4:44 PM #

    As for the FT shooting, numbers can be deceptive. Hickson was 1-4 and Smith was 1-7 – ouch! 16-30 total, but 14-19 if you take those two away. Yes, overall the FT shooting was poor, but I chalk it up to an off night for those two.

  13. bTHEredterror 11/07/2007 at 4:52 PM #

    You better get used to Ferguson, he’s not nearly as awful as widely purported. He is not a great player, but he makes some solid hustle plays and rebounds well for a guard. And if Fells or Grant haven’t improved their long range shooting, he will be necessary to stretch a defense out.

    On the other hand this was UNC-Pembroke’s zone and not the legendary Syracuse 2-3, and if Gonzalez can be a threat from the arc I would prefer to see him in those situations to avoid defensive mismatches at the 2.

  14. packbackr04 11/07/2007 at 5:47 PM #

    when is javi set to be back? Rick, it sounds like the cast is off then.. was it? i really think he will be our best pg by yrs end

  15. TNCSU 11/07/2007 at 6:14 PM #

    ^^packbackr04, I concur. I think Javi is practicing, and will be ready for William and Mary. He may not start right away, but my prediction is that he’ll be the starter by January — again, that’s totally a guess, though.

  16. redfred2 11/07/2007 at 8:02 PM #

    I don’t care what anyone says, I love Gavin Grant’s confidence and his desire to mix it up with anyone.

    Um, these comments, I’ve seen many a slow, dull, basketball game over past the years, and many of those were wins, but it is good to finally have enough horsepower to yawn all the way through a 35 point blowout.

  17. GAWolf 11/07/2007 at 10:23 PM #

    I heard someone talking on 99.7 or whatever it is (those guys leave much to be desired when it comes to intelligent sports talk at times) and he said that Ferguson looked good in this game. I didn’t even listen to it, so I’m just passing on the opinion of a resident “professional sports mouth”.

  18. JKL 11/08/2007 at 2:56 AM #

    NCSU Students are trying to initiate a RED OUT for Saturday’s game against UNC-CH. In my 4 1/2 years of NCSU academia no one has successfully tried/done this for any wolf pack athletic events.

    Innovations in networking websites (Facebook, MySpace, etc.) and blogs (the one and only StateFans) make this very possible. A Facebook “event” has been started and has gathered nearly 1,500 students to the cause.

    Its time to get it out to the Alumni and the rest of WolfPack Nation!

    Saturday, 12 Noon…. WEAR RED!!

  19. Bynum State Fan 11/08/2007 at 12:32 PM #

    The Czar of Inside ACC Hoops blog has just recently reported that they expect (based on previous two games) for us to have a “Lowe” amount of wins this season. Now I do not buy into that at all. Looking around the ACC, we see a number of changes that has taken place since last year. None of which put us an a bad situation this year. BC w/o Dudley. VTech without everyone. Even UNC did not improve their standing loosing Wes Miller and Reyshawn Terry. Only Duke made minor improvements with their less than stellar freshmen. How can anyone make such an assessment of our club. Now I know we haven’t seen anything inspirational up to this point, but have we been in a position to have it commanded of us yet? No, whom have we played that is going to demand the best out of us? Nobody. We could argue back & forth about all of the angles that need to be looked at to make an accurate assessment of this ball club. You also have to look at what other clubs are doing to make such a comparison. Based on the evidence at hand, I have no reason to believe we will have a sub-par season in 07-08.

  20. redfred2 11/08/2007 at 2:25 PM #

    I’ve said it before that I THOUGHT Ferguson MIGHT be kind of a sleeper. A good game against the Pembroke Indians isn’t much to jump up and down about, but I still have a feeling that he will make some big plays/shots for the Wolfpack somewhere on down the line.

  21. JeremyH 11/08/2007 at 10:46 PM #

    bynum state fan: which blog is this?

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