I See Dead People. They Are Wearing Red. Michigan State 81, NC State 58

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07-08 Basketball NCS Basketball

108 Responses to I See Dead People. They Are Wearing Red. Michigan State 81, NC State 58

  1. packgrad93 11/30/2007 at 11:33 AM #

    on the bright side, we will only lose 2 more games this year!

  2. packgrad93 11/30/2007 at 2:13 PM #

    “Hey – it could have been worse. Just think about how much worse the score would have been if HWSNBN was still here”

    let it go already

  3. redfred2 11/30/2007 at 2:30 PM #

    I have own BS theories on it, but there is doubt that something has gone terribly awry. I have think believe a lot of it is that some of the players just aren’t inspired and aren’t too thrilled about being on the Wolfpack squad right now for reasons that we can only speculate about. I would have used the word “team” instead of squad up there, but this group is about a far from anything even remotely resembling a TEAM as any group of kids I’ve EVER seen.

    Someboone had better realize that they’ve taken the wrong approach with this group and revert back to teaching basketball basics 101. That would also be hoping all along that he has egos in check and ears that are still willing to listen in.

  4. lush 11/30/2007 at 2:41 PM #

    “let it go already”


  5. spanky 11/30/2007 at 5:32 PM #

    agreed lush…. so much irony in “let it go already”

  6. packgrad93 12/03/2007 at 2:10 PM #

    you don’t see me bringing up Herb do you? Thought not.

    red, please re-read before hitting submit

  7. redfred2 12/04/2007 at 11:33 PM #

    “red, please re-read before hitting submit”

    I would translate it for you, but I can’t make any sense out of it either.


  1. Tom - 12/20/2007


    Please contact me.

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