I See Dead People. They Are Wearing Red. Michigan State 81, NC State 58

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07-08 Basketball NCS Basketball

108 Responses to I See Dead People. They Are Wearing Red. Michigan State 81, NC State 58

  1. JeremyH 11/28/2007 at 11:50 PM #

    The truth is usually somewhere in the middle. Adventuroo’s comments = the middle.

  2. lush 11/28/2007 at 11:51 PM #

    you know what, we have 5 point gaurds and 1/2 a big man for a coaching staff. that might explain the horrible rebounding.

    but we have even worse assist numbers. javi and degand have what, maybe 2 assists all year?? what the hell is going on in practice?

    get the f’ing ball to the big men in a position to score. that is what i expect from a team coached by point gaurds, and they cant even do that.

  3. lush 11/28/2007 at 11:54 PM #

    i dont see how the UNO game was freak. we have played every game the same way. the freaky thing is that we actually won 3 games playing like we did

  4. turnoffthetv 11/29/2007 at 12:00 AM #

    EverettBeez —-“turnoffthetv – did you not watch the ‘Nova game?
    was that not a “real effort”?”

    Yeah i watched it but I tell u what I also saw as I was flipping channels the other night , OJ Mayo deflect 3 or 4 passes in a matter of a few seconds(forget who USC was playing) —that is just an example—.I see this flippin channels or watchin games all the time. And I stand by my guns.

    There is no real effort.

    I see faint glimpses from time to time of effort but it never lasts.
    Maybe what I’m trying to say is I dont see that EXTRA EFFORT. That 110%. Not Even close to 100% Maybe a 75%effort.
    When I’m speakin of this I mean a total team effort of 100% or 110% Maybe 1 or 2 guys are givin 100% and the other guys are half a$$in it. u know what I mean.

  5. redfred2 11/29/2007 at 12:02 AM #

    I am down on the lack of effort. The bad thing about this type of loss is that it takes about twenty solid games of relentless, motivated, all out intensity on both ends of the court, to totally dispell this type of dreadful performance. I’m sure no one did, and that goes double for the coaching staff especially, but I did not expect to be worried this season about whether or not this team would coming to play night in and night out.

  6. EverettBeez 11/29/2007 at 12:07 AM #

    I’ll give you this turnoffthetv – the effort tonight didn’t break double digits. A real nightmare, no doubt. Massacre in East Lansing.

  7. NCSU84 11/29/2007 at 12:14 AM #

    tppack12 stated, “I actually switched over to the Republican debate on CNN. This is a sad statement.”

    Well tppack12, I switched over to watch ‘How the Grinch Stole Christmas’ with my 8 year old – much more entertaining than the game (if you want to call it a game).

  8. westwolf 11/29/2007 at 12:17 AM #

    There are problems that go way beyond fatigue.

  9. aPACKadeez 11/29/2007 at 12:18 AM #

    Tonight was the first night I turned the TV off on the Pack. Watching us play made me sick to my stomach. At least in the OSC in Orlando, we looked like we tried to play defense. We all played basketball when we were younger, what’s the standard way to play defense? Hands up, KNEES BENT, hike up the shorts, get close to the floor and slide your feet. How many of our guys played defense like that tonight? How many offensive rebounds do we have to give up each game? Our freakin’ point guard is 6’4. Come on. Most times, we have a front line on the court of Costner, Hickson, Grant or McCauley. Seriously? That’s ALOT of size. If you are playing defense correctly, you are between your man, and the basket. After the shot, turn around and stick your ass out and stay between the man, and the basket. SIGH.

    As far as offense goes, we CANNOT rely on JJ. JJ is a good player, but JJ is a freshman. Our offense is simply this. Pass it around the perimeter until JJ gets post position, and get it to him. If he’s double teamed, throw it up, if he’s triple teamed, throw it up. If the shot clock runs out, jack up a three. I’m not a basketball genius, but from what I can tell, Coster and McCauley are good passers. The reason Costner isn’t passing as much is because no plays are called for him, and he gets frustrated. Plays need to be drawn up to exploit the strengths of our players. For instance, run some sort of a switch, so that Costner is matched up with a taller, slower guy. Costner will get right by him and either score, get a high percentage shot, or get fouled. Or, get a mismatch so that he’s guarded by a smaller guy, he can back them down and post them up. If he’s double teamed, kick it out, and back into JJ. I’m just VERY frustrated with our offense. At least run some inside screens to free up our big guys. I’m convinced that Costner, McCauley and Hickson, can screen for each other, and with their passing abilities, get an easier shot than we get each time down the court.

  10. redfred2 11/29/2007 at 12:19 AM #

    ^Whether we were watching the game, the Republican debate, or The Grinch, I think we all got a taste of something that…”STINK, STANK, STUNK”, tonight.

  11. Texpack 11/29/2007 at 12:23 AM #

    Lack of effort was by far the most troubling thing. If shots aren’t falling, I can deal with that. Somebody on this team is going to have to get their head out of their asp long enough to find the ball coming up the court. Studies have shown that turning around also improves your chances of finding the ball in transition.

    Bright spot – Degand from beyond the arc in the second half. He was 3-4 on ball reversal spot up 3’s.

    How bad was Javi hurt?

  12. redfred2 11/29/2007 at 12:30 AM #

    “…you are between your man, and the basket.”

    Um, not around here. The players, and apparently the coaching staff as well, think that if you’re just close by and giving away every angle, then you’re guarding your man.

    I LOVE Sidney Lowe and believe he is THE man for the job, but thus far this season it has been a terrible showing in the fundamentals department.

  13. redfred2 11/29/2007 at 12:33 AM #

    Please watch as an out manned Ohio State TEAM fights for everything they’re getting.

  14. tppack12 11/29/2007 at 12:35 AM #

    Well at least it was a Republican debate. Nothing could have made me sicker than a thorough ass whippin and then watching Hillary’s ass.

  15. EverettBeez 11/29/2007 at 12:40 AM #

    ^ on man redfred – lmao – the stink, stank, stunk fit perfectly!! Well done!

    ^^”After the shot, turn around and stick your ass out” Has JR Reid pattened his ass? Can we chip in and buy the team some strap on the JR’s “Big Ol’ Carolina Ass” ™ for our guys? It seems like the ideal gifting opportunity for all of us who missed out on giving to the football expansion.

  16. redfred2 11/29/2007 at 12:42 AM #

    “…Hillary’s ass.”

    I believe that is redundant.

  17. EverettBeez 11/29/2007 at 12:51 AM #

    on a roll redfred.
    you, not hilary’s ass.

  18. JeremyH 11/29/2007 at 12:51 AM #

    ‘We ran into a team that was clicking tonight,” N.C. State coach Sidney Lowe said. ”They did what they were supposed to do. They saw we may have been a little tired and they took it to us.

    ”We don’t want to make any excuses,” Lowe said. ”I’d rather give them credit.”

    Said Izzo: ”In fairness to North Carolina State, I think they got tired.”

    ^^^I’m tired, you’re tired, we’re ALL tired Sidney.

  19. packpigskinfan23 11/29/2007 at 12:55 AM #

    packadeez- I dont think there was a player in the “Izzodome” tonight(and possibly not even in the COUNTRY) slower then Costner. I get sick watching him play defense this season… remember the fast break layup that MSU got where Costner was the only one back on D? Well to start off with, he was the only one back because it was a turnover, and his lazy ass didnt hobble too half court yet!! Secondly, he acted like he was gonna go for the charge… but basically stepped OUT of the MSU players way the last second!!! and THEN he couldnt get back to half court again by the time our guards had the ball down there!!! ARE YOU SERIOUS?!?! its disgusting.

  20. redfred2 11/29/2007 at 12:55 AM #

    Everybody in the room’s tired.

  21. JeremyH 11/29/2007 at 12:55 AM #

    boo woo, espn hates duke? heh…ha!

  22. Mike 11/29/2007 at 1:08 AM #

    Pitiful effort. Tired does not cut it. I recall one play late in the game where Grant actually moved AWAY from a rebound, and when the MSU player rebounded, kicked it out to the wing near where Grant ran away from the bound. Grant then ran away from the man with the ball, who promptly drilled a 3. Unbelievable.

    On a different note, Traveler Hansbro in the late game was consistently stuffed. OSU did not go for his fakes, and when he lowered his shoulder, the refs let them play. He did not get the phantom foul calls for the shoulder dip he gets in ACC play. They waited and blocked his shots. SWEET! There was something positive tonight.

  23. sf59 11/29/2007 at 1:10 AM #

    hillary=full assed
    state=half assed

  24. McLovin 11/29/2007 at 1:22 AM #

    I honestly can’t pick out one thing that I think is the cause of all of this. ~Are we still having the chemistry issues?
    ~Do we not have any offensive sets other than 4 around 1?
    ~Do we not understand that DEFENSE is what wins you ball games?
    ~We canNOT rely on only one guy to carry this team in games
    (W&M – JJ / UNO – Gavin / Rider – Fells / USC – Costner / Nova – Fells /
    MSU – JJ)

    >Costner got fat(ter) and only wants to shoot 3’s now.
    >McCauley just isn’t the same Big Ben to start the season.
    >We compliment Farnold but look at him when he doesn’t have the ball on offense & when on defense his man doesn’t have the ball and then TRY to compliment him
    >When Fells is good, he’s GOOD. Only thing is he’s only good every so often
    >Javy’s a scared frosh. He works hard and will be good eventually tho.
    >Gavin: be our senior LEADER.
    >Horner: I like you. Just watch the traveling violations kid.
    >To JJ: Keep up the good work (just learn to f’in pass)
    >Fergie: What you’re doing is working. Don’t change a thing. Haha

  25. packpigskinfan23 11/29/2007 at 1:26 AM #

    am I the only one that noticed that the past two(maybe even three) games, the first time JJ touches the ball, it turns into a travel??

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