A View from the Cheap Seats

Perhaps the Gameday crew will mention it in passing Saturday morning. Otherwise, I expect the most coverage The Biggest Game of the Year will garner nationally will be when its score scrolls across the bottom of other games. After all, it’s just a little backyard rivalry that will certainly never matter like the Red Sox-Yankees or Ohio State-Michigan, and it could never possibly register on the scale of Colts-Patriots.

C’mon, let’s be honest: it doesn’t even matter to the ACC race. The undeniable fact is that an overwhelming majority of Americans won’t know this game is even being played and wouldn’t care if they did.

But that’s fine; I understand completely.

Because the truth is, I couldn’t give a rat’s hindquarters what the overwhelming majority of Americans think about this game, and I won’t waste my time arguing its merits as an intense, important rivalry because I couldn’t care less to whom else it’s important.

See, for those of us who were born in little places called Moravian Falls or grew up in Iron Station or Elm City, and for those of us that have lived in Asheville or Wilmington or anywhere in between, and for those of us that draw battle lines depending upon whether real barbeque is Lexington-style or Eastern-style – just so we’re clear: I’m a born and bred Westerner but I can assure you when The Great Pork War breaks out I’m siding with Wilber’s because Eastern-style is the only true pig fit for pickin’ – and especially for those of that have had our classes in Mann or Riddick Hall interrupted by the rumbling by of a passing train, we know precisely what this game means.

It’s so much bigger than any other game ESPN could possibly shove down our throats any given Saturday. Sure, in a few weeks I’ll watch Ohio State play Michigan and Auburn play Alabama, because I’m a fan of college football (particularly SEC football) and I enjoy watching good games. But I have no vestment in which of those teams wins, because I’m a State fan, which invariably means I hate Carolina.

Let me elaborate: I despise Carolina with every last ounce of passion I can muster; actually, I hate the whole principle of Carolina. In fact, it’s probably sinful how much I wholly detest them.

But without Carolina to hate, what’s the point? At the most basic level, that’s really what it’s all about to a State fan, right?

Every hero requires a villain and every rivalry must be fueled off some common ground, so no matter how much we might loathe them, we can’t deny they’re a part of our lives. We’ve sat at the Thanksgiving dinner table with them, in the pew beside them, in the office next to them. We’ve developed lifelong friendships with them and even been in their weddings. And for every one of us that has introduced a friend and quickly annotated it with “He’s a Carolina fan – but he’s still an ok guy,” we’ll be battling Saturday for the coveted opportunity to make that post-game gloating phone call; most likely we’ll get their voicemail, which is actually all that much sweeter, because it’s like an extra turn of the dagger.

And that really is what it’s all about, right? We all know it’s much more fun to make that call than it is to receive it; it’s an unadulterated, blissful moment. And until you’ve either made that call or suffered through it, how can you ever truly understand what this game means?

So ESPN can have Ohio State-Michigan – I could care less who wins that game.

Because I’m a State fan and it really is this simple: Go to hell Carolina!

About LRM

Charter member of the Lunatic Fringe and a fan, loyal to a fault.

'07 Football General

77 Responses to A View from the Cheap Seats

  1. FrankManor 11/06/2007 at 6:24 PM #

    the eye creature’s a jackass with a third grade education, regardless of what he says.

    by the way, Jim, I wear a size 12 in adidas.

  2. backinpack 11/06/2007 at 6:30 PM #

    Ahhhhhhhhhh, the rivalry. I love it when it’s in full swing. This shit-talking about who will win this year. The claims of:

    “We own you guys in the lifetime series”
    “We work harder than you guys because our school is harder”
    “Have fun working at McDonald’s when you graduate”
    “Oh yeah, well MJ went to our school (though all UNC-CH fans forget he grew up a State fan!)”
    “Go back to CrackRide”
    “Go back to the TurdPit”

    They are all so irrational that it’s fun. I love the 3 (and last year 4) times we play you guys in a sport that matters (sorry all you women’s soccer fans) and I go back to hating everything from UNC-CH for a solid week — hard to beleive I *used* to be a fan. Good thing they had no majors that *really* interested me — otherwise I’d be stuck in the same baby-blue haze as the rest of ’em.

    Go to Hell Carolina — Go State!

  3. kool k 11/06/2007 at 6:30 PM #

    I love when Willie Parker says “Clinton Dark Horses” during the starting line up

  4. FrankManor 11/06/2007 at 6:31 PM #

    Willie Parker fumbled more in a day than TA did in his entire career.

    no wonder his ass sat the bench.

  5. backinpack 11/06/2007 at 6:33 PM #

    FrankManor, JimmyV will hook you up only if you promise to wear then while you are sitting in the seats Lawson sells you.

  6. kool k 11/06/2007 at 6:36 PM #

    Gotta admit…I’m starting to like this FrankManor’s moxie

  7. oldflyingfarmer 11/06/2007 at 6:43 PM #

    As long as State wins, and Carolina loses, I’m satisfied!

  8. FrankManor 11/06/2007 at 6:46 PM #

    “…the seats Lawson sells you.”

    only if Damon Thornton drives me to the game.

    Lawson selling seats? That’s not how it goes. You give them to loose girls (we have those over in CH…) in exchange for post game, um, recap.

  9. backinpack 11/06/2007 at 6:52 PM #

    Don’t blame Thorton for his driving habits — he learned them during his official visit with Coach Ford in Chapel Hill.

  10. McPete 11/06/2007 at 7:01 PM #

    “Willie Parker fumbled more in a day than TA did in his entire career”

    –and i guess the coaching staff couldn’t help him overcome that problem, ala Tiki Barber, who had similar problems early in his career. it was coaching incompetence either way you look at it.

  11. Trey 11/06/2007 at 7:03 PM #

    Have you driven a Ford lately?

  12. FrankManor 11/06/2007 at 7:08 PM #

    that’s more like it boys…especially the ford bit.

    I’d like to see a bit more ribbing on McInnis and Ndiaye, tho.

    and nope, the coaching staff couldn’t coach out Willie’s fumbling…you can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make him hold on to the football.

    something like a mixed metaphor.

  13. backinpack 11/06/2007 at 7:21 PM #

    Oh, I’ve got *pages* on Mhaktar….

  14. backinpack 11/06/2007 at 7:23 PM #

    McInnis was funny too because it wasn’t long before UNC-CH blow^W die-hards were absolutely positive he never went to school there.

  15. RabidWolf 11/06/2007 at 8:08 PM #

    “Lawson selling seats? That’s not how it goes. You give them to loose girls (we have those over in CH…) in exchange for post game, um, recap.”

    I thought there were ONLY loose girls in CH. I’m just sayin’.

  16. McPete 11/06/2007 at 8:17 PM #

    as much as i’d enjoy a wolfpack victory this season, i’ll savor it more next year in chapel hill beating the crap out of the boys in baby (oh wait, nevermind….Duke) blue.

  17. McPete 11/06/2007 at 8:17 PM #

    IF BMFD sticks around.

  18. RabidWolf 11/06/2007 at 8:17 PM #

    The absolute KEY for this game is OL play, period. If Evans gets time, he will carve up the UNX secondary, and the same goes for Yates(sp?). The only advantage I can see to give the edge to Evans and the ‘Pack is experience. If State’s DL can get pressure, even occasionally, in the backfield, Yates may make some bad decisions. Evans has shown he knows when to throw it away. IF those poor decisions are made, State’s secondary has been really well over the past few games, and will look for ANY opportunity to take the ball away.

  19. RabidWolf 11/06/2007 at 8:20 PM #

    Should have been—secondary is PLAYING really well.

  20. RabidWolf 11/06/2007 at 8:29 PM #

    I just hope I don’t have “drunk tarhole” in my section.

    “Drunk Pack fan” is a lot more fun to be around.

  21. redfred2 11/06/2007 at 8:31 PM #

    Jeez FrankManor, don’t be so hard on Parker. It’s hard to play a manly game like football while wearing that adorable, cute as a button, powder blue uniform.

  22. RabidWolf 11/06/2007 at 8:33 PM #

    I’m still waiting for them to put duckie and bunny stickers on the helmets!!

  23. RedTerror29 11/06/2007 at 9:23 PM #

    I need FrankManor’s phone number so I can make one of those calls. All my UNC fans will be singing the “I’m not a Carolina football fan” by 4pm on Saturday.

  24. redfred2 11/06/2007 at 9:25 PM #

    Powder blue “size 12 adidas” at that. That is intimidating for sure. Got some ear muffs and a big ole powder blue turle neck to go with those sneakers?

  25. packwolf90 11/06/2007 at 9:31 PM #

    the 98 game was on ESPN clssic today

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