Post-Game: FSU 27 NC State 10 (Video Highlights)

Well I was wrong…FSU wasn’t concerned enough with State to modify their offense at all. The bright points were few….but there were a few nice surprises.

Jamelle Eugene: 14 carries for 101 yards against the nation’s 10th best rushing defense (which is only good enough for third place in the conference).

– The State defense did a good job overall and held FSU to 124 yards rushing. That either says something nice about State’sdefense….or something horribly bad about FSU rushing ability.

Bad News:

Andre Brown’s injury.

– The officials made some absolutely horrible calls….but it wouldn’t have changed the outcome of the game.

– State had 129 yards of offense in the first quarter; but only 139 yards for the remainder of the game. Once FSU made some adjustments, State simply didn’t have anything left to try.

– And more turnovers…

About VaWolf82

Engineer living in Central Va. and senior curmudgeon amongst SFN authors One wife, two kids, one dog, four vehicles on insurance, and four phones on cell plan...looking forward to empty nest status. Graduated 1982

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52 Responses to Post-Game: FSU 27 NC State 10 (Video Highlights)

  1. vtpackfan 10/07/2007 at 12:33 PM #

    “Call it chopping wood if you like. ”

    Let’s not tip toe around the issue of a certain comparison that seems to get thrown around on message boards like PP. Heck, the guys sitting behind was screaming all day long at the Louisville game. Ofcourse I mean, “WHAT! You mean to tell me we hired Herb Sendek “the football coach”!?”

    Say what you will about the nonsensical aspect of comparing apples to oranges, but if the point of the barb is to insult the preogress of the program it misses by a mile. I for one think Herb would make an excellent football coach. You spend a vastly different ratio of practice time vs. actual game time, so the “in game adjustments” would be off set more by the heavy focus of playing like you practice.

    As I mentioned above, during the Red/White game and fall scrimmages our QB’s and OL have practiced liked they play. Until the day comes where we can consistently and sincerely put forth a BCS effort M-F, then we can forget about thinking that these errors that are confounding all our efforts on game day are a simple twist of fate. Or as CTC would excuse it, due to it being “a game of inchs.”

    We need someone who will strive for an inch here on clear fall day mid week. That’s something we didn’t give credit to Sendek for while he was here, but in the realm of football the fruits of this type of labor will be far more bountifull then could ever be harvested in BBall, IMO.

  2. 1.21 Jigawatts 10/07/2007 at 12:44 PM #

    One positive that I saw during the game was the receivers/backs were actually catching passes with their hands as opposed to attempting to trap the ball against their pads. That is a huge pet peeve of mine.

  3. McPete 10/07/2007 at 12:46 PM #

    as long as he doesn’ pull a butch davis or randy shannon and announce the starters himself without a trace of enthusiasm

  4. RabidWolf 10/07/2007 at 1:18 PM #

    Good point, 1.21! Another thing that seemed vastly improved, IMHO, was the effort tackling. It seemed like the players were actually trying to take a player down rather than trying to strip the ball and arm tackle (which is a BIG reason ClemPsun ran all over them) if these kids take more from the positives and improvements, slight as they may be, than from the fact they lost–it could actually boost their confidence and provide a little momentum going into the bye week and preparations for EasyU.

    Is it a bad thing to hope Beck can’t go?

  5. redfred2 10/07/2007 at 1:26 PM #

    vt, I love ya man, you know that, but do you think that a bunch of 3 pointers, field goals that is, as being the case in what you’re saying here, could really take us to the next level?

  6. st8family 10/07/2007 at 2:03 PM #

    Saw this on PP Premium where someone researched turnover information:

    Since 2003, we have played 27 games and:

    “Only 4 ACC games out of 27 where we have had net positive turnovers. UMD 05, GT 06, Clemson 06 and FSU 05. (Other 3 were EKy, Richmond, Wofford)

    10 games out of 40 where we were -3 or more in TO margin.
    (25% of our games we are giving it away 3 more times than we take it away)

    2 games out of 40 where we were +3 or more in TOs (FSU, UMD 05)

    9 games where we had postive TO margin– 22% of the time”

    9 games out of 40 with net takeaways and 10 with minus 3 or more net ain’t going to get it done.

    Hell, Philip was losing games with -3 turnover margin.

  7. tcthdi-tgsf-twhwtnc 10/07/2007 at 2:13 PM #

    BJD95 Says:
    October 6th, 2007 at 7:29 pm
    Where did this defense come from? No way was that a personal foul.

    noah Says:
    October 6th, 2007 at 7:30 pm
    How the hell did he catch that??

    noah Says:
    October 6th, 2007 at 7:31 pm
    Should have been off. pass interference. He pulled the DB down.

    The two minutes in history that turned what was a great game into simply another example of how poor the officiating is in the ACC. The personal foul coupled with the non call on offensive pass interference where a disgrace to all college athletics. I’m sure that same crew will still be working next week without sanction. Why bother to practice and play the games when officials can turn a 7 point hard fought contest into a 14 point lead only to quickly to become 17 after the FSU kickoff and State fumble.

    It is a shame that college athletics with all the money involved have not figured out a way to officiate the games. A great game was turned over to the home team in a real two minute stretch. A disgrace to officiating for sure.

  8. redfred2 10/07/2007 at 2:39 PM #


    I agree, we were wobbly and would have needed much luck to actually win the game, but it WAS still very much a game up until those terrible calls. We went from needing extra motivation that could have come from any individual on any play, to a totally broken down team without hope of winning, all in no time, and because of several poor officiating decisions.

    The rules say that both players have equal opportunity to catch the ball, reverse the color schemes on the uniforms, and tell me if the 6’6″ defensive back gets flagged or not.

  9. RochesterRedWolf 10/07/2007 at 3:30 PM #

    did u guys see that sack that Thomas Barnes had, where Antone Smith, the FSU running back picks him, and he just drives him back into the QB and then discards him and sacks XL.

    also, how many times yesterday was XL able to get a pass off with some serious zip on it while being tackled by a State LB or DL, i remember 3 instances, i was pretty amazed.

  10. redfred2 10/07/2007 at 4:17 PM #

    ^Lee is STRONG, I couldn’t believe those throws either. The game announcers kind of got on my nerves hyping him so much though. FSU’s defense had scored points afterall, and it wasn’t like Lee was having that spectacular of an overall game.

  11. RabidWolf 10/07/2007 at 6:35 PM #

    Anybody else watching the Chargers / Ponies game? PR is making me wax nostalgic and long for seasons past. Why is it that State can only get a QB like that once every half century?

  12. noah 10/07/2007 at 6:39 PM #

    Man…that pass to Gates was utterly gorgeous.

    (are the horsies that bad?)

  13. RabidWolf 10/07/2007 at 7:16 PM #

    NOPE…PR AND COMPANY ARE ACTUALLY THAT GOOD! The game gets out of hand and the netwerk switches over to 49er’s / Ravens…..who cares about the 49er’s and the Crows?

  14. RabidWolf 10/07/2007 at 7:17 PM #

    how about PR getting a RUSHING TD!?!?!?!

  15. packgrad2000 10/07/2007 at 8:09 PM #

    Gotta feel bad for Brian Clark though…he fumbled the kickoff after PR’s rushing TD to give the Chargers their 2nd TD just 11 seconds later.

  16. Par Shooter 10/08/2007 at 9:12 AM #

    I wasn’t trying to toss a barb at TOB, veiled or otherwise. For all of the grief that Herb received for his expressions like daytight compartments or chopping wood, the concept that he was trying to get across is sound. Keep your head down and continue to work hard and try to make slow, steady incremental progress. And that is exactly what our fball team needs to do right now. We don’t really have any choice except to do that or quit. It’s not like we are going to make some huge leap that allows this team to start winning games this year. But we can’t let that deter us from trying to get a little bit better with each practice so that perhaps we can come into next season better than we did this season.

  17. vtpackfan 10/08/2007 at 9:43 AM #

    Good point Par ^, and I think no one understand tis concept and implements with the aide of his staff in a more systematic and classy appreoach. So far I have been nothing but impressed with the start of this regime.

    The on field results have been disgusting at times, but this staff and the players have held the line. We have not had a back broken in any games until mistakes, miscues, and overwhelming talent by the oppositon has succomed on in latter periods of the contest.

    We keep getting ourselves into a portion of the game to put it into position to win a ball game and fail.

  18. noah 10/08/2007 at 9:44 AM #

    Every off. coordinator, experienced QB, head coach, football strategist…they all say that when you’re facing a big defict and you have serious doubts about whether or not you can come back…just eliminate the big picture stuff. Forget the score and just make first downs.

    That’s all you can really do.

    If I were a State player, I’d forget the record, the injuries, the complete and total lack of talent on the squad and the overwhelming talent lined up in front of me.

    Just focus on the play in front of you. THIS play is the most important play of your life. Just execute THIS play.

  19. TNCSU 10/08/2007 at 10:04 AM #

    ^^I’m not making excuses, but how about the center snap when Evans is in the shotgun.

    I’ve noticed exactly the same thing for several weeks. Seems like about 50% of the shotgun snaps are low – causing the QB to take his eyes down to the ground and off the defensive set-up.

  20. packplantpath 10/08/2007 at 11:40 AM #

    The low snaps are not new. The same problem was noticeable last year, so I’m assuming it’s the same guy. Probably doesn’t make a huge difference in most games, but in a close one like the 1st half of this one, it can’t hurt to have the snaps up high.

  21. lush 10/08/2007 at 12:14 PM #

    “The two minutes in history that turned what was a great game into simply another example of how poor the officiating is in the ACC.”

    There were THREE horrible calls in a 4 play span. First the bogus roughing the kicker when even the announcer said it looked like the kicker kicked our player. Then the over the back pass interfernce that wasnt called that put them up 14. Then once we get the ball back, on 2nd down, Evans throws and INT that the defender clearly caught out of bounds!! it wasnt even reviewed. just a ridiculous sequence of events.

  22. packplantpath 10/08/2007 at 12:30 PM #

    I though the roughing the kicker call should have been a 5 yarder. Under no circumstances can you touch the kicker, even if you get pushed into him by somebody on the other team. It will be called if you touch him. He was touched, end of story.

    But, the roughing part was a bit excessive. The bigger question is, why was anybody int he back field. At that point, i would not have tried to block the punt.

    Agree on the bs pass interference call. It seemed like they made more interference calls than usual.

  23. tcthdi-tgsf-twhwtnc 10/08/2007 at 2:06 PM #

    “Why is it that State can only get a QB like that once every half century?”

    A question that may never be answered. I don’t know the numbers but I would guess that State has put more receivers in the NFL over the last 25 years than any other ACC school, except maybe FSU. I don’t know how you get all these great receivers when they have to know they will be having short QB’s throwing them the ball without much of an arm.

    And the difference to me between Sendek and O’Brien is the when O’Brien talks it is usually something worth hearing. When Sendek would open his mouth he would say something that reinforced the fact that he very well may be an idiot savant.

  24. Par Shooter 10/08/2007 at 2:15 PM #

    Would that be a playtight compartment?

  25. vtpackfan 10/08/2007 at 4:12 PM #

    t-t-t^ Nooo, you didn’t just break out the idiot savant jab. Very original, I’ll give you that, practically your namesake.

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