DBR: Featherston On NC State Hoops

So where do you rank them? If you believe all the optimism about the newcomers at the point, it makes sense to project the Pack at second or third in the league.

But it’s dangerous to believe that optimism. You have to understand that one lesson you learn about more than 30-plus years of ACC Operation Basketball is that EVERYBODY is optimistic at this time of year. Every problem will be solved, either by a freshman underrated by the experts, or by a veteran who just hasn’t gotten a chance to show what he can do yet.

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125 Responses to DBR: Featherston On NC State Hoops

  1. newt 10/25/2007 at 3:40 PM #

    “I’ve seen remarkably LITTLE actual analysis of the three candidates in the preseason coverage by the mainstream media so far…have I missed anything? I don’t think I recall ever seeing a team with such a gaping hole at PG ranked in the top three in the ACC preseason…I’ve just been assuming they knew something I didn’t…I hope I’m right…”

    That’s a good point.

    On paper, and based on Sidney’s comments about a “run the show” guy, Marques Johnson is mostly likely the starting PG, nothwistanding Grant’s comments about Degand.

    A scenario is that Johnson is the primary guy and Degand comes in for a spark when the Pack is sluggish.

    Javi probably waits his turn for a couple of years, if we aren’t able to recruit a 4 or 5 star over him.

    Johnson was generally a 4-star with offers from significant programs like Georgetown, Indiana, Oklahoma, and Purdue. Degand and Javi were generally 3-stars with fewer offers, from second-tier programs other than NC State.

  2. packgrad93 10/25/2007 at 3:42 PM #

    Most people would say Sid entered a great situation. Didn’t say he walked into a nat’l championship year last season. He got great, young talent to build around. Great facilities in the RBC center & Dail complex. The best conference. A program coming off 5 straight years of going to the dance. A great fan base. What else would he want?

  3. Rick 10/25/2007 at 3:45 PM #

    “Grant avg 23 min/game his soph season. Try another untruth Rick.”

    How many did he average at PG?
    You also have to account for the fact that he was playing in the weave an heave offense. The weave and heave is like a basketball IQ vacuum. The more you play it the dumber and dumber you become. In essence his “experience” was in standing like a statue until it was time to chunk a trey.
    That would also explain why McCauley and Costner did so well, they had so little time to be brainwashed.

  4. Rick 10/25/2007 at 3:47 PM #

    “A great fan base. What else would he want?”

    According to LF our fanbase is a bunch of lunatics.

    “A program coming off 5 straight years of going to the dance.”
    That and a dime will get you a cup of coffee.

  5. primacyone 10/25/2007 at 3:50 PM #

    “Most people would say Sid entered a great situation.”

    False. Wrong there cedar.

    “What else would he want?”

    More than 6-7 scholarshop players at a time. More than 1 freshman recruit entering. Cedric Simmons not leavinf for the NBA. Brackman playing basketball another year. A non-injured point guard. Another point guard in case the first one got injured. A lot less of the backage that came from the Fowled coaching search. An easier conference schedule. A fan named Cedar to go root for Carolina. That’s just to start!

  6. packgrad93 10/25/2007 at 3:58 PM #

    “You also have to account for the fact that he was playing in the weave an heave offense.”

    keep trying to back out of that false comment that he had “very little experience”. LMAO

    downplay it all you want but coming off 5 years of dancing is significant. Better than the play-in game named after your coach ……

    Sid only had a limited roster for ONE season. That doesn’t make it a bad situation for the future of the program. Atsur’s injury, coaching search, conference schedule, blah blah. Keep reaching. 9 out of 10 would call it a great situation to build a program with the foundation set & Sid will get it done.

  7. primacyone 10/25/2007 at 4:01 PM #

    “Sid only had a limited roster for ONE season. That doesn’t make it a bad situation for the future of the program. Atsur’s injury, coaching search, conference schedule, blah blah.”

    False. Wrong again Cedar. Damn sure doesn’t make it a “entered a great situation” as you called it.

    “Keep reaching. 9 out of 10 would call it a great situation to build a program with the foundation set & Sid will get it done.”

    False. Wrong again Cedar. 9 our of 10 would not call it a “great situation”.

  8. PamlicoPack 10/25/2007 at 4:06 PM #

    Why do you guys continue to feed the troll?

  9. packgrad93 10/25/2007 at 4:06 PM #

    “TOB entered a really great opportunity.”

    how can one say TOB entered a great opportunity & Sid didn’t?

  10. cooldrip 10/25/2007 at 4:08 PM #

    Here is another way of looking at it: our new coach entered his position after one of the longest stretches of mediocrity in NC State history. He also inherited a team that was recruited to play a much different system than the one Sid, any former State coach, or most of the other college coaches you might care to talk about, would be running. A system that basically DOES NOT use a point guard. We also had only 7 scholarship players. This is hardly a ‘great’ situation. What made it a potentially ‘great’ situation was the legacy created by men like Case, Sloan, Valvano … but not ANYTHING Herb Sendek ever did.

  11. Rick 10/25/2007 at 4:10 PM #

    “Better than the play-in game named after your coach ”

    When did it get names after Sid?

    keep trying to back out of that false comment that he had “very little experience”.
    All that experience you are touting was bad experience. It took him two months alone to learn to see past the day tight compartment he had been in for 2 years. Then he had to learn that there is such thing as a two point shot. Then he had to learn what a pick was. Then it was the complications of learning actual plays as opposed to the amorphous mass of an offense that we had played. Whew, it is amazing he was able to get out of bed with all the things he had to relearn the proper way.
    Good thing he did not have too much experience, it might have taken him 6 months to unlearn that mess.

  12. PamlicoPack 10/25/2007 at 4:14 PM #

    Sigh. I’m bowing out of this thread…you guys are like the elderly men down at the General Store who reargue the same issues day after day, year after year…

  13. packgrad93 10/25/2007 at 4:22 PM #

    “A system that basically DOES NOT use a point guard.”

    untrue myth. why was wright coming here then?

    “one of the longest stretches of mediocrity in NC State history.”

    really? how many times has NCSU been to the dance 5 years in a row?

    “but not ANYTHING Herb Sendek ever did.”

    who recruited Grant, Fells, BC, Ben? The core of the team.

    “All that experience you are touting was bad experience. ”

    oh, than why did Engin have experience? Keep digging. LOL.

  14. primacyone 10/25/2007 at 4:24 PM #

    ““TOB entered a really great opportunity.”

    how can one say TOB entered a great opportunity & Sid didn’t?”

    False. Wrong again Cedar. And out of context. I didn’t say Sid didn’t enter a great opportunity or that the job in general was not a great opportuintiy.

    Said TOB enterd a “great opportunity”, same as Sid. TOB entered a “shitty situation” and Sid did not enter a “great situation” as you said.

    Keep reaching!

  15. packgrad93 10/25/2007 at 4:34 PM #

    “Said TOB enterd a “great opportunity”, same as Sid”

    we agree then. semantics I guess “1 year situation” vs program opportunity. Both had tough 1 year situations but great opportunities fur the near future.

  16. cooldrip 10/25/2007 at 4:34 PM #

    Untrue myth? How many times did our point guard bring the ball up, slide wing-side off a pick, then make a post-entry pass? This is the way most coaches want to begin an offensive set. If you mean a guy who dribbles across half-court then passes into some kinda weaving set without a structured attempt at post-entry, yeah we had point guards …

    How many sweet 16s? What about Elite Eights? Final Fours? Remind me how many banners Herb hung in ten years? How many trophies? We play for silverware here; anything less over TEN YEARS IS mediocrity. Learn your history, son.

  17. Rick 10/25/2007 at 4:35 PM #

    “oh, than why did Engin have experience? Keep digging. LOL.”

    He played Euro ball. That is where he learned those pesky PG skills.

  18. primacyone 10/25/2007 at 4:40 PM #

    “we agree then. semantics I guess “1 year situation” vs program opportunity.”

    False. Wrong again Cedar. We do not agree.

    Both had tough 1 year situations but great opportunities fur the near future.”

    So you are admitting to your falsehood?

    pack93grad said: “he came into a great situation . . . . . ”
    pack93gread said: “Both had tough 1 year situations . . . . “

  19. packgrad93 10/25/2007 at 4:41 PM #

    answer my question, why was Wright coming then?

    1 sweet 16, 1st since 1989. only had 3 FF in our history, there have been plenty 10 year spans w/o one.

    how old are you? never call me son.

  20. packgrad93 10/25/2007 at 4:43 PM #

    “So you are admitting to your falsehood?”

    No. you were calling a great opportunity what I was calling a great situation. like i said, semantics.

  21. packgrad93 10/25/2007 at 4:43 PM #

    “He played Euro ball. That is where he learned those pesky PG skills.”

  22. primacyone 10/25/2007 at 4:52 PM #

    “No. you were calling a great opportunity what I was calling a great situation. like i said, semantics.”

    False. Wrong again Cedar. There is no semantics. There could not be confusion between the definition of the words “situation” and “opportunity”. They are almost polar opposite.

    Secondarly in one post you said it was a “great situation” to enter and then in another post you said it was a “tough situation”. No chance for semantics there.

    You were telling redfred he was wrong when in fact he was right. You were being your typical antagonist self and got caught being wrong in both opinion and text.

    The only semantics is you using the word to try and cover your arse because your not sure if it is on top of your shoulders or below your waste line.

  23. noah 10/25/2007 at 5:40 PM #

    Well…there’s 10 minutes I’ll never get back.

    You’re both idiots and you’re both wrong. Congratulations.

  24. newt 10/25/2007 at 5:51 PM #

    With fans like ’93, who needs rivals?

  25. beowolf 10/25/2007 at 6:00 PM #

    cedar is just trying to make sure duke and carolina fans don’t have anything bad to say about State fans, and apparently he thinks this is to be accomplished by saying bad things about State fans.

    It’s Halloween time, pun’kin, and it’s spooooooky scary times … look out, a blue devil is treating NC State like, like, like … A BASKETBALL RIVAL! OMIGOD RUUUUUNNNNNN!

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