SFN Going For The Trifecta: UNC YouTube Fan Deletes Video Then Creates Another

TheEyeCreature, who received three degrees in six years from UNC-CH, has posted another video. We have linked to three of his videos, and he has deleted all three. In this video he rails against SFN and the “haters”. This one has a classic quote: “YouTube is for the young people, the old people, the stutters, and the people with mental problems”.

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'StateFansNation' is the shared profile used by any/all of the dozen or so authors that contribute to the blog. You may not always agree with us, but you will have little doubt about where we stand on most issues. Please follow us on Twitter and FaceBook


40 Responses to SFN Going For The Trifecta: UNC YouTube Fan Deletes Video Then Creates Another

  1. RAWFS 09/18/2007 at 9:58 AM #

    When you put yourself out there, you open yourself to ridicule. It goes with the territory.

    I can attest to that — in the first days of RAWFS, we wrote that “fans are beginning to demand change” after State had bumbled its way to a 24-14 loss against Georgia Tech in a game with poor play calls by Noel Mazzone and the silly penalties that would come to be the hallmark of the Amato era. By saying this, clearly, we were ahead of the curve and some folks read it to say that we were calling for Amato’s ouster — for which we got soundly and thoroughly blasted. It was what it was, and we took the heat and held on to our guns, but that didn’t stop some from ridiculing us for so doing. See: http://www.redandwhitefromstate.com/article.php?story=20041107175701350

    StatefansNation has had this problem from time to time as well when the writers here would make statements that went against the grain of what some thought was correct. The phrase “Hatefans Nation” has been bandied about on PP’s message board, but the writers here did the right thing and stood by what they said because they believed what they wrote and expressed an honest opinion.

    Now this guy comes along, puts together videos analyzing Carolina football and whines when he catches heat for it. Man up, dude. If you said it, be man enough to say you said it and don’t gripe when you get made fun of. Bottom line is that if what you have to say is solid, people may disagree, perhaps even loudly, but you put it out there and now you have to live with that. If you can’t take the heat, don’t upload the video.

    And oh, you may want to take a writing class, a logic class, a football class and join Toastmasters besides.

  2. StateFans 09/18/2007 at 10:19 AM #

    I have to agree. We like what this guy is doing. Everyone is different. Different can be funny, but in no way do we hope he stops making these videos. That is the great thing about the internet,you can make a name for yourself in a lot of different ways. If I had to guess he just doesn’t like the personal attention that it has caused. That can sometimes be uncomfortable. It would be smart if he would embrace that attention.

  3. BoKnowsNCS71 09/18/2007 at 10:23 AM #

    Good words RAWFS — I would also add:

    And do some scripting and planning before you tape — ehhh hehhh

    You might do some editing with scissors — but you might need a swingblade — ehhhh hummm

    And have some taters –ehhh hehhhh

    Haters hate taters — ehhh hummm.

  4. Wulfpack 09/18/2007 at 10:33 AM #

    I echo Bo and cradle’s comments. Leave the guy alone, move on.

  5. noah 09/18/2007 at 10:49 AM #

    It really is just a huge carwreck of humanity. You don’t wanna look…but dammit, it’s just so compelling.

    I showed one of his videos to my wife last night and she kept covering her eyes and watching through her fingers.

  6. StateFans 09/18/2007 at 10:58 AM #

    noah: go back and watch the one about the Harry potter book coming out

  7. wolfonthehill 09/18/2007 at 10:59 AM #

    Four words… “Half naked booby dance”. Says it all.

  8. BoKnowsNCS71 09/18/2007 at 11:08 AM #

    Enough fun — we ought to ask SFN for another thread or start up a Dead Pool.

    The 15 Minutes of Fame (or Flame) is about to go out.

  9. Par Shooter 09/18/2007 at 11:13 AM #

    ^Now THAT’s my YouTube!

  10. PackMan97 09/18/2007 at 1:19 PM #

    man…y’all should be encouraging him to post…and not making fun of him. Where will our Sunday morning entertainment come from this season?

  11. BoKnowsNCS71 09/18/2007 at 3:30 PM #

    /\ The Butch Davis Show.

  12. RAWFS 09/18/2007 at 4:10 PM #

    Speaking of Butch, Houston Nutt is all but a Dead Man Walking after Alabama stole one from the Razorbacks last weekend. Davis will more than likely have an offer to consider come the new year.

  13. highstick 09/18/2007 at 7:03 PM #

    You guys need to quit picking on this fellow for two reasons:

    1. He’s very close to being “over the edge” and needs help and

    2. He’s the Founding Member of the UNC Lunatic Fringe! We can all relate to that@!

  14. #44 17 24 09/18/2007 at 7:58 PM #

    lets just leave this guy alone now. i just feel so sorry for him because he just keeps taking the bait.

  15. McPete 09/18/2007 at 9:46 PM #

    I just lost 4 minutes of my life, and i want them back.

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