SFN Going For The Trifecta: UNC YouTube Fan Deletes Video Then Creates Another

TheEyeCreature, who received three degrees in six years from UNC-CH, has posted another video. We have linked to three of his videos, and he has deleted all three. In this video he rails against SFN and the “haters”. This one has a classic quote: “YouTube is for the young people, the old people, the stutters, and the people with mental problems”.

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40 Responses to SFN Going For The Trifecta: UNC YouTube Fan Deletes Video Then Creates Another

  1. Dr. BadgerPack 09/17/2007 at 9:36 PM #

    “YouTube is for Everybody”

    “It’s not for the haters”

    “It’s an all inclusion community”

    Clearly none of his degrees included logic, or anything remotely resembling a coherent rational thought… This is great stuff…

  2. BobLee 09/17/2007 at 10:14 PM #

    I need one of those NASCAR cardboard cut-outs of this loonie. I’ve been using pictures of Pee Wee Herman and Al Bundy as “what these nutjobs look like …”.

    Of course many of my readers think “you guys” created him and its all a sham.

    Somewhere Charles Kuralt and Choo Choo are shaking their heads saying “when did it get out of control …. oh me, oh my???”


  3. Mr O 09/17/2007 at 10:21 PM #

    It will be interesting to see if he keeps it up this year. Got to also watch the flag throwing incident at the Walk of Champions which was very funny.

  4. sf59 09/17/2007 at 10:21 PM #

    i feel sorry for the guy

  5. Clarksa 09/17/2007 at 10:38 PM #

    He just doesn’t get it…so sad.

  6. wolfman 09/17/2007 at 10:50 PM #

    Yes! Send me your weary, your tired, your poor, your brain damaged Carolina fans! I love it! It’s the rallying cry for trailer park Carolina fans with DSL connections.

    And Dr., I don’t think they have any undergrad degree programs at UNCsux that have anything to do with logic, coherent thought, or common sense. That’s why so many UNCsux grads have to wait tables, hitchhike across Europe, work for N&O/Clt Observer, or go to school somewhere else when they graduate. No one will hire them to do anything useful. Which is why this guy has all this free time to make YouTube videos.

  7. noah 09/17/2007 at 10:50 PM #

    I see he took my advice about the high camera angles. I try not to pick on people who clearly can’t fight back.

    I try. I fail sometimes. But I try.

    I keep getting this image of Kirk in the SNL skit on Trekkies….”You there…have you ever kissed a girl???”

  8. noah 09/17/2007 at 10:55 PM #

    BTW, it’s not that he lacks rational thought. He lacks self-awareness. He lacks the mental circuit breaker that keeps people who are talentless doofs from embarrassing themselves.

    Thirty years ago, this guy would have been on “Let’s Make a Deal” or “The Gong Show.”

  9. NCSU2WFU 09/17/2007 at 11:15 PM #

    This poor guy… I don’t think his mom hugged him enough. I feel for him. At least he’s entertaining… he feels so under assault… ahh the “haters”, all we want to see is the “half naked boobie dance”. Hillarious

  10. Elrod 09/17/2007 at 11:16 PM #

    I’m just glad he didn’t have the camera lower than it was. This guy would fit right in on certain scenes from “Midnight Express”.

  11. gopack968 09/17/2007 at 11:29 PM #

    He looks like the guy they eventually catch in the underground dungeon on a Law and Order SVU episode.

    Ten bucks he owns a dirty white panel van with multiple license plates and a bunch of dolls in a pink toybox in the back.

    “Can you help me find my puppy?”

  12. Akula Wolf 09/18/2007 at 12:41 AM #

    This tube is your YouTube
    This tube is my YouTube
    From the mentally challenged
    To the chemically imbalanced
    This YouTube was made for you and me

  13. RochesterRedWolf 09/18/2007 at 3:04 AM #

    like Noah said, i just felt sorry for the guy…i couldnt’ even figure out why he made the video, maybe i need to see the first one. He must be a diehard UNC fan, the only one left, cuz he mentioned how “i’m not going to be talking about UNC anytime soon” or something like that. Clearly disgusted with the state of Tarhole football. He has apparent North Carolina-isms when he speaks so he’s a homeboy. He is also a self-professed geek. I thought i heard him make that clear.

    gopack968 and Akula, pretty funny stuff. The Law & Order dun-dun sound is playing in my head, the sound when they change scenes, not the theme song.

  14. RochesterRedWolf 09/18/2007 at 3:06 AM #

    Here’s the link to download the Law and Order sound


  15. bTHEredterror 09/18/2007 at 3:51 AM #

    “It’s for the bipolar, or whatever….”

    Now see, that is the type of freudian slip I expect to be written into a script. BobLee may be on to something.

  16. SuperStuff 09/18/2007 at 7:11 AM #

    I told my friends it wasn’t hard to get a degree at Carolina. This guy is living proof. LOL…

  17. Rick 09/18/2007 at 8:25 AM #

    “I see he took my advice about the high camera angles. I try not to pick on people who clearly can’t fight back. ”

    I noticed that as well.

    Since he is obviously reading this I will give him some friendly advice as well

    1) Don’t make public emotional rants. When you finally calm down you will be embarrassed (this video is proof).
    2) Jot down some salient points before beginning your nonsensical rants. Try to have some point to them.
    3) Try match.com. You will gain a different perspective on life if you can actually get a girlfriend
    4) Quit lying about obvious things. To say you have three degrees from UNC when you are borderline short bus material does not help your cause
    5) Now that everyone has seen your embarrassing ravings, step back and have some fun with it. If you can prove it was just a momentary lapse in judgement rather than a near psychotic mental break people will laugh with you instead of at you.

  18. tvopack 09/18/2007 at 8:44 AM #
  19. BoKnowsNCS71 09/18/2007 at 8:59 AM #

    Rumor has it this guys next big adventure is trying out for American Idol. Doesn’t expect any heat……

  20. BoKnowsNCS71 09/18/2007 at 9:03 AM #

    The Eyecreature also needs to listen to Jim Rome. It’s all about “having a Take” saying something that is of value — not saying anything to fill the airways. Air time is free in cyberspace — but that does not mean you throw quality out the window. Have a take that’s good and you will get kudos. Blather on about pointless things — and you will panned. Get involved in a sports show and expect heat whether you are right or wrong cause there are automatically people who will disagree from the other school(s).

  21. LRM 09/18/2007 at 9:21 AM #

    Ya’ll should really leave this guy alone. You don’t want him spitting on your pizza next time you call Papa John’s.

  22. packpigskinfan23 09/18/2007 at 9:25 AM #

    gotta love GoPack….

    Its kind of nice to see Kuhn’s name as a starter. Dont get me wrong, I want Demario out there… but with the experience Kuhn is getting- think of how SICK this kid is GOING to be!!!

  23. cradletograve 09/18/2007 at 9:25 AM #

    I think enough fun has been had regarding this guy. Let’s move on, ok?

  24. BoKnowsNCS71 09/18/2007 at 9:43 AM #

    Agree Cradle — Just need a new thread started.

    LRM — I’d be more afraid of him shooting me at some Sports Bar, and sending a DVD to CNN beforehand.

  25. partialqualifier 09/18/2007 at 9:56 AM #

    This guy is great! I was so sad when he decided to stop posting…but now I see he is back!

    “I don’t care if you’re weird…..we’ll all just get together…all of us weirdos…and have a community to ourselves.”

    LMAO! You guys already have Chapel Hill….what else do you want?

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