It could be worse

As bad as football may feel right now to you, realize that it is isn’t this bad in Raleigh.

Regardless of App State’s big win in Ann Arbor…the Mountaineers can never hide from their recruitment video that ranks as one of the all-time best!

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32 Responses to It could be worse

  1. PamlicoPack 09/05/2007 at 11:14 AM #

    After this, Appalachian will have a hard time finding any BCS school willing to play them. If AP had let the voters vote for I-AA schools, you think ASU might have gotten into the I-A top 25 this week? I am throughly convinced they would kick our patootie if we played them right now…

    I’m happy for them. Bet admissions will see a huge increase in applications this year. Boone is a great college town.

  2. EverettBeez 09/05/2007 at 1:23 PM #

    thanks for the info buttPACKer, some how I still want to believe the video was a student prank. Its easier for me to stomach it that way – though PR departments know no depths of depravity . . .

    I read a wire story this week on line that said App had 13,0000 applications for 3,000 freshmen seats this year. Applications and students actually showing up has zoomed up in the last two years. I can only imagine what this win does, coming as it does at the start of application season.

    To bring this back to the Pack, after the ’83 Championship, students who were accepted and showed up went up to 97%.

    I do know that with my high school grades (Raleigh Broughton was hard! or at least it was hard when you were carrying on like I did) I could not get into App today.

  3. memories 09/05/2007 at 3:05 PM #

    I’ll bet ol Ronnie Banther was lovin it. He lives in Boone from what I understand. Anyone remember Ronnie?

  4. RochesterRedWolf 09/05/2007 at 6:27 PM #

    that was a twisted video…it seems like its something the CIA would use to mind-torture people. The lyrics were horrendous although hilarious. The guitar face-melting solo was the best…man if OSU played that on the jumbotron before the michigan game it’d be the ballsiest thing ever.

  5. packbackr04 09/06/2007 at 11:57 AM #

    haha, one of my friends who was a music major at APP when i was there, was part of the production team for that video…. he was one of those kids who was semi-goth (always wore a mohawk and dressed in black) and such… he was constantly complaining about the project… he said all the students hated it but their professor and the entire department kept pushing it on them…. that guitar riff in the middle… thats him… he was a cool guy and he would bring it over on his PC while they were working on it.. we would pull bong rips and watch that crappy video and laugh. We never thought that thing would actually see the light of day. ahh, those were the days.. if you can beleive it, this was their senior year final assignment and they got an A on that crap. they should have all been suspended indefinitely for that chit.

  6. packbackr04 09/06/2007 at 11:58 AM #

    rochester^ yeah that guitar riff is my buddy, he was sick at guitar.

  7. BoKnowsNCS71 09/07/2007 at 2:23 PM #

    Maybe we could get Buster Poindexter to do a cover of Hot, hot, hot for our home games. lol

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