Clemson Game Set For Noon Kickoff

Noon kickoff for the Clemson game.

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50 Responses to Clemson Game Set For Noon Kickoff

  1. noah 09/10/2007 at 5:23 PM #

    “They threw beer on our children? Those bastard”

    No, they threw a full CAN of beer at a little kid.

    Nice to see that assaulting children is humorous to some people.

  2. joe 09/10/2007 at 5:45 PM #

    There were UCF fans parked at the Vet school , I saw them flying their flags there. Is that parking free or do groups reserve it?

  3. Delete-Me 09/10/2007 at 6:38 PM #

    This utter disrespect of BEER has got to stop.

  4. EverettBeez 09/10/2007 at 11:01 PM #

    When I went to a game at Notre Dame and Nebraska, I couldn’t believe I was at a real game. All the fans were polite, exceeding polite. The kind of politeness southerners are suppose to be known for. Hell, Notre Dame even played the Nebraska fight song before and after the game – which the Huskers won in over time. Folks walked up to my dad and I tell us what a good game it had been, and how they’d see us next year in Lincoln. It was a real eye opener.

    That being said, I’ve been in the middle of the bourbon rain at an Ole Miss game. It wasn’t the bourbon bottles flying that bothered me, they all hit the field – it was all those half-filled drinks that were wasted.

    Good times can be had by all – but two rules kids 1) watch your mouth around kids, and 2) always be nice to company — unless they are from Columbia SC.

  5. packpigskinfan23 09/11/2007 at 12:25 AM #

    I am a student… I was at the lot. I was actually right beside the people throwing beer. I hate to admit it… and was disgusted when I saw it happen. I reamed the kid for doing it and let him know if I saw it again I would personally make sure the next can I saw through the air would be placed down his throat. I saw no children… but I did see a full beer can hit a female UCF fan square in the back

  6. bTHEredterror 09/11/2007 at 3:12 AM #

    What a bunch of idiots. Here in America, we DRINK the beer, and only a coward would throw ANYHING at a child OR a woman. You can be a tough crowd without actually commiting assault.

  7. TopTenPack 09/11/2007 at 9:30 AM #

    As an alumni and fan, I am embarrassed that our students would physically assault a fan. If you are too, then when you see this kind of crap happening, go find your local friendly police officer. This will continue until these few idiots see direct consequences for their actions.

  8. noah 09/11/2007 at 9:39 AM #

    packpigskinfan – good for you.

    BTW, everyone I know who went to Columbus in 2003 talked about the hospitality and graciousness of the Ohio State fans. I never heard a single story about OSU fans being rude or abusive.

    OSU, last time I checked was the largest school in the country. Funny how their fans don’t have the same need to blow off steam.

  9. Girlfriend in a Coma 09/11/2007 at 10:06 AM #

    Isn’t the fairgrounds lot permit-only now? Who gets the permits?

  10. EverettBeez 09/11/2007 at 10:30 AM #

    I second the “good for you” packpigskinfan!
    Too bad it only takes a handful of folks to tarnish a whole school.

    Noah – From what you say, and what I’ve seen at the two games I’ve been to in the Midwest – those fans are truly polite and good sports. No hitting women in the head with beer cans – not nasty rude chants a la dook. Rivalries are as intense, but with out the nastiness you find too often through out the south, and as a southern that is troubling.

    On a related note – there’s been a huge run on App State gear. OSU fans are apparently buying it up to wear to the Michigan game.

  11. GoldenChain 09/11/2007 at 10:41 AM #

    I was wondering if I was just getting old or if the crowds were just getting more ill-behaved (I imagine it’s some of both).
    After going to games for 31 years I’ve been thinking of dropping my tickets when my son graduates (hopefully!) next year.
    I can listen to a 3 hour game on the radio or TV and not have to tolerate the BS, the traffic, or spend the entire day dedicated to one event.

    As far as other fans? I was sitting next to tOSU fans a couple of years ago and some of those students were the absolute most obnoxious people I’ve ever been at a game with (although ECTC fans aren’t far behind).

  12. EverettBeez 09/11/2007 at 10:49 AM #

    lol – yes ECU fans are in a league with the folks I consider the ugliest fans in the country – South Carolina fans. The Cocks are going to Chapel Hill this year? Haha, man will the debase and offend the country clubbers! I’ll take the smugness of the country clubbers any day.
    Course, those dookies also deserve honorable mention. They can be creative, but as a rule, they are just normal rude and nasty. The type of fans only folks in bristol conn. could love.

  13. packpigskinfan23 09/11/2007 at 10:57 AM #

    Girlfriend- the fairgrounds lot is permit… for the students and some for the visiting team. What administration in their right mind would do that?! imagine how bad its going to be when Carolina comes to town.

    it amazes me the stupidity of the schools administration if they think that a small group of other students(normally of the CampusCrusader type… not that there is nothing wrong with that, just that they can be pushovers and TOO polite) could ever change these frat-boy idiots who basically rule the fairgrounds lot…

    if they dont do something about it soon, we can expect ALL games at Carter-Finley to start at noon, with the gates opening at 10:30am.

    my solution if the school is so stupid and cheap that they cant hire some REAL enforcement?(and I know many of you wont really like this solution… but it could really help)- Give the students the two lots on the right as you turn onto Trinity… then give the Sororities, UAB, Campus Crusaders, and WITH programs (that are not allowed or dont generally have booze) the close to the road spots. Then have one cop near the back of the lot, one in the middle, and one at the front. Not only would this show people walking past the great programs the NCSU offers, but it also reduces the amount of area(and the amount of concentrated students) that a fan of a visiting team would have to confront. Its not the obvious… but its better then RED vested snitches. Who the hell thought of THAT anyways?!

  14. BoKnowsNCS71 09/11/2007 at 11:30 AM #

    Noah — I have some business relations who are OSU fans and they still tell me (just a few weeks ago) the greatest game they have ever seen was the NCSU – OSU Triple OT game with Rivers.

    My seats are next to the student section. Last game it was about 5% filled at kick off and they kept coming in until it filled all during the first quarter. Not sure why that happens.

    As for fans — mostly I see a lot of drinking before and in the stands. The language is foul from some alum and the kids. But it’s probably just where one’s seats fall. I’ve been seats where it was more like a family atmosphere (on the side with the Suites).

  15. highonlowe 09/11/2007 at 11:37 AM #

    Any assembly of parking that requires visitors to park with or walk through the general student lot (excluding student societies) is a bad idea.

  16. highonlowe 09/11/2007 at 11:37 AM #

    I actually feel fairly ‘OK’ about this game.
    You have got to be kidding.

    I said “fairly ok”, which is less than “good”. Their weakness is in their secondary, which Beck will mostly likely fail to refrain from trying to exploit.
    But yes, upset % is very small.

  17. 12pack 09/11/2007 at 12:59 PM #

    I do not have the ability to attend the games, however, those of you that do, should make it a point to patrol or walk through and make sure this kind of stuff does not happen. If the people in charge are not going to address the problem, then the ones who are actually there should get an officer to walk with them through the area and show them what is going on. And when I am able to attend the games again, if I witness anything like that, heads will roll. When I use to attend the games back in the 70’s and early 80’s, this crap didn’t happen.

  18. packpigskinfan23 09/11/2007 at 2:15 PM #

    BoKnows- this happens because students are only allowed to enter through ONE gate. Students are also there for the social aspects and the beer drinking. Unfortunatly they all start to head to the gate at the same time… and it leads to a mass amount of people who have to get their tickets scanned by two people.

    There is also always that one guy who is trying to sneak in as many beers as he can in his pants and takes forever to get through security. Oh… and lets not forget the assholes who feel they are special and can cut in line.

  19. Mike 09/11/2007 at 4:49 PM #

    12pack, great suggestion – but you know confronting obnoxious drunks will lead to nothing but fights. I have been to many games and seen both sides of the tailgaters. Unfortunately most people seem to think they have to be blasted to have a good time. I have nothing against people having a drink or two, but a 12pack (no pun intended) per person is not right.

  20. GoldenChain 09/11/2007 at 9:31 PM #

    I guess all these drunk students are over 21 as well (I thought you could be arrested for having anything in your system if you were under-aged?).
    I think there was less binge drinking when 18yos could drink legally.

    Anyway, 12pack, I’ve paid my money for 28 years and go into the reserved lot and I don’t intend to do the school’s job for them (policing the lots).
    When there are enough problems or enough of us vote with our feet then someone will do something.

  21. EverettBeez 09/11/2007 at 10:20 PM #

    I grew up parking AT the student gate. I think it was gate 7, east side. It was actually pretty awesome, cause not that many folks tried to get in it early. But that trash can always smelled STRONG when we left.

    We’d sit there and eat our Roy Rodges burgersk, how long has that place been gone? The building is still there at the corner of Hillsboro & Dixie Tr, can’t remember what it is now, but I was drinking there last time I was in Raleighwood.

  22. noah 09/11/2007 at 10:38 PM #

    Hillsborough and Dixie Trail is E. Village, isn’t it?

  23. EverettBeez 09/11/2007 at 11:23 PM #

    that’s it noah – thanks.
    it was the Roy Rodgers – great bugers with a cowboy theme. it must of closed around 76.
    don’t recall next, but ended up being E Village.

  24. waxhaw 09/12/2007 at 7:22 AM #

    I was at the tOSU game also. THe most obnoxious fan I encountered turned out to be an ECU fan who was at the game with some of his OSU friends. Talk about irony. When I found out he went to ECU, I found it so hilarious that I wasn’t upset anymore.

    You drive 8 hours to a game and still run into a jerk from ECU.

  25. LRM 09/12/2007 at 4:12 PM #

    I’ve been to games all over and the friendliest crowd, by far, was in Oxford vs. Georgia last season. I was there as a guest to their equivalent of an LTR holder, and they treated me as politely as every Georgia fan that walked by; the “scenery” will make you think about Grad School down there…

    As for the crowd, there was widespread drinking and the entire student body is in one frat or another, and yet it came off as a family atmosphere, like a big church picnic almost.

    I wasn’t in a frat and I don’t have an opinion on frats one way or the other, but I don’t think it’s as simple as blaming whatever problems on whatever small groups tailgate on the fairgrounds.

    When we were 18 my group acted like idiots, too. We don’t act that way anymore. It’s a matter of maturity. Some kids get it, some don’t. Some never will, which is why there are 50 yr-old idiots as well.

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