Tuesday Bytes

Doing some traveling this week but wanted to get a fresh entry up. Feel free to use the comments in this entry to discuss anything that may be going on out there.

* With a new football coach (and basketball coach), NC State fans don’t have to talk about the hotseat for a while. This is a welcome change in Raleigh.

* I found this statistic very interesting. Who knows how bad Chuck Amato’s recent teams would have scored under this metric. Perhaps we will track MOE some during this season.

* Have you seen this regarding NC State’s ‘Tradition’ of Friday Fight Day? Man, we really did have the biggest meatheads in college football running our program the last seven years.

* Former ACC referee Hank Nichols is retiring as the national coordinator of officials.

* Ricky Stokes is out as ECU’s Head Basketball coach. It is ECU Basketball…so, nobody really gives a shit; but since we now play East Carolina in everything to tiddly winks then it is something for us not to ignore. Of course, there is more to this story that will never be made public. 850 has a little more.

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86 Responses to Tuesday Bytes

  1. packpigskinfan23 08/08/2007 at 4:53 PM #

    anyone know a site where I can find football rosters for past seasons? like 7-10 years ago?

  2. noah 08/08/2007 at 5:25 PM #

    “Maybe I misunderstood what you meant by “we” were shaving points.”

    If one player shaved points, then “NC State shaved points,” IMO.

  3. redfred2 08/08/2007 at 6:13 PM #

    I don’t know, maybe there is some truth here, somewhere??? But I live in a “small community” where one tiny innuendo cranks the wheel, and before you know it the old rumor mill starts to churning full bore. It’s funny but even some of people that I’d never suspect of ever having one ounce of imagination at all, can twist and turn an UNPROVEN issue into a capital murder case. Of course later on, when the truth finally comes out, they are usually the first to say that couldn’t believe anything was ever said in the first place.

    From the outset back then, there was a great deal of finger pointing coming at Valvano/NCSU from all angles, but no real proof. Then, to really make matters worse, nobody at NC State (which is it’s own version of “small community” USA) ever stood up and said “Just hold on right there.” After that, anything that was said could be taken as a possibility. And, after reading this thread, it‘s blatantly obvious that media and/or whomever wanted to suck the steam out of the NC State basketball program back then, planted some really ripe seeds that continue to bear fruit to this day.

    I think I’ll take mine now, anyone else care to join me in a grain of salt?

  4. kool k 08/08/2007 at 6:33 PM #

    I thought V was ready to accept the UCLA job but they found out about a buyout he never mentioned, or that the powers that be said wouldn’t be a problem, and UCLA found out and took the offer off the table
    Or was that just some crap from Personal Fouls?

  5. highstick 08/08/2007 at 7:14 PM #

    According to V’s book, State balked at letting him out of the buyout. He was under the impression that it wasn’t going to be a problem so he never mentioned it to UCLA. Then it became an issue on two sides.

    I know one thing, if he had gone there and the cancer had never come about, college basketball might look drastically different today! If the “talent train” that Wooden had developed had continued under a V regime…….with his coaching abilities and that talent pool…..Wow! Maybe we’d all be soccer fans now because we’d have gotten tired of watching them win it all every year.

  6. VaWolf82 08/08/2007 at 10:14 PM #

    The last two years State averaged 11-12 penalties a game

    No need to make it worse that it really was. Here are the real numbers:

    2006 – 86 penalities in 12 games
    2005 – 93 penalities in 12 games

  7. PackGirl 08/08/2007 at 11:14 PM #

    I just came across this on Packpride. Ben McCauley was a counselor at the Adidas Nations Basketball Experience this summer and it says he was injured. I hope it was minor.


  8. Mike 08/08/2007 at 11:29 PM #

    Points were shaved, games were thrown. I was there, I know. Enough said, move on.

  9. Wxwolf 08/09/2007 at 8:26 AM #

    Really nice article on Kay Yow and her improving health this morning in the N&O:


  10. BoKnowsNCS71 08/09/2007 at 1:43 PM #

    You talking DIxie Classic or later?

  11. Mike 08/09/2007 at 10:31 PM #

    I was talking about the mid to late 80’s.

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