Tuesday/Wednesday Open Thread


JB is traveling with a new laptop whose browser is not configured in a manner that allows him the opportunity to log on to many NC State websites.; but, he can read SFN. That said, we thought that we could post an “open entry” for folks to share and discuss anything that may be going on in Wolfpack world over the last couple of days.

* CSTV has put together some very basic ACC Football preview nuggets that can be seen by clicking here. Not much more than some very cursory overviews.

* Just in case you missed it, this entry will take you to a nice article regarding our new Lonnie Poole Golf Course on Centennial Campus. Now, if we could just get some leadership on Centennial Campus to get a damn hotel/conference center built beside the new Alumni Center we could take a big step towards the 21st century.

Arnold Palmer stepped onto a temporary tee box Monday, took four light practice swings and grimaced: “I’m too old for this.” Then the 77-year golfing icon belted about a 240-yard drive straight down the middle of rough-hewn terrain that eventually will become the Lonnie Poole Golf Course on N.C. State’s Centennial Campus.

His ceremonial shot launched the building by Palmer Course Design Company of a rolling, 7,025-yard, par-71 layout, a public facility and future home of the Wolfpack golf teams.

Poole, a State graduate and successful Raleigh businessman, and his wife, Carol Lynn, donated $3 million toward construction of the $11.6 million course, which has been on the drawing board 20 years and is scheduled to open in the spring of 2009.

* In other ACC-related news…it looks like the Dave Hart era at FSU is winding down. Interesting.

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'07 Football General Non-Revenue

28 Responses to Tuesday/Wednesday Open Thread

  1. Primewolf 07/12/2007 at 7:42 PM #

    Gardner Webb. THis has got to be a joke. Maks us look like cowards playing a school with an enrollment of a few thousand at best and maybe 40 guys on football scholarship.

    What an embarassment.
    TOB–please go tell Lee to quit such nonsense.

    Better yet, Fire LEE FOULUP.

  2. highstick 07/12/2007 at 10:56 PM #

    “Strength of schedule is in the eye of the beholder”??? If that’s the case, Fouler needs a new set of glasses! I don’t see how we, or the conference, can gain any respect scheduling a Gardner Webb type.

    Any chance Lee thinks Gardner Webb is related to Spud Webb???

  3. old13 07/14/2007 at 11:27 AM #

    With Hart becoming available from FSU, maybe this would be a good time to get rid of Jed!

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