Tuesday Open Entry

Swamped at work right now. Wanted to open an entry for folks to focus on RELEVANT State issues that may be out there and share some links for other readers. Of course, Skip Prosser is still on everyone’s mind.

For some fun, we’ll share this 9 minute clip from YouTube reviewing the Wolfpack’s 1998 Peach Bowl win over Iowa. The Wolfpack knocked off the Big Ten’s Hawkeyes twice during Dick Sheridan’s tenure.

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60 Responses to Tuesday Open Entry

  1. Sw0rdf1sh 08/01/2007 at 7:59 AM #

    I’m planning on going out to a couple of practices here in WIlmington to see Becton. I’ll be wearing my hardcore Pack ensemble.

  2. noah 08/01/2007 at 9:19 AM #

    Yes, that was the Dook team that won the ACC title. They beat Clemson that year to sort of seal the thing. Good team. I can’t remember who their QB was (Billy Ray? Dave Brown?) but they had pretty good players all over the place.

    The DB who made the big hit was probably Jesse Campbell. He and Snake Vinson were both big hitters, but Campbell played SS like a linebacker and was probably more likely to be the guy coming up in run support. Needless to say, we didn’t spend anytime in Cover-2 formations when he was there. The free safety was always on an island.

    The play that was, for me, the real middle-finger to USuC was at the very end of the game. We were trying to run out the clock and Aubrey Shaw picked up a big first down and broke it. But rather than score a needless touchdown, he went down to the one-yard-line….and stepped out of bounds. Nah…don’t need your touchdown. We went knee-down to end the game.

  3. GAWolf 08/01/2007 at 9:23 AM #

    I’m not usually one of the absolute-angst-filled haters of the N&O to the point I look for something wrong in every article, but I did notice they didn’t mention Sid being at Skip’s funeral but they did mention Roy, K, and even Gary Williams.

    Was Sid not there???

  4. burnbarn 08/01/2007 at 9:35 AM #

    All eleven ACC coaches were there..

    Sid had on a WFU hat last night at his clinic.

    They will know soon about Sid.

  5. jo2g5 08/01/2007 at 10:19 AM #

    If anyone is interested, the Guilford County Wolfpack Club is having a golf tournament on August the 13th at the Starmount country club in Greensboro, NC. There will be a lot of NC State assistant coaches and some former players. The guest speaker for the dinner afterwards will be former NC State Golfer and current PGA tour pro Carl Pettersson. If you would like additional info please go to the Guilford County Wolfpack Club website. Entry fee is $125 which includes lunch and dinner. Just dinner is $15 before and $20 the day of the event.

  6. GAWolf 08/01/2007 at 10:48 AM #

    Total BS that they chose to omit Sid in that context, and again I hate to cry foul like this regularly. Glad to hear they all went. There would be no excuse for missing it.

    Thanks for the clarification.

  7. GAWolf 08/01/2007 at 11:16 AM #

    I had the pleasure of going to some wing nights over in Cary with Carl and Tim and the rest of the golf team while in school. Each of them are great guys and vivacious characters in their own rights. I would love to hear Carl speak if it weren’t so far away. Sounds like a great event, good luck with it.

  8. partialqualifier 08/01/2007 at 3:55 PM #

    A couple of things about the YouTube video….which I think is still the topic here….uh hem.

    1- I had forgotten just how damn fast Danny Peebles was!!!

    2- I miss Dick Sheridan…but I damn sure dont miss that “sit-on-a-lead” coaching he did!!!

  9. TNCSU 08/01/2007 at 9:14 PM #

    Do you have a POC for the golf tournament? Since this is the Tuesday Open Thread, and it’s Wednesday, I thought I could stay “off-topic.” 🙂

  10. jo2g5 08/02/2007 at 8:26 AM #

    For more info on the Golf Tournament You can contact Don Smith at 336-449-1273.

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