NC State Ticket Office Now Powered By Ticketmaster

The NC State ticket office is now powered by Ticketmaster. Paciolan Software who has powered the NC State ticket office the last 3 years was purchased today by Ticketmaster.

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27 Responses to NC State Ticket Office Now Powered By Ticketmaster

  1. BoKnowsNCS71 07/02/2007 at 10:15 PM #

    So does this mean Pearl Jam won’t play CF?

  2. noah 07/02/2007 at 11:18 PM #

    It means you’ll be paying more in service charges than the ticket is worth.

  3. CarnifeX 07/03/2007 at 12:02 AM #

    This stinks of Lee.

  4. waxhaw 07/03/2007 at 8:06 AM #

    Ticketmaster, the world’s leading ticketing company and an operating business of IAC , has entered into a definitive agreement to acquire all of the outstanding equity of ticketing services and software provider Paciolan. Based in Irvine, CA

    I’m sure Lee had something to do with Ticketmaster buying a company located in California.

    I wish someone else would take over the process of issuing parking passes and away game tickets by priority as well but I’m sure the Wolfpack club will still have to be involved somehow in that.

  5. BoKnowsNCS71 07/03/2007 at 8:47 AM #

    I’m already paying a fortune in “handling fees” for my tickets. I think they add $20 (at a minimum) on to the $600 — $800 I pay for FB tickets each year. Can that get much worse?

  6. CarnifeX 07/03/2007 at 8:50 AM #

    you just wait.

  7. noah 07/03/2007 at 8:51 AM #

    Never bought a ticket from Ticketmaster before?

    Walk up TO THE GATES of the venue where you’re trying to buy a ticket and you can still pay $7.50 for handling charges.

  8. BoKnowsNCS71 07/03/2007 at 9:11 AM #

    $7.50 per ticket would save me $5 bucks if TM can do it cheaper than the WP club currently.

  9. PackBacker001 07/03/2007 at 9:21 AM #

    It’s a shame that they didn’t go with eTix. It’s a local company that is cheaper and nowhere near as “evil” as Ticketmaster. I’m not sure why the local Universities wouldn’t try to use local companies when possible.

  10. PackBacker001 07/03/2007 at 9:25 AM #

    It’s a shame that they didn’t go with eTix. It’s a local company that is cheaper and nowhere near as “evil” as Ticketmaster. I’m not sure why the local Universities wouldn’t try to use local companies when possible.

    I bet we drop Capital Broadcasting and go with ClearChannel in a few years. Sigh…

  11. BoKnowsNCS71 07/03/2007 at 9:35 AM #

    Wonder if LF plans to outsource the cheerleaders to Bombay next?

  12. noah 07/03/2007 at 9:55 AM #

    “I bet we drop Capital Broadcasting and go with ClearChannel in a few years.”

    Fortunately, ClearChannel’s no longer the force they once were and the waters of that tidal wave are finally starting to recede.

  13. RedTerror29 07/03/2007 at 10:32 AM #

    We didn’t have any control over this. The company we were working with was sold. Hopefully our contract (although Lee’s acumen with contracts is well documented – “what buyout?”) will allow us to switch to another provider.

  14. Sw0rdf1sh 07/03/2007 at 10:42 AM #

    But Ticketmaster does make it relatively easy to get and find what you want. Plus, it is the largest at ticketing due to it’s acquisitions.


    I’m considering paying for a “premium” service board to go along with my SFN addiction. Would anyone give any recommendations over Packpride vs. The Wolfpacker?

    I’m already in TWC and get the print version of The Wolfpacker, and I’ve been sampling a Free Trial by Packpride this week. However I was wanting others opinions as well.

    I can be emailed at Sw0rdf1sh (at) if this shouldn’t be a forum for such discussion.

  15. BoKnowsNCS71 07/03/2007 at 11:16 AM #

    /\ RE: finding what you want:

    Not really a great deal when all the seats in CF and the RBC are sold out to the WPC. It’s just a handling fee — which was already there — and no one can say for sure whether it will be more or less.

  16. highstick 07/03/2007 at 11:38 AM #

    Remember, Lee “never fired anyone”!

  17. waxhaw 07/03/2007 at 12:24 PM #

    Why do people continue to act like Lee had anything to do with this? The company we were using (along with FSU, Maryland, Phillies and a ton of other people) was bought by ticketmaster. We didn’t choose to do business with ticketmaster.

    How in the heck does that have anything to do with Lee Fowler? I think a lot of criticism is fairly leveled at Lee but this is ridiculous.

    If you have Bellsouth for phone service and they are bought by AT&T, did you choose to go with AT&T?

  18. CarnifeX 07/03/2007 at 1:25 PM #

    Does anyone know why a university such as ours does not utilize in house resources for various projects? not necessarily this (even though I am sure that our computer science department could make a wonderful senior design project out of this kind of thing) but other campus development type projects? Is it because we are a public institution and it must be a bid format? It seems that there would be inherent value built back into the project to have people with vested interest doing quality work to grow both the university and their own value. Just seems like there should be some communication/cooperation between various departments of our university.


  19. noah 07/03/2007 at 1:36 PM #

    Why re-invent the wheel? Are you willing to miss a couple of games because someone’s senior project had a couple of goofs in it?

  20. packpigskinfan23 07/03/2007 at 1:47 PM #

    noah- your right. a lot of us students missed out on the VaTech game last year because someone’s “good idea” goofed.

    also… any of you who HAD Cingular, now the “new AT&T”, choose to go with AT&T? Is that Lee’s fault? I hate Lee Fowler as much as anyone… if not more- but he has nothing to do with this at all. ON THE OTHER HAND- if he dosnt at least TRY to change the situation, THEN we can have something to bitch at him about. Unfortunatly its all gonna come down to our contract with the previous company.

  21. BoKnowsNCS71 07/03/2007 at 1:55 PM #

    CarnifeX — Most likely it’s the cost. Doing this in-house requires bodies, hardware, software, salaries, healthcare costs, admin costs, etc. Also the staff would not be doing this all year round so it makes sense to outsource.

    When they outsource — those costs are less for many reasons such as the contract company using their staff to do multiple projects/schools. And if they outsource parts of it overseas, they get the benefit of lower labor costs.

  22. CarnifeX 07/03/2007 at 2:45 PM #

    Those labor costs can’t be lower than someone PAYING TUITION to do the work. I really understand that its all about the benjamins, but it just seems to me that there would be value in utilizing the university’s existing resources to do work for the university…

    We’re already paying the prof’s and TA’s to debug (or whatever those clever interweb managers do to make code work) senior projects and other projects, why not have those projects be something that saves/makes us money. Hell our departments probably wrote the original software that we’re paying to use (and if not, you know its got an open source counterpart somewhere)…

    The site maintenance I understand would be a year round task and that wouldn’t work as a education tool; we do have Res-Net guys that we’re already paying…

    no more ellipses…really…

  23. BoKnowsNCS71 07/03/2007 at 2:59 PM #

    I don’t think they could do it it (profsssionally as it should be) using studens getting a grade. There would be costs to pay the students but the turnover ratio would be high. Plus who wants to out a multi-million dollar process in the hands of those folks? As Noah said — when the seats and tickets start getting messed up for the alums — heads would roll.

    I don’t really know but I would suspect someone over there did a cost/benefit analysis and contracting it out won out in cost, efficiency, and all the other factors that might need to be considered.

  24. BoKnowsNCS71 07/03/2007 at 3:00 PM #

    Actually Noah didn’t say it like I did but the point being — if there are goofs in it — why risk it.

  25. noah 07/03/2007 at 3:58 PM #

    I have a friend who works part-time for the Flyers in Philly doing their season tickets.

    She’s told me some of the horror stories about working out the bugs back when Ticketron was still a working enterprise.

    It’s not something people have a sense of humor about.

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