ACC’s Point Guard Situation

Caulton Tudor focused on the point guard situation in the ACC in today’s N&O:

State, with four returning starters, is best prepared to deal with the dilemma. If Sidney Lowe can find a solution, his second team could be exceptional. If not, the Wolfpack should still be good enough to win eight or nine league games and get back to the NCAA Tournament.

Some random comments:

* We’ve talked about the impact of Crittenton at GT in the past. This season was supposed to be set up for Paul Hewitt and the Yellow Jackets to make a run. It won’t happen now and the Yellow Jacket fans are closing ranks on Hewitt.

* Greg Paulus got a lot of heat during Duke’s mid-season swoon…but, to be fair…he played a lot better at the end of the season.

* The importance of Sean Singletary’s return to Virginia cannot be overstated. Additionally, Coach Leitao is optimistic about his inside players.

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127 Responses to ACC’s Point Guard Situation

  1. doatesjr 06/21/2007 at 11:24 AM #

    Chris, I can take barbs from intelligent people, I just have trouble being told that I work at a fast food joint from a guy who probably scored an 850 on his SAT. Rick and Pack92 are probably the same upstanding citizens that you can hear cussing at the top of their drunken lungs in front of ladies and kids at football games in Carter Finley.

  2. beowolf 06/21/2007 at 11:46 AM #

    C’mon, doates, is that the best you can do?

    If you’re going to dream up something about Rick and Pack92, knowing nothing about them, then let your imagination soar.

    You don’t want to seem an unimaginative, hilariously easily offended doofus, do you? Dean forfend!

  3. CedarGroveWolf 06/21/2007 at 11:56 AM #

    1. Why the heck is this a unc thread?
    2. Rick- you baiting again or do you believe your own BS?

  4. lush 06/21/2007 at 12:03 PM #


    are we too asume that you are intelligent, and that rick and pack92 are not? so its ok for you to dish out barbs? that is arrogant.

  5. Pack92 06/21/2007 at 1:33 PM #

    Come on doates, you have to take it (to an extent) if you want to be on an NCSU-supporting site.

    I don’t cuss (out loud) or drink at all and scored 11-something (can’t find the score slip) on the SAT 5 years out of high school. I only mention that as the previous 4 years I was in the Army and was EXTREMELY happy with that SAT score!
    I try not to be arrogant about my college choice but in light of the benefit I see provided to the state of NC, as opposed to a degree from unx, I feel I have no other choice. I realize that sounds condescending but I know only 1 person, of the 7 who went to the hole, that currently work in their degree area. It just seems people want to “go to unx” whereas people go to NC STATE for a specific degree. I know I am biased! I do know FOR A FACT you won’t come anywhere near NCSU or unx with an 850 SAT!

  6. packbackr04 06/21/2007 at 1:38 PM #

    “since when is baby blue a gang color??? black, red, and dark navy blue are gang colors, i have never seen or of heard anyone using carolina blue as a gang color.”

    O yeah lush, youre soooo hard. you know all about the gang colors

  7. packbackr04 06/21/2007 at 1:41 PM #

    last time i saw you, you were wearing a cardigan sweater and penny loafers!

  8. packbackr04 06/21/2007 at 1:43 PM #

    sorry, couldnt help it, everybody was taking shots, and since lush wasnt being attacked (yet) i thought i would jump in. feel free to retaliate

  9. lush 06/21/2007 at 2:19 PM #

    they were sperry’s and it was a mock turtleneck!!!!!!!

  10. Rick 06/21/2007 at 2:31 PM #

    ” I just have trouble being told that I work at a fast food joint from a guy who probably scored an 850 on his SAT. ”

    I can see why you would have trouble with it. It must be embarassing to know your greatest apiration is to work the drive through. I obviously hit way too close to home because you really got your Burger King panties in a wad.

    Let me backup and say maybe I was wrong about you working in fast food. You might be a dish washer at Chilis. That chemical degree would be put to good use determining the exact soap to water mix that gets the glasses crystal clear.

  11. Rick 06/21/2007 at 2:31 PM #

    I knew my dancing monkey woudl show his head. Hey Cedar

  12. packbackr04 06/21/2007 at 3:43 PM #

    this is from rivals (not premium)
    this is their 3rd pre-season poll, after most of the shuffling for the underclassmen entering the draft has been done? i also have a question, that if the mods would like they can remove. i was wandering when/if NC State was ever ranked in the top 10 during herbs tenure? as i was thinking back, i truly couldnt remember and was thinking noah or someone on here would know. Again im not trying to take this thread down that road, just curious and then can move on.

    18. N.C. State
    Rank in first poll: 19
    Rank in second poll: 16 Sidney Lowe has done a quick and masterful job of rebuilding his alma mater. Former four-star prospect Brandon Costner burst onto the scene in his redshirt freshman season (16.8 ppg, 7.3 rpg). He’ll get plenty of help up front from Ben McCauley (14.4 ppg, 6.9 rpg). Lowe also inked’s No. 19 recruiting class. The only significant loss is point guard Engin Atsur (11.3 ppg, team-leading 4.2 apg).

  13. doatesjr 06/21/2007 at 3:52 PM #

    Sorry if I seem easily offended, believe I am not. I admit I was a bit blindsided by Rick & Pack92’s comments and was unsure how this thread went from interesting to a fifth grade shouting match. And my statement about the 850 SAT was directed at Rick. I assumed Pack92 actually received a degree from State and therefore must not be an idiot, certainly capable of scoring higher than 850.

    Hey Rick, the only panties that got wadded were your mother’s after she took them off last night when I came over to your house. And actually, my greatest aspiration would be to rid the US of ‘tards like you. I figure if we move all of the NASCAR races to Mexico, outlaw monster trucks and Natural Light, and require that you marry 2nd cousins or greater, guys like you would be history. What do you think?

  14. noah 06/21/2007 at 3:59 PM #

    “i was wandering when/if NC State was ever ranked in the top 10 during herbs tenure?”

    Not that I can recall. I’m reasonably certain there’s a top 25 archive where you can search the weekly results.

    But I’ll be darned if I can find it.

  15. noah 06/21/2007 at 4:03 PM #

    As best as I can tell, this is the last time we were ranked in the top 10.

  16. beowolf 06/21/2007 at 4:05 PM #

    doates, since you asked, I think you are as unimaginative as striped socks, and if you truly wished not to seem easily offended, you would not have let Rick’s little jibe light your clown fuse.

    If, on the other hand, you don’t mind seeming easily offended — which you obviously are, although no one forces you to demonstrate it — then by all means, proceed with the stereotype-ridden tantrum of tedium.

  17. Rick 06/21/2007 at 4:19 PM #

    “And actually, my greatest aspiration would be to rid the US of ‘tards like you.”

    Without “tards” like me, who would you buy your grease laden vittles or actually impregnate women to keep the species from stagnating?

  18. newt 06/21/2007 at 4:21 PM #

    Deep thoughts:

    If you go to any other school’s blog and start chattering about how all schools wish they had the mass appeal of yours, you probably expect a bit of ridicule to come your way, unless you’re a complete dumbass, in which case, you probably went to UNC-Chapel Hill and work at a fry counter.

  19. CedarGloveWulf 06/21/2007 at 4:27 PM #

    “in which case, you probably went to UNC-Chapel Hill and work at a fry counter.”

    Who do you think you are? I have a 295.2 IQ, make $1B dollars a year and am married to Ricky Martin. You are a silly redneck with no teeth that likes to fornicate with his cousin. When you are not busy getting drunk and yelling at children you are watching Nascar, you bily goat loving hill billy. But I am not mad. I am not offended by your wiskey swilling, wrestling loving, big gutted pig of a man. Nothing you say bothers me.

  20. primacyone 06/21/2007 at 4:28 PM #

    Since this is a UNC thread.

    It appears from all the football recruitment chatter that the Pack could just destroy UNC as far as the 2008 class goes. Especially when you look at the top in-state prospects.

  21. lush 06/21/2007 at 4:30 PM #

    lets see,

    “Many posters on this site accuse UNC’ers of being arrogant”

    and then,

    “my greatest aspiration would be to rid the US of ‘tards like you. I figure if we move all of the NASCAR races to Mexico, outlaw monster trucks and Natural Light, and require that you marry 2nd cousins or greater, guys like you would be history.”

    all you know of Rick is that he is a state fan and all we know of you is that you are a carolina fan, and you wonder why carolina fans are “accused” of being arrogant assholes. well sir, i think you have found your answer.

  22. lush 06/21/2007 at 4:33 PM #


    can you elaborate, or link something, i am not up to date on the chatter

  23. newt 06/21/2007 at 4:34 PM #

    I have a great life. Cook Out has the best fries and I’m married to a beautiful, talented woman who has a thriving Internet business.

    Somebody laughed. Admit it.

  24. doatesIII 06/21/2007 at 4:37 PM #

    “you wonder why carolina fans are “accused” of being arrogant assholes. well sir, i think you have found your answer.”
    Who are you calling arrogant?
    I am not arrogant, I am rightfully superior. I am above all you tobacco chewing ruffians. I am genetically better than a bunch of farmes who marry their daughters. Not that I am offended by your post or anything.

  25. primacyone 06/21/2007 at 4:37 PM #

    We picked up a comitment form Dwayne Maddox this week. He is a top 25 nationaly ranked Linebacker.

    Additionaly you can look at this link for starters:

    There are several more you can find if you look, but bottom line is we are looking good and UNC is still looking.

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