We here at SFN may be a little more interested in more of the business/off-the-field pieces of collegiate sports than some of our peers. So, when we run across quick pieces that share some interesting points and perspectives then we like to share them.
This article from Sports Illustrated discusses the impact of coaches on (important) fund raising. This was an interesting topic in Wolfpackland a few years ago as Chuck Amato immediately took to helping in some direct fund raising efforts to get the Carter-Finley improvements rolling; conversely, former head football coach Mike O’Cain was considered less effective at direct sales and solicitation of donors dollars.
On the basketball side, Herb Sendek appeared to take a more targeted approach with big dollar donors while choosing to neglect spending much time courting the populist movement. Nobody can argue with the effectiveness the strategy had on facility improvement AND his job security.
Check out the following blurb from the article and compare it to the fund raising done at the Wolfpack Club, which is now driving for 20,000 members. Is there really ANY school in America who has received less success for the dollars spent on support over the last 17 years?
At Ohio State, the Buckeye Club raised $8.9 million in 2005-2006, all of which went to funding the school’s $12.7 million in athletic scholarships. Xavier University’s All for One Club, by comparison, solicited just $260,000 during the same period.