Men’s Tennis Downs UNC In The NCAA Tournament

Pretty amazing. The men’s tennis team defeats UNC for the first time in 19 years. The win is even more impressive when you consider the scope of the historic win:

-1st win vs. UNC since 1988
-1st 4-0 win vs UNC
-1st NCAA Sweet 16
-2nd NCAA tournament win
-Set program’s record for most teams wins in a season(22)
-1st win vs. top 10 opponent in program’s history
-Beat highest ranked opponent in program’s history(#6)

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41 Responses to Men’s Tennis Downs UNC In The NCAA Tournament

  1. redfred2 05/14/2007 at 9:26 PM #


    That STINKS! It doesn’t make sense unless you were on schlolarship in another sport, which I’m guessing you were, or you were the #1 player on the state championship tennis team from say, Alaska maybe?

  2. TNCSU 05/15/2007 at 8:10 AM #

    It actually wasn’t a sports scholarship, but a separate “all-around” scholly (not academic, either!). I played HS in S.C. – actually a pretty good state for tennis – at the time not as good as NC top to bottom, though. Clemson has always been pretty good. I als remember playing and beating the number 4 player from Connecticut – who was down here. I’m not saying calling me (or anyone else) by itself would make a difference, but I got calls from other coaches that were at least on par with State. I think it just says something about professionalism to at least return calls, etc. It’s always good to have practice teams, etc. 9-10 players on a tennis team is not enough to promote good competition throughout the year. Our #4 player on my High School team went on to play at Clemson on their practice team his Freshman year. By his senior year, he was playing #1 and #2 at Clemson, and they were in the top 10 in the nation. He went on to play pro tennis for a while in Europe. That’s not common, but it CAN happen if you give guys a chance to play. I think Goog is a great example of giving a guy a chance — he blossomed in his 3rd & 4th years, and as we know when on to a great NBA career, but he was not highly touted out of H.S.

  3. TNCSU 05/15/2007 at 8:11 AM #

    Sorry “Googs” not Goog!

  4. joe 05/15/2007 at 8:20 AM #

    They built a new pool in the early 90s (or late 80s) but I think they still have swim meets in the old pool. If that is true, anyone know why they don’t use the newer pool for meets?

  5. Trout 05/15/2007 at 8:57 AM #

    TNCSU – what years where you at NC State? Did you live in Owen your freshman year?

  6. TNCSU 05/15/2007 at 9:00 AM #

    Do you add a “man” to your call-sign to get your last name?

  7. TNCSU 05/15/2007 at 9:01 AM #

    1984-1985 Owen Dorm.

  8. TNCSU 05/15/2007 at 9:09 AM #

    Are you who I think you are? Looks like you caught me. We’ll need to catch up. Are you still playing?

  9. TNCSU 05/15/2007 at 9:24 AM #

    Just in case anyone hasn’t heard, Lucas chose Florida:

    Personally, I think Javi will end up better, as I think our Coaches know PG’s.

  10. Trout 05/15/2007 at 9:38 AM #

    TNCSU: Yep, its me. Where are you these days?

    “I beat a guy on scholarship” – was that guy Wade Jackson?

  11. Trout 05/15/2007 at 9:47 AM #

    No, I’m not still playing. We joined the University Club last year though, and I plan to start playing again.

  12. TNCSU 05/15/2007 at 9:49 AM #

    No, I didn’t beat Wade – he was alway scared to play me! 🙂 I can’t remember the guy’s name – didn’t you beat him, too? I know we tried out that same year. I’ll have to dig deep to remember his name. He was about number 9 on the team, and that was our Sophomore year — I hadn’t really been playing competively for over a year at the time. I also can’t remember the name of the guy from Connecticut, but I remember he had some nice rackets! And I’m actually back in Raleigh these days — where are you? We’ll have to exchange email addresses somehow.

  13. Trout 05/15/2007 at 9:54 AM #

    You were much better than me. I tried out mainly because Wade was on the team (he and I played the SC Jr Circuit in doubles) – I knew I wouldnt make it. I’m in Raleigh as well.

  14. TNCSU 05/15/2007 at 10:01 AM #

    I don’t know about “much” better…I enjoyed those days – I haven’t played much in 15 years. I’m not sure if I ever even played Wade on the SC Jr Circuit — I think only once — he was a tough player to figure out. He never missed. My doubles partner was Craig Brown, do you remember him? He went on to play at Grambling. I also played doubles with Chris Teal. My best win in doubles was over Brett Garnett and his partner (Mike Kiser?) my senior year. They had 3 match points against us, but we pulled it out. I know Brett played on the tour — doubles at Wimbledon several years. Last I heard, he was a teaching pro in Hickory — my brother played against him there a few years ago.

  15. Trout 05/15/2007 at 10:13 AM #

    I just did a google search on Bret Garnett (wow, talk about a blast from the past) – one of the hits was the past team and singles champions from A to AAAA in SC. I see that Greenwood won the title in ’84. West Florence (my HS) won it in ’85 and ’86. I was the only senior on our West Florence ’84 team.

    Shoot me an email at [email protected] and we will exchange real email addresses

  16. TNCSU 05/15/2007 at 10:34 AM #

    Will do, bud. 1984 was my senior year when we won it. I think we won it several years after that, too.

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