Glasper vs TOB – Much ado about nothing

I’ve been traveling for a couple of days so I have missed the opportunity to link up the recent ‘Ryan Glasper vs Tom O’Brien’ rift. We are not going to recap everything here on the blog since we are a few days late with it. You can click on the following links in chronological order to get caught up.

(1) Setting the stage of the ‘controversy’

(2) Some initial perspective from unbiased ACC bretheren

(3) Some follow-up to the initial news-cycle

(4) 850TheBuzz’s summary with good updates after the N&O spoke with Glasper.

From my point of view, this falls under the “football is a tough business” category. One must consider that Glasper’s story isn’t uncommon, and coaches are in the business of winning. Unfortunate? Yes. Something more at work? No. O’Brien had to make a decision based on need, and coaches have to make the hard choice and play injured players all the time.

(5) More follow-up from EagleinATL.

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36 Responses to Glasper vs TOB – Much ado about nothing

  1. Cosmo96 05/03/2007 at 4:46 PM #

    Well, you know NC State. We’ve had our way with a docile local newspaper for decades, and have used their compliance to garner extremely positive media coverage for all coaches and sports at all times.

  2. ATL_eagle 05/03/2007 at 4:51 PM #

    Quick defense of myself here since I like NC State bloggers and fans. My gripe is with how a former BC coach treated a former BC player.

    — TOB will be heavy handed with the media. He was in Boston. In Boston he could get away with it since the real media focus is on the pro teams. I don’t know the Triangle media well enough to know how it will float down there. You have to admit pulling the original blog is curious as is Alexander’s nonresponse to my different attempts to reach out.
    — Willfully ignorant and naive? I said here that coaching is a tough business ( I take TOB to task because he presents himself as someone who wouldn’t do this and BC prides itself on how it treats our athletes. I know all sorts of nonsense goes on in Boston and on every other campus across the country. It doesn’t make me naive. It makes TOB look like a hypocrite.
    — As for lacking substance — I tried to give more than a he said, he said (ttp://

    I don’t speak for all BC fans. I speak for me. We needed a change and I am glad TOB is gone. I had this to say when he left ( Will he be a good fit at NCSU? Who knows?

    But filling my blog with media coverage related to this is perfectly relevant…especially in May.

  3. redfred2 05/03/2007 at 5:20 PM #

    Well, I guess there are sour grapes with almost every coaching change. Like someone said earlier, this is a one sided, and basically a one person account of what went on. If TOB had been keeping up and had already been given some news as to Glasper’s positive recovery status before the NCSU game, then he had just suffered an agonizing lost on a unbelievable, last second, desperation toss to the corner of the end zone, I personally wouldn’t have blamed TOB if he yanked Glasper up before they even left the stadium, and demanded that he be ready to play the next week.
    If the doctors said he was ready, and it’s apparent that he was needed, I can’t find much blame to place on TOB here.

    I’m not saying whether anyone has done wrong or not, or if the coach is right or wrong, or if the kid has legitimate beef. Both may be possibilities. But what’s kind of telling to me is that this has all just come out and become a storyline now, and only NOW, after an unsuccessful NFL draft for Glasper.

  4. Cosmo96 05/03/2007 at 5:27 PM #

    Well, then, I guess BC fans will just continue to believe that TOB abused his authority and was classless, a jerk and a hypocrite, while the guy that was supposedly wronged by all this said, “I have no animosity toward Coach O’Brien. I’m not bitter about anything or have any hatred. He’s a good coach, a phenomenal coach. I understand what he did. From a coach’s perspective, he did what he thought was best for the team.”

    Based on that quote, I have to agree with SFN–Much ado about nothing.

  5. Primewolf 05/03/2007 at 7:19 PM #

    I can’t get excited about any of this. I doubt if TOB reneged on anything, but just a misunderstanding or change in medical opinion by one doc.

    Eagle in Atlanta has been in the southern Sun too long.

    I think BC has peaked in BB and will have a tough time climbing back into the top part of the conference for a long time. Football, I don’t know what the new coach can do, but I know he has a heck of a returning squad to start off with. If we whip them on Chesnut Hill, what a payback that would be from TOB and what a sign of things to come. IF they whip us, no big deal, expected at least by me.

  6. bTHEredterror 05/03/2007 at 10:05 PM #

    Trout, I too laugh out loud at the prospect of NCSU strong-arming the N&O. Yeah, just like the Clintons control Rush Limbaugh.

  7. Trout 05/04/2007 at 8:45 AM #

    “Well, you know NC State. We’ve had our way with a docile local newspaper for decades, and have used their compliance to garner extremely positive media coverage for all coaches and sports at all times.”

    LOL! 🙂

  8. noah 05/04/2007 at 8:49 AM #

    “I take TOB to task because he presents himself as someone who wouldn’t do this and BC prides itself on how it treats our athletes.”

    Okay, right there…that’s horribly naive. Or, you simply are pretending you don’t know anything about football. If you actually took pride in how you treated the athletes, you would never field a football team.

    “You have to admit pulling the original blog is curious as is Alexander’s nonresponse to my different attempts to reach out.”

    No, it’s not. Glasper’s comments to Page-Two were TOTALLY different than what he told everyone else. I don’t blame ESPN for running the story, they got some good quotes and I would have run it too.

    But when Glasper talked with everyone else, suddenly he had a very different story to tell.

    I know…you’re bitter about how Tom O’Brien won all of those games, removed the stench of a point-shaving scandal, graduated players and basically represented BC with class and dignity.

    Who wouldn’t be?

    I’d be furious if we end up winning 75-80 percent of our games, go to bowls every year, run a clean program….who wants that crap? C’mon! We’re talking BC here! We’re talking about the school that produced Rick Kuhn and Jim Sweeney and Ernie Cobb! Jamall Anderson and Steve Everson and Marcus Bembry amd Paul Cary and John Coleman and Dan Collins and Chris Cosenza and Scott Dragos and Kyle Geiselman and Brandon King and Brian Maye and Jermaine Monk and Rob Tardio….

  9. redfred2 05/04/2007 at 11:55 AM #

    This is trivial, like all of my stuff, but every BC game I ever attended in person, the OL just looked absolutely physically overwhelming in warm ups and also when they stood over the line of scrimmage before getting in to position to start a play. I don’t know if it was an illusion, something to do with the style and cut of the uniforms, but I’d love to see that intimidation factor in Raleigh.

  10. bTHEredterror 05/05/2007 at 9:17 PM #

    Don’t forget Mike (expletive of your preference) Mamula. The whole thing sounds like sour grapes from the Golden Eagles. If they were so glad to be rid of him, why bother to comment? I think they are starting to see the greener grass up close, and they want back over the bridge.

  11. noah 05/06/2007 at 11:21 AM #

    Mamula never threw a game or shaved points, did he? The guys I mentioned above were all implicated in the two point shaving scandals that BC had to endure.

    Brandon King is the grandson of Don King, IIRC. Who could’ve seen that coming? 🙂

    I’m actually just giving Eagle in Atlanta a hard time…I understand why he’s bitter and no, I don’t expect him to be rational or level-headed about this stuff.

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