Somebody Will Be Added Tonight

Somebody will be added to this list tonight:

National Championships

Note: Obviously we have a typographical error – Louisville won the 1980 National Basketball Championship (not the 1990 Title).

Of the thirteen schools with multiple National Championships, only seven schools have won National Championships with different coaches at the helm of the program.

Obviously, NC State is one of those seven schools whose overall PROGRAM is strong enough to rise to the top of the Nation without relying on just one coach (like a Jim Calhoun or Coach K or Billy Donovan).

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General NCS Basketball Tradition

54 Responses to Somebody Will Be Added Tonight

  1. 4PackinMB 04/02/2007 at 2:54 PM #

    ah, but when we make it past a point, we tend to bring it home.

  2. StateFans 04/02/2007 at 3:05 PM #

    Before our self-imposed wandering in the basketball desert (starting with the hire of Les Robinson), we were clearly ahead of Duke from a programmatic standpoint, and within striking distance of UNC.

    The objective numbers are hardly evidence that we CAN’T measure up to either one of those programs. We just lost alot of ground for the period of time we fought with one (or both) hands tied behind our back. Those days are over.

  3. Trout 04/02/2007 at 3:08 PM #

    Speaking of the 1950 Final 4, since NC State won that consolation game, it has the current longest Final 4 winning streak at 5 games (one in ’50 consolation, 2 in ’74 Final 4 and 2 in ’83 Final 4). Florida can have a 4 game Final 4 win streak with a win tonight.

    Using this logic, however, means Maryland has a 2 game Final 4 winning streak, UNC a 2 game, etc.

  4. joe 04/02/2007 at 3:29 PM #

    Wandering in the desert? Who parted the Red Sea?

  5. Buddygreen 04/02/2007 at 3:32 PM #

    Since Little cedar had to bring up UNX, here’s one for you. I hear people bring up number of final four appearances. Can we verify that UNX holds the record for most final four loses? Looks like the numbers would work that way. Little Cedar claims there’s more to building a program than winning championships, but isn’t there something to doing less with more. All those multiple high school all americans hold the record for most final four loses I believe.

  6. joe 04/02/2007 at 3:35 PM #

    I bet Sidney Lowe and a lot of other coaches would love to have a lot of losses in the Final 4 when his career is over because it would mean they probably had some titles to go with it.

  7. redfred2 04/02/2007 at 4:02 PM #

    Do you guys who are so dead set on defending see anything in the championship years above?

    Duke- Won all of their three after 1990.

    UNC- Won it’s second in ’82, then NCSU won it’s second the following year in ’83. UNC’s next two championships came after 1990.

    Yep, two ahead of a never been champion Duke, and tied with UNC in that category. Of course, then came the fiasco of 1990, then Les, then…

  8. packpigskinfan23 04/02/2007 at 4:13 PM #

    so what year is it that Championships are concidered liget? I have always contested that UNC only has four…. but I always believed that UCLA’s numer was a bit skewed as well…. or is it really 11?

  9. redfred2 04/02/2007 at 4:27 PM #

    UNC went undefeated in 13 BC, back before they had even thought naming a national champion in college basketball. The UNC ego maniacs just took it upon themselves to say they were the “national champions” back then. Shortly after that the first stone wheel was made, and the Geico Caveman named himself the NASCAR champion of the universe.

  10. choppack1 04/02/2007 at 5:39 PM #

    I hope FL gets the duece tonight. They are a great basketball team. I don’t know how Ohio State wins every night out, but they seem to find a way to.

  11. packpigskinfan23 04/02/2007 at 5:47 PM #

    Ohio St is my 2nd least fav team behind Carolina…
    I hope Florida comes out kickin ass just like in the BCS championsip game!!!!

    go to hell o-hi-HO State!!!!!

  12. bTHEredterror 04/02/2007 at 6:17 PM #

    Hey Cedar, in RE:Final Fours:

    unc: 15 – 4 Nat’l Championships (26.67 win%)
    duke: 12 – 3 Nat’l Championships (25.00 win%)

    NCSU: 2 (3) – 2 Nat’l Championships (66.67 win%)

    You’re stats bear out (if twisted approrpriately) that actually our program is superior to our triangle neighbors. The Buffalo Bills will tell ya, it ain’t how often you finish second (or third or fourth) that counts.

  13. packpigskinfan23 04/02/2007 at 6:47 PM #

    poor buffalo… the bills AND the sabers…..

  14. gumbydammit 04/02/2007 at 9:16 PM #

    So of al the Pitino proteges, Florida gets Billy Donovan and we get Herb Sendek. WTF?!?!

  15. wolfonthehill 04/02/2007 at 10:48 PM #

    Don’t you mean Billy “Dunuvan”?

  16. BillyTheKid 04/03/2007 at 6:23 AM #

    Duke has been to 14 Final Fours so that would put their win% at 21%.

  17. Cedarblockhead 04/03/2007 at 7:27 AM #

    You guys have a myopic view of our place in history.

    Donovan is Herb’s little brother. After all it was Pitino himself that said Herb was the one he was most afraid of.

  18. Texpack 04/03/2007 at 9:00 AM #

    My dad graduated in ’50 so I have heard lots of stories about that team. We watched the semis together in both ’74 and ’83 since I went home for Easter weekend in ’83. I’d just like for him to see us win one more. It might even be sweeter than being there for the ’83 Championship given all that the program has endured since then. I already have my tickets for the South Regional next year. If the team and the committee will cooperate it will be a great weekend.

  19. Mike 04/03/2007 at 9:20 AM #

    Way back then, Pitino may have been more afraid of HWSNBN. TODAY, Donovan is a real threat, and Pitino is calling his AD telling him to schedule a home and home with HWSNBN.

    I know, it’s not his fault eveyone left and no one wanted to play for him, that everyone got hurt, and the big name recruits never panned out. Cant blame a guy for all those failures.

  20. noah 04/03/2007 at 10:47 AM #

    Dick Dickey got the mumps, if I remember my history correct, in 1950 right before the Final Four. So we were short our best player.

    That was 23 years before I was born, so I don’t know…but I’ve read that we would have been the favorite had we been completely healthy.

  21. gumbydammit 04/03/2007 at 12:19 PM #

    Pitino may have been afraid of Herb because he feared that Herb, as hsi successor, would destroy all that he had built…

  22. GoldenChain 04/04/2007 at 10:02 AM #

    It would be interesting to see a comparison of NatChamp coaches, their total wins.
    Something tells me that there are several with a lot lower ratio of NCs to total wins than the latest inductee into the hoops HOF!

  23. CedarGroveWolf 04/04/2007 at 11:08 AM #

    “according to you, we shouldnt expect to compete,”

    huh? please show a quote

    “Case went to the Final Four in 1950, that makes 3.”

    my bad, didn’t go back that far

  24. Rick 04/05/2007 at 8:19 AM #

    You are the king of short quotes that are so obtuse that any time someone reminds you of them you can say “I did nto say that”.

    You supported Herb for years. He did not compete. You were happy with him therefore your expectation was not to compete.

    You have pointed out how much “better” Duke and UNC are than us. Again the implication is we cannot compete.

    Did you come right out and say “we cannot expect to compete”? No
    Does your history of posting say you think we cannot compete? YES

    So quit being a jerk and accept that you were wrong about Herb and STOP supporting him.

  25. CedarGroveWolf 04/05/2007 at 8:35 AM #

    You know Rick, you are right. I have been supporting Herb for too long and will stop before I am banned.
    Thank you for allowing me to post on this blog.

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