Our friends at RAWFS have a really nice article up with a number of links covering the spring football practices. Alpha touches on several things that perfectly matches something that I’m currently working on. If you’ve been wondering why RAWFS hasn’t been putting up entries with their normal frequency, here is a comment lifted from earlier this week:
Red and White is not dead, though I may have been (try hitting a stationary object at 47.5 MPH) were it not for the grace of God. It’s taken me a lot longer than I would like to get the blog moving again. I totalled a car in February and have had two sinus and facial reconstruction surgeries in the meantime, and let me tell you that that kind of surgery sucks. To this day I am still getting crushing sinus headaches as everything heals but I refuse to take any more narcotics to alleviate the pain. Thankfully that’s becoming more rare.
First of all, I’m sure that I speak for all State fans when I say how glad we are that Alpha is recovering and doing better. Secondly, I wish that we had known about the accident earlier….even if all I could do was to pray and send a get-well card.
It’s good to you have back and blogging, even if you’re not at full-speed just yet. Here’s a short piece of advice: don’t scrimp on the narcotics…they’ve got more where those came from. 😉