Interesting that it would be perfectly synposized by a DBR piece “explaining” why everybody hates poor, noble, righteous Duke. You have to hand it to them, they sure know who to whine – every bit as much as their coaches and players. Strawmen abound – enjoy taking apart you favorite ones in the comments below.
Hat tip to Deadspin for calling this to our attention. Don’t miss the delightfully named Nation of Islam Sportsblog’s response (wow, did DBR ever miss the joke – no surprise given their past history with SFN). In the interest of balance, we also link to a nice explanation of UNC hatred.
Also, don’t miss Dave Sez’s comments on the topic.
We know how sensitive and humorless Duke fans can be, so we will clarify again for the record that we totally don’t think you are as bad as Nazi Germany, or that Coach K was responsible for the Holocaust. Promise.