State to Host Marist

NC State fans will get an opportunity to show their appreciation to their beloved Wolfpack after Marist upset Oklahoma State tonight. This evening’s events create an opportunity for NC State to host Marist on Friday night at 9:30pm (television -ESPNU).

Many fans would like to see State play the game in Reynolds Coliseum – especially those fans that remember the amazing/electric atmosphere’s that accompanied State’s NIT appearances in 1997 and 1998.

But, NC State may have a ‘venue problem’ as the RBC Center is scheduled to host a Josh Groban concert and Reynolds Coliseum is scheduled to host a gymnastics meet at 7pm.

If the gymnastics meet can’t be moved up in the day, then we hope that the meet would be shifted somewhere like Dorton Arena, Peace, Saint Mary’s, Meredith, Broughton, Cardinal Gibbons or some other local facility.

One of the members of our community has shared the following:

The NIT website shows our game as “Marist vs. N.C. State” while all the other confirmed 2nd round matchups are listed as “at” the higher seed.

Our game is listed is being on ESPNU at 9:30, but with another 2nd round game also on ESPNU at 9:00. One of the four games listed is on Saturday at noon, rather than Friday night, so there is some precedent of Saturday games.

If those listings (particularly the Friday night TV listings) are accurate, it might be possible to move the game to Saturday. If it is the sole game on a given network in its timeslot, probably no chance at all for a move.

Presumably, there is no possibility of using RBC at any point Sat-Mon, due to the NCAA women’s tournament.

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06-07 Basketball General

167 Responses to State to Host Marist

  1. WIFF 03/14/2007 at 12:39 PM #

    I sent the following to Annabelle Myers and she responded almost immediately.

    In these days of blogs and message boards, a website that does not have up to the minute current information is failing to deliver. I would hope that the Wolfpack Marketing staff could keep the website filled with current up to date information but apparently that is not the case. The fact that you have a picture of the basketball fan guide from 2 seasons ago on the website with a picture of a coach that has not been affiliated with our school for almost a year is inexcusable.
    Please take the appropriate measures to make sure that the official website of wolfpack athletics represents our great athletics programs better than this.
    Thank you,

    Her response:
    i will forward this to the marketing office and our game operations
    folks. they maintain those sections of the website. thanks!

    Annabelle V. Myers

  2. packbackr04 03/14/2007 at 12:59 PM #

    thanks wiff.. did you ask her about L in the column showing the score of last nights game?

  3. BoKnowsNCS71 03/14/2007 at 1:02 PM #

    Tickets bought the old fashioned way. Phone. See ya at the game!

  4. TNCSU 03/14/2007 at 1:11 PM #

    Did she really reply without capitalizing the first letter in her sentences?

    Man, that erks me…it is a “university” website, right?

  5. Redblogger 03/14/2007 at 1:16 PM #

    What was the price of the tickets?

  6. redfred2 03/14/2007 at 1:26 PM #

    She should have at least capitalized the “they” in her sentence. We knew it would it be totally out her control.

  7. ShootingGuard 03/14/2007 at 1:44 PM #

    “That darned Lee Fowler! Can’t I still blame something on him today? Anything?”

    How about the stock market??

    Although I guess Sid has jumped in to save him again with a technical bounce at halftime today…

  8. ShootingGuard 03/14/2007 at 1:46 PM #

    (financial nerd humor = the best)

  9. tcthdi-tgsf-twhwtnc 03/14/2007 at 2:44 PM #

    “On campus arenas and stadiums suck ass for everyone who isn’t a student at the university.”

    I guess I’m one of the few that still think college athletics is for the students and anyone else that wants to attend does so at whatever cost is necessary.
    If you have to walk your fat ass from Hillsborough Street to watch college students play a game on campus that should be intended for students then shut the f up and walk or sit at home and watch the game. Geezus H.

  10. primacyone 03/14/2007 at 3:06 PM #

    Thanks WIFF.

    Although Annabelle did give us another “it’s not my job” response, at least she responded promply.

  11. MrPlywood 03/14/2007 at 3:55 PM #

    FWIW, I loved Reynolds when I was a student and afterwards as a fan with season tickets. There was something about the streams of fans coming from all directions, through the tunnels, across campus, all converging on Reynolds in anticipation of the game. I really don’t remember parking being too much of an issue. Just like anything, if you show up late you’re not going to get a spot close by. And if you did park close by, it rarely took more than 45 minutes to get out afterwards. Big deal.

    As far as the noise meter being operated manually, I’m not so sure. The thing was “on” all the time, and fluctuating. Are you telling me that someone had their hand on the dial at all times?

  12. Cardiff Giant 03/14/2007 at 4:42 PM #

    I’ve thrown a mountain of negative verbiage Lee Fowler’s way, so I have to give him credit on this one. Well done re the Reynolds selection!

  13. highstick 03/14/2007 at 4:52 PM #

    You really can’t expect much from a Clempson grad anyway!

    It took me 30 minutes or better to read this thread. I honestly have a hard time believing that the Administration at State is so incompetent. And their tech people can’t keep a website up to date? Wow, is all I can say!

    I saw Jordan in his “Sidney” jacket this morning too. I thought that was very appropriate for him to be taking lessons in dressing from Sid!

  14. GAWolf 03/15/2007 at 8:40 AM #

    ^^^ I’ve received several emails over the last few days from various people that say MJ wearing the red blazer could mean way more than we first realized. There’s a rumor floating around that the Bobcats might be trying to court Sid.

    If we’re going to give Fowler any credit whatsoever, it’s time to give Sid a raise and a contract extension. Maybe not a Pete Gillian-esque extension for umpteen years and a bajillion dollars, but we need to do something for Sid to show we’re committed to him and we want nothing more than for him to be committed to us.

    We can’t dream of competing with NBA money, but this game in Reynolds might be more perfectly timed than we realized. Hopefully this game will make Sid remember/realize that the college game has so much more to offer than the NBA from an intangible standpoint.

  15. GAWolf 03/15/2007 at 8:53 AM #

    I truly expect this game to be more electric than any game in Reynold’s history. While it’s hard to say that considering I saw us beat the #1 ranked Tarheels there while in college… this game has all the criteria for histeria.

    1) Friday night: few of the fans will have to rise early and work… lots of boozed up and rowdy fans.

    2) Very late tip: this furthers the point of #1, but puts this concept almost beyond predictability. No work + lots of time to drink = possibly the roudiest collection of fans EVER at the Old Barn

    3) Excitement: The fanbase as a whole hasn’t seen this sort of buzz of excitement in a decade. There’s hope for better things to come and I think our fans’ demeanor will show that.

    4) Appreciation: Who doesn’t want to rub Sid’s bald head in admiration and love? We love the guy. The world loves the guy. Hell even the Big Bad Media loves the guy. This game gives us a chance to show our appreciation for Sid and our boys. We didn’t think we were going to have that opportunity, but amazingly enough we do. Something bigger than basketball will be going on inside Reynolds tomorrow night, and again I think our fans will be up for the job at hand.

    5) This is a big game: Like it or not, we’re in the NIT. We can prove to the world that we’re making a strong charge back to the upper-echelon of college basketball. There’s a lot on the line here.

    6) It’s Reynolds: Reynolds to our younger fans will be like a magic shop to a little kid. Expect the kids to pull a rabbit out of the hat and truly up the bar for even Pack students of yesteryear.

    7) The ticket sales: Beyond being a sell out, the tickets aren’t going to that many 80 year old alumni. When I was a student it was tough raising hell and looking up in the stands and seeing half of the upperdeck sitting in their seats. The big money guys likely weren’t on their toes enough to get too many of the seats. I expect the crowd to be young, enthusiastic and all around on their feets.

    All in all, this seriously could be the most deafening, ridiculous showing of fan support EVER in the history of NC State basketball. Seriously. Geterdid.

  16. highstick 03/15/2007 at 11:39 PM #

    GA, the upperdeck was sitting in their seats cause they had a bottle of Jim Beam under the seat! That used to be a regular occurence back in the 60’s when I was there as a fresh and soph. You could slide up there and watch the game with a little “cocktail” and nobody would bother you!


  1. StateFans Nation » Blog Archive » Lowe: ‘NC State fans will be at their finest’ - 03/15/2007

    […] A subset of an entire new generation of NC State fans are going to get the opportunity to enjoy a taste of “the good old days” when NC State plays host to Marist on Friday night on Kay Yow Court in Reynolds Coliseum!! […]

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