State to Host Marist

NC State fans will get an opportunity to show their appreciation to their beloved Wolfpack after Marist upset Oklahoma State tonight. This evening’s events create an opportunity for NC State to host Marist on Friday night at 9:30pm (television -ESPNU).

Many fans would like to see State play the game in Reynolds Coliseum – especially those fans that remember the amazing/electric atmosphere’s that accompanied State’s NIT appearances in 1997 and 1998.

But, NC State may have a ‘venue problem’ as the RBC Center is scheduled to host a Josh Groban concert and Reynolds Coliseum is scheduled to host a gymnastics meet at 7pm.

If the gymnastics meet can’t be moved up in the day, then we hope that the meet would be shifted somewhere like Dorton Arena, Peace, Saint Mary’s, Meredith, Broughton, Cardinal Gibbons or some other local facility.

One of the members of our community has shared the following:

The NIT website shows our game as “Marist vs. N.C. State” while all the other confirmed 2nd round matchups are listed as “at” the higher seed.

Our game is listed is being on ESPNU at 9:30, but with another 2nd round game also on ESPNU at 9:00. One of the four games listed is on Saturday at noon, rather than Friday night, so there is some precedent of Saturday games.

If those listings (particularly the Friday night TV listings) are accurate, it might be possible to move the game to Saturday. If it is the sole game on a given network in its timeslot, probably no chance at all for a move.

Presumably, there is no possibility of using RBC at any point Sat-Mon, due to the NCAA women’s tournament.

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06-07 Basketball General

167 Responses to State to Host Marist

  1. CedarGroveWolf 03/14/2007 at 10:14 AM #



  2. RedTerror29 03/14/2007 at 10:15 AM #

    They better be working their tails off to get this straightened out and an announcement made. Every hour wasted is tickets that will go unsold.

  3. beowolf 03/14/2007 at 10:15 AM #

    Brought to you by

  4. joe 03/14/2007 at 10:16 AM #

    Why does Gopack waste time doing live stats? They are available from other sites such as Yahoo – that’s what I always look at it – Yahoo had the live stats last night. ESPN has them too.

  5. RedTerror29 03/14/2007 at 10:16 AM #

    ^^^Note that is the fan guide from 05-06. Apparantly none was created for 06-07 and the old one was left up?!?

  6. RedTerror29 03/14/2007 at 10:17 AM # should just cut a deal with whoever does live stats best to feed theirs. definitely needs a little management overall based on past performance.

  7. redfred2 03/14/2007 at 10:26 AM #

    ‘Apparantly none was created for 06-07 and the old one was left up?!?”

    Hey, it’s working fine, let’s not do anything about it until AFTER someone really raises a stink. Don’t forget!!! We all need to tidy our desks early this afternoon and be ready to leave for the bowling alley tonight. I’m feeling hot today!!!

  8. WolftownVA81 03/14/2007 at 10:28 AM #

    Can the web page be outsourced?

  9. DRW 03/14/2007 at 10:31 AM #

    I think is done by Wolfpack Sports Marketing. I think they have the ‘rights’.

  10. redfred2 03/14/2007 at 10:32 AM #

    Probably, but then the administration would have to figure out something else not to do, and that list already getting short.

  11. WolftownVA81 03/14/2007 at 10:36 AM #

    Anyone have a suggestion on what we the fan base can do to affect a change? We need to bring our sports administration up to the performance level demonstrated by our coaches and athelets.

  12. acc10k 03/14/2007 at 10:36 AM #

    Just refreshed the website – in the last 30 minutes the listing has changed from “Marist vs. N.C.State” to “Marist at N.C. State.”

  13. class of 74 03/14/2007 at 10:36 AM #

    Frankly, LF shouldn’t be allowed to park cars at the RBC much less run our athletic department. He is a disaster looking for an opportunity.

  14. wolfpack2002 03/14/2007 at 10:40 AM #

    I just don’t see what good it is AD bashing or calling this poor planning….Don’t get me wrong, im not really defending LF (although his daughter is pretty hot) but there were an infinite number of possibilities for this… our second round men’s game coulda been Thursday, Friday, Saturday or Monday and with the women’s ncaa first round in town there still would have been conflict if it wasn’t on Friday… and since we had nothing scheduled 8 MONTHS for friday night at the RBC Center… the company that runs the place GAIL FORCE SPORTS booked a concert …big whoop..i’ve only once seen a schedule conflict at reynolds with all the volleyball, womens bball, wrestling, gymnastics, and various high school and kids’ events that go on there. There is no way in hell to leave ALL options open for scheduling something for all those other events 6-8 monthes ago just for the chance that we might end up second round in the NIT home game that plays on a Friday night. There are too many elements to consider just to go straight away and blast the AD of this school… there are too many ppl involved in all of this scheduling to just go lambasting one person for something that very well couldn’t be avoided…. there are a lot of activities going on on campus in the spring time and i’m sure people schedule stuff well ahead of time because THEY KNOW IT IS GOING TO HAPPEN; leaving all options open would be a huge jumbled mess for everyone else that expects to be able to plan and schedule events at their own school … not calling anyone ignorant but it just seems like a cop-out to go bitching and complaining at particular people over something like this…. okay rant over…sorry i just had to get that out there

  15. Mr O 03/14/2007 at 10:41 AM #

    LOL Class of 74.

    On another note, we are up to 65th in the Sagarin.

  16. Trout 03/14/2007 at 10:42 AM #

    From a poster on PP:

    “I talked with WPC. There are TV slots available at 9:30pm Friday and 11am Saturday. LF is trying to get the game for 11am Saturday, where Reynolds is available. If this doesn’t happen, I believe he will move the Gymnastics meet to host the game at 9:30 in Reynolds.”

  17. primacyone 03/14/2007 at 10:42 AM #

    It appears may already be outsourced. The domain is reigstered to:

    Domain Name: GOPACK.COM

    Administrative Contact, Technical Contact:
    XOSn [email protected]
    XOS Technologies, Inc.
    Sanford, FL 32771
    407-936-0800 fax: 407-936-0870

    Tim Peeler is the managing editor and feature writer for He is a 87 NCSU Grad. Annabelle Vaughan is the Asst. AD/Media Relations and handles all basketball and football media relations. She is a Clemson Grad, but she is now married to former NCSU basketball player Ernie Myers and is now Annabelle V Myers.

    It would appear that there is proably a gap in management between NCSU/WSM and the site provider. In that gap would be several people on both sides saying that is not my job, as mentioned above.

  18. redfred2 03/14/2007 at 10:45 AM #

    I understand the immediate problem with the Marist game, but I’m talking more about the overall.

  19. Trout 03/14/2007 at 10:45 AM #

    NCSU Media Relations just confirmed the NIT game against Marist will be Friday at 9:30 at Reynolds.

  20. primacyone 03/14/2007 at 10:46 AM #

    “NCSU Media Relations just confirmed the NIT game against Marist will be Friday at 9:30 at Reynolds.”


  21. highonlowe 03/14/2007 at 10:47 AM #

    I can understand about the scheduling conflicts. (Although we should’ve had a contingency plan), we just won less than 15 hrs ago, so not having the alternate venue finalized before lunch is acceptable.
    However, the “L” beside the Drexel final score is UNacceptable.

  22. GoldenChain 03/14/2007 at 10:47 AM #

    You guys will laugh at this but many years ago (like 30) I actually remember going to a game at Dorton Arena to one of those Nov/Dec games when Reynolds wasn’t available.
    I’d even prefer that to playing on the road!

  23. redfred2 03/14/2007 at 10:50 AM #


    I just clicked on your link, and it was a blank screen…I wonder?

  24. WolftownVA81 03/14/2007 at 10:50 AM #

    Thanks Trout. Now we can get on with the business at hand.

  25. Redblogger 03/14/2007 at 10:51 AM #

    Where can I get tickets. Go Pack shows no events, thus no tickets.

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