State to Host Marist

NC State fans will get an opportunity to show their appreciation to their beloved Wolfpack after Marist upset Oklahoma State tonight. This evening’s events create an opportunity for NC State to host Marist on Friday night at 9:30pm (television -ESPNU).

Many fans would like to see State play the game in Reynolds Coliseum – especially those fans that remember the amazing/electric atmosphere’s that accompanied State’s NIT appearances in 1997 and 1998.

But, NC State may have a ‘venue problem’ as the RBC Center is scheduled to host a Josh Groban concert and Reynolds Coliseum is scheduled to host a gymnastics meet at 7pm.

If the gymnastics meet can’t be moved up in the day, then we hope that the meet would be shifted somewhere like Dorton Arena, Peace, Saint Mary’s, Meredith, Broughton, Cardinal Gibbons or some other local facility.

One of the members of our community has shared the following:

The NIT website shows our game as “Marist vs. N.C. State” while all the other confirmed 2nd round matchups are listed as “at” the higher seed.

Our game is listed is being on ESPNU at 9:30, but with another 2nd round game also on ESPNU at 9:00. One of the four games listed is on Saturday at noon, rather than Friday night, so there is some precedent of Saturday games.

If those listings (particularly the Friday night TV listings) are accurate, it might be possible to move the game to Saturday. If it is the sole game on a given network in its timeslot, probably no chance at all for a move.

Presumably, there is no possibility of using RBC at any point Sat-Mon, due to the NCAA women’s tournament.

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06-07 Basketball General

167 Responses to State to Host Marist

  1. highonlowe 03/14/2007 at 8:09 AM #

    I’m fairly sure a gymnastics meet has been moved to Carmichael before, and considering that a televised men’s basketball game brings IN money as opposed to a gym meet costing us money, I think this game gets played in Reynolds on Friday night.

  2. WolftownVA81 03/14/2007 at 8:11 AM #

    Some observations from the Drexel Game:

    – The team looked in very high spirits as they came in the front door (through the Wolfpack fans who had lined up early, no players entrance.)
    – Drexel’s fan base seemed to be real pre-occupied with the whole NCAA snub thing verses the game at hand (I’m sure at some point the cameras caught all the signs.) No beat the Wolfpack signs that I could see.
    – We had about 300-400 fans in attendance that made a good bit of noise.
    – DU treated our team’s comp ticket holders pretty shabby. They got shoved over in the corner and the students in the yellow shirts, who already had their tickets, got past the NCSU crowd at the gate to take the prime seats right behind our bench though the place was empty at the time.
    – The yellow weenie cheering section ran out of steam a lot faster than our players did. As soon as we took the lead, they shut up.
    – Overall, the student fans had no class. Stood on their seats so we couldn’t see and were fond of chanting A– Hole when they didn’t like the call.
    – A lot of fouls didn’t get called on DU (especially by the white ref with hair who called most of the fouls on us under their basket.) While on our end, you could hear them slapping our players with no call. Finally they started calling the hands all over Atsur and Fells.
    – Fells early three pointers were life savors that stopped the bleeding from their fast start. We were really getting whipped and it felt like we were going to be embarrassed.
    – Grant did an outstanding job fighting through screens all night long to guard Mejia.
    – Can’t say enought about the grit of this team. They went to work and didn’t let up thought everyone of them was exhausted. When was the last time we shot short on free throws?

  3. redfred2 03/14/2007 at 8:16 AM #

    Alright now beowulf, about time for another apperarance from Leslie and Priscilla.

  4. dawgitall 03/14/2007 at 8:19 AM #

    Dorton Arena use to be the home of the old Carolina Cougars, surely they have a portable floor they could put down there. It holds what about 5-7 k for bball. Not the nicest place, kind of like a hollow shell but it would be packed and would give us all a state fair feel.

  5. Wxwolf 03/14/2007 at 8:21 AM #

    If I remember correctly from back in the day, student tickets for NIT games weren’t free, but they were available at a reduced price, like $5 or so.

  6. BJD95 03/14/2007 at 8:23 AM #

    I would be completely in favor of kicking some of the profits to the gymnastics team for their inconvenience. But at the end of the day, without football and mens’ basketball, there wouldn’t be a gymnastics team (at least not one with scholarships). I’m not saying that’s right or wrong, but them’s the facts.

    The weird part of me thinks it would be a riot to play a home game in the Nose Dome, though.

  7. GAWolf 03/14/2007 at 8:23 AM #

    ^^ You’re right… We paid for ours in the mid/late 90’s.

    If our athletic department punts this game back to Marist it will infuriate me. I can’t go as I have prior obligations, but our team deserves some resemblance of a home game after the effort they’ve laid out. Not to mention, a home game or at least a close game gives our guys an extra “day” of rest.

  8. 94wolfpack 03/14/2007 at 8:26 AM #

    Anyone stay up to watch Marist last night?

    My thoughts are that they are quick and look to run, have 2-3 guys who can shoot JJ-like 3’s, very intelligent players and will get you on the back cut if you fall asleep. If they are as hot shooting 3s as they were last night this team could cause State some trouble. The also have a 7ftr who has hit 40% from behind the arc.

    The guards were quick to double down on the post players as they moved to the lane and got several steals there. Lots of long passes as they were getting out on offense and beating the defenders down the court.

    3 players from their team scare me with their match up with State. The PG (can’t remember his name), 2 guard/wing Whittington (VERY quick release on his 3s) and their 7 Ftr who can hit 3s. I fell asleep so I didn’t see the last 5 min or so. Marist jumped out to a lead and i don’t remember OSU getting it closer than 4.

  9. wolfpack2002 03/14/2007 at 8:26 AM #

    That would be a very shitty thing to do to move the gymnastics meet to somewhere off campus on their ‘senior’ night. They usually have like 3000 ppl at the meets so i don;t see them moving to carmichael where there is one tiny bleacher next to the rock wall… unless they announce something first i’ll ask the gymnastics coach in my class later whats going to happen and get back to everyone.

  10. joe 03/14/2007 at 8:27 AM #

    Dorton Arena is booked on Sat. and Sun. so they probably are going to need Friday night to set up for that event.

  11. BJD95 03/14/2007 at 8:27 AM #

    GAWolf – if we don’t have a contingency plan ALREADY IN THE WORKS, then Fowler should be fired immediately. Any competent manager would have started working on it first thing Monday morning. And in all fairness, maybe he has done so.

  12. Dan 03/14/2007 at 8:29 AM #

    With the NIT’s schedule, I find it hard to believe they cant shuffle games. The next round isnt until March 27th. Just let us have the game on Saturday.

    Or kick Groban out. No way Josh Groban should be bouncing the ‘Pack.

  13. BJD95 03/14/2007 at 8:29 AM #

    Since the taxpayers of NC underwrite some of the Nose Dome debt, I think they owe it to us to rent it out if we really need it. And again, to be fair, I think they probably would be willing to do so.

  14. joe 03/14/2007 at 8:30 AM #

    What if the contingency plan was simply play on the road if both Reynolds and RBC are booked?

    Greensboro is an interesting idea but it may be booked too.

  15. BJD95 03/14/2007 at 8:30 AM #

    Also, who in the hell is Josh Groban?

  16. BJD95 03/14/2007 at 8:30 AM #

    joe – if that’s the contingency plan, then Fowler should be fired.

  17. Mr O 03/14/2007 at 8:31 AM #

    Greensboro makes the most sense to me. It is open for Friday night, holds plenty of people, has a lot of ACC history, and isn’t a long drive for people from the Triangle.

    I think the tournament goes back there in three years, so maybe the freshman on our team(Horner maybe the only one) would get some future benefit from playing there.

  18. BJD95 03/14/2007 at 8:32 AM #

    Come on, isn’t anyone sick enough to like the Nose Dome idea?

  19. joe 03/14/2007 at 8:33 AM #

    The Dean Dome would be fine with me but what I call the “foam at the mouth Heel haters” won’t like it.

  20. Mr O 03/14/2007 at 8:33 AM #

    Is sending a bunch of our fans to Chapel Hill for a game a good idea?

  21. joe 03/14/2007 at 8:35 AM #

    What’s wrong with sending fans to UNC? Are they going to trash the place?

  22. Trout 03/14/2007 at 8:37 AM #

    “Come on, isn’t anyone sick enough to like the Nose Dome idea?”

    Only if we act like our ECU brethren and destroy the place after we win.

  23. Trout 03/14/2007 at 8:40 AM #
  24. Dan 03/14/2007 at 8:41 AM #

    “I’m having a great time with this team,” Atsur said. “I’ve had a great career so far and it’s been really fun playing for the Wolfpack. I just don’t want it to end. As long as we’re winning, I’ll keep wearing this uniform.”

    – Engin Atsur

    I really do love this team.

    (Quote from the Drexel game story)

  25. Mr O 03/14/2007 at 8:43 AM #

    Great quote from Sidney in that article:

    “We talk about being mentally tough and focused, taking what we want and not what they’re giving us.”

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