UNC Lands Two Players That Clemson Admissions Turns Down

The alternate titles for this entry were “There is a War Brewing in Clemson” or “Can’t Wait to Hear Dave Glenn talk about Carolina’s bad academics”.

It will be interesting if this piece will show up in any of Dave Glenn’s anyalsis after we have heard for the last few years how NC State consistently admits a lower level student-athlete on the football field. There are a lot of upset fans today in Tigertown.

Jones has a 2.25 core GPA and a 670 SAT. He is currently taking three core classes. If he made Bs on each core credit he would have to raise his SAT to an 800. Jones signed with North Carolina, a top 10 public institution, on Wednesday.

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109 Responses to UNC Lands Two Players That Clemson Admissions Turns Down

  1. RickJ 02/08/2007 at 1:41 PM #

    “will they be able to get away with it in the Age of the Blogosphere?”

    Beowolf – I have been thinking about this very issue. A few years after Washburn’s 470 SAT came to light, it was revealed that UNC had taken a basketball player with a sub 500 SAT. It quickly died as a story as the major papers did not choose to repeat it over and over until the fact was fully ingrained into public consciousness. I don’t think it would play out the same in this day and age.

  2. VaWolf82 02/08/2007 at 1:49 PM #

    Given my typical skepticism of those that maintain DG has a PRONOUNCED pro-UNC/anti-NCSU bias, I was rather shocked to hear DG immediately sidestep the question and instead of discussing possible non-qualifiers in UNC’s class turn the question around and simply begin throwing UNC recruits’ names out there that happened to be in GOOD academic standing.

    We have discussed this before. DG has out right lied, in print, about the SAT scores of UNC’s fooutball players. Throw in the AJ Davis recruiting comments and there is simply no doubt that DG is not reliable when it comes to UNC vs NCSU topics. That doesn’t mean that he is always or even usually wrong. It means that he will spin certain stories, and even lie, to elevate the perception of UNC over NCSU.

  3. RedTerror29 02/08/2007 at 1:54 PM #

    “They are scared to be great. This place could be great but they are scared to be great. They want to 8-4 so everyone gives their money to IPTAY and buys the season tickets. If they went 4-8 they would have to fire people and they don’t want to do that. If they went 12-0 they would be scared to death that someone would think badly of them…”

    That quote from the linked story about Clemson sounds familiar…

  4. VaWolf82 02/08/2007 at 1:54 PM #

    Another more recent example…..DG just recently claimed that State had some of the lowest admission standards in the ACC…..with absolutely no mention of the UNC-system requirements.

  5. BoKnowsNCS71 02/08/2007 at 2:02 PM #

    IPTAY = I Pay Three Athletes a Year

  6. noah 02/08/2007 at 2:05 PM #

    “If this post refers to FVHS’s Sam Jones, Jones did not withdraw from school during his senior year to attend prep.”

    Are you sure? I was told recently that he had indeed planning on failing this year and would be at Hargrave next year.

    If he’s planning on graduating from FVHS, he’s either way closer than was originally reported or is planning on going to JUCO. Or has no plans to attend NC State.

  7. noah 02/08/2007 at 2:06 PM #

    “DG just recently claimed that State had some of the lowest admission standards in the ACC…..with absolutely no mention of the UNC-system requirements.”

    Are you sure he put it that way exactly?

  8. BJD95 02/08/2007 at 2:49 PM #

    DG also recently said that State’s staff was better than UNC’s, IIRC.

  9. VaWolf82 02/08/2007 at 3:12 PM #

    According to research by the ACC Sports Journal and ACCSports.com, Duke, Boston College, Wake Forest and Georgia Tech had by far the most difficult admissions standards for football prospects in recent years among the 12 ACC schools. N.C. State, meanwhile, repeatedly ranked in the bottom third of the conference under Chuck Amato.


    I rarely read DG, so it isn’t hard to remember what I’ve read.

  10. choppack1 02/08/2007 at 3:13 PM #

    DG knows his stuff. This is exactly what is so disturbing about his refusal to clarify certain issues. He knows that Mack Brown’s football successes were built on recruits that weren’t solid academically – yet he never mentions it.

    He does an excellent job at assessing recruiting and on the field success, but when it comes to matters that benefit Chapel Hill – he can’t be trusted.

  11. MrPlywood 02/08/2007 at 3:24 PM #

    The new SAT has a total score of 2400 – 3 sections worth 800 each – and was first administered in March 2005. So I would think that the scores the post refers to were on the 2400 scale.

    As far as the Washburn incident, it got personal when I was on a job interview in ’85 and my prospective employer brought it up – a not so subtle dig at NCSU at large and it’s overall academic integrity.

    For those of you too young to remember: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chris_Washburn

  12. McPete 02/08/2007 at 3:44 PM #

    What did DG say about the AJ Smith recruiting? And will he mention the def. end Ewell in the same capacity?

  13. choppack1 02/08/2007 at 3:45 PM #

    See – VAWolf – I wonder, and I’m thinking that UNC might have been in the bottum third when Mack Brown was bringing in his good classes.

  14. noah 02/08/2007 at 4:07 PM #

    “N.C. State, meanwhile, repeatedly ranked in the bottom third of the conference under Chuck Amato.”

    That statement is most definitely true. I think Clemson shared the spot with us in the outhouse of academics. FSU was right with us.

  15. RedTerror29 02/08/2007 at 4:08 PM #

    I don’t think the NCAA has changed its requirements for the new SAT format. I think they’re still just looking at Verbal + Math, which are still on a 1600 scale. The other 800 (Reading or Analytic or whatever) probably isn’t being taken into consideration yet. So that is probably just the kid’s Verbal + Math score, which is still terrible.

  16. roandaddy 02/08/2007 at 4:22 PM #

    Guys.. remember.. IPTAY just got BUSTED AGAIN for sending an email rounding up people to greet D. Jones when he arrived on campus. Interesting that just after they got buseted, they suddenly dropped pursuit.

    Love or hate Amato.. but every year there seemed to be one recruit who would be really really good once he qualified. These are always “high risk” recruits. I think

    Wake is a great example of why choosing lower star rated but good character recruits is a winning proposition vs gambling on qualifiers. TOB should be the same model, which is highly encouraging!

  17. VaWolf82 02/08/2007 at 4:32 PM #

    I’m thinking that UNC might have been in the bottum third when Mack Brown was bringing in his good classes.

    DG claimed that in the last year that the NCAA released SAT scores, that UNC was third in the conference. Someone at PP found a link at the Standford (?) scout.com site that had the SAT scores from that year. Low and behold, UNC was six or seventh….about 10 points lower than State that year.

  18. BoKnowsNCS71 02/08/2007 at 4:33 PM #

    IPTAY = It’s Probation Time Again Y’all

  19. VaWolf82 02/08/2007 at 4:35 PM #

    “N.C. State, meanwhile, repeatedly ranked in the bottom third of the conference under Chuck Amato.”

    That statement is most definitely true. I think Clemson shared the spot with us in the outhouse of academics. FSU was right with us.
    Was it true with the 2006 class that had the higher standards for the UNC system? Will it hold for the 2007 class that was largely recruited by Amato? If not, then DG is leaving out facts so that the story slants the way he wants.

  20. VaWolf82 02/08/2007 at 4:35 PM #

    %$#@#@! formatting!

    Lesson learned….don’t try and separate paragraphs with a dashed line.

  21. Texpack 02/08/2007 at 4:38 PM #

    Having listened to Paul Dietzel proclaim that USC could never be a national power in football as long as it had to abide by the “800 Rule”, I am surprised that 30 years after they left the ACC they still aren’t a national power. Clemson does appear to have changed however. One of the Danny Ford violations involved the Dean of Student Affairs helping to arrange for payment of a player’s dental bills. That was an administration that really understood the purpose of Clemson University.

  22. VaWolf82 02/08/2007 at 4:38 PM #

    Wake is a great example of why choosing lower star rated but good character recruits is a winning proposition vs gambling on qualifiers.

    I don’t want felons or the functionally illeritate….but the results for one year hardly justify recruiting lower ranked players as a repeatable blue print for success.

  23. pakfanistan 02/08/2007 at 4:40 PM #


    Your argument isn’t very good. Athletics bring in tons of cash for the university, way more than it costs in scholarships. If anything, that athlete will be helping subsidize a good students education.

  24. roandaddy 02/08/2007 at 4:57 PM #

    VaWolf.. come on.. you know what I am saying. You don’t want to actively recruit two star players, all I am saying is you don’t sell your soul b/c some one is a 4/5 star. I look at how much everyone drooled over Hannah, D. Morris, B. Washington, etc. CTC always seemed to have a couple of guys with “a story”.. and most times the story was for a reason–they had baggage and discipline issues. We shouldn’t be surprised to constantly lead the league in penalties.

  25. noah 02/08/2007 at 4:59 PM #

    “Was it true with the 2006 class that had the higher standards for the UNC system? Will it hold for the 2007 class that was largely recruited by Amato? If not, then DG is leaving out facts so that the story slants the way he wants.”

    Don’t know. I first heard it in 2005, I believe. You should email Glenn and see if things have changed.

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