Thoughts on the UNC Rivalry

Yesterday’s discussion about Roy’s advice to Sid propmpted me to think a bit more about rivalries (particularly vs. UNC in basketball). I have pointed to Matt Doherty as the ideal UNC coach for State fans (incompetent, easy to hate), and Roy Williams is pretty much the anti-Doherty – which kind of sucks for us. Or does it?

First, let’s state the obvious – UNC isn’t going to keep a grossly or even partially incompetent coach for very long. As much as we hate to admit it, UNC will always be one of the “Golden Three” mens’ basketball programs (UNC, UCLA, Kentucky) – i.e., a program that has intrinsic advantages that more or less make it impossible to wallow in the muck for very long. So, to count on an endless procession of Doh’s is simply unrealistic, which is why you really needed to enjoy that 20+ loss season when it happened.

Those of us that came of age as State fans in the 70s or 80s (or even earlier) remember State/UNC as the rivalry. Pretty much every kid in elementary school was either a State or Carolina fan. David Sedaris (hilarious Raleigh author, for those of you not familiar with his work) opened one of his recent books with a chapter outlining this phenomenon perfectly. Note that Roy Williams also shares this perspective, as best evidenced by his bewilderment (he “will never understand as long as [he] live“) over his players’ failure to match NC State’s passion for the rivalry game earlier this year.

I can also remember the miracle ACCT run during Sendek’s first season. I was in law school at the time, surrounded by UNC fans (also my strongest allies during the quarterfinal upset over Duke). As one of them told me after the final – “I said ‘Go to hell State’ today. And you know what? It felt GOOD.” There was no real malice there, just an acknowledgment that he liked having State as a major rival, as the two teams squared off in a very meaningful game for both. It had been a long time coming.

Since we can’t realistically expect a putrid Carolina basketball program with anything more than Haley’s Comet (sp?) frequency – isn’t that the best we can hope for? Two fierce (but with no personal malice) rivals, going at each other full throttle, with both programs relevant in the ACC and nationally. Perhaps in a eagerly anticipated national TV matchup, with both teams in the Top Ten. Despite being told how “unrealistic” our expectations are, we don’t have to dominate (or even win more than half of) such matchups. All we ask for is to win at least 30-40% of the time, with some memorable victories in clutch spots. You might know this as the “V standard.”

The events of this season (and those past) show how Roy’s tenure at UNC is compatible with this ideal. Roy doesn’t like NC State, and wants to beat us badly (ask anyone with access to Ram’s Club events, if you want confirmation on that front). It might seem strange to “outsiders”, but every Pack fan will take that in an instant above patronizing, nonchalant ambivalence. But, as he showed in his reaction to Sid’s health issues, it’s not evident of personal animus. When it’s over, he can sit down and have a beer with State folks (at least metaphorically) – and so should all of us. After all, every last one of us diehard NC State folks have some friends and/or family with baby blue degrees and/or loyalties. And most (if not all) of them are decent people at their core – just a bit misguided, in our view. In the end, fans on both sides should be enormously proud of their respective co-flagship institutions of the UNC system. Telling jokes or ending fight songs calling for the other to “go to hell” is just a fond, traditional part of a great sibling rivalry.

I look forward to many more intense, no-holds-barred battles between Sid and Roy – especially when Sid has a few more bullets in his gun (starting next year, hopefully).

About BJD95

1995 NC State graduate, sufferer of Les and MOC during my entire student tenure. An equal-opportunity objective critic and analyst of Wolfpack sports.

General NCS Basketball Sidney Lowe

66 Responses to Thoughts on the UNC Rivalry

  1. lush 02/28/2007 at 3:56 PM #

    i know sfn doesnt listen to Rome but some asshole unc jerkoff fan called in and blasted us and c-lowe. classy stuff like fat jokes and returning to the days of washburn and shakleford. its people like that who make me want to verbally murder anyone associated with unc. which is kind of a shame…., maybe…., since i do know some tarholes who dont deserve that treatment.

    scratch that, im sure they do deserve it, but they dont go around flapping their mouths off and talking shit all day. which is more then i can say for the majority of their fanbase.

  2. CedarGroveWolf 02/28/2007 at 4:37 PM #

    ^ nice language

  3. Joey 02/28/2007 at 4:57 PM #

    GoldenChain, unless you misquoted the guy, he didn’t call your wife a slut. Go back and read what you wrote. From your description of it, it sounded to me like he was saying essentially “State sucks”. That seems like the kind of friendly banter that makes these rivalries fun for the fans. Of course I wasn’t there, and I don’t know the context of the situation, so my apologies if I’ve interpreted it incorrectly. Even so, to base your opinion about a large group of people on the actions of one or a few is terribly shortsighted.

    Also, please don’t put words in my mouth. I didn’t say you have a problem because you don’t pull for Carolina. It’s because you can’t take a joke. Even in your response you allude to Carolina fans teasing you about going to State. Great! What’s wrong with that? That’s part of being involved in this rivalry.

  4. lush 02/28/2007 at 5:21 PM #

    as always cedar, thank you for your discerning comments.

  5. westwolf 02/28/2007 at 7:00 PM #

    ^lush, just ignore him. He’s nothing but a tool with some weird fetish for our former coach. I’m betting that the administrator of this site will eventually get fed up w/ his obsession and its effects on nearly every threand and will ban him.

  6. Spin Wolf 02/28/2007 at 8:15 PM #

    Joey – the LAST thing I need is sympathy from a Tarhole like you. (as if my post needed any proof to back it up, this Tarhole feels “sympathy” for me. yup, no condesencion there….)

    LRM – I know plenty about what the rivalry means. I’ll refer you to a column I wrote for this site called “Get It Back” after Sidney beat UNC-CH for the first time. You don’t have to be “friends” with someone to engage in the sheer joy of winning smack talk. There’s plenty of Tarholes to go around that we all come across, so there’s always someone to talk smack to. I just don’t want to be friends with any of their snooty @$$e$. So far, I’m not really missing out on anything.

  7. burnbarn 02/28/2007 at 8:42 PM #

    Good article on GoPack interviewing the three seniors that will bow out tonight at home. Albritten talks about the highlights of his career.. beating UConn to advance in the tourney… but the highlight was beating Carolina at home and the reaction to the victory.

    This rivalry means alot to everyone and I think it is on again. I couldn’t be happier about it. Get your licks in while you can because the whipping boy days are about to be over.

  8. bTHEredterror 02/28/2007 at 9:08 PM #


    Ahhh…….that does feel better.

    Seriously, Roy is a fine gentleman, and I appreciate his sincere concerns for others. He has always been sincere, and his comments after the first State game about his teams lack of effort show it. But, within that same statement is the Big Brother mentality. We couldn’t possibly have beaten them, if they were really trying.

  9. NCSUownzJoo 03/01/2007 at 8:22 AM #

    I’ve lived here my entire life and I absolutely hate everything Brokeback Hill stands for. The gay pride parades, the condescending attitudes, idiots who try to act smarter then you when they don’t have a damn clue what they’re talking about, wal-martateers, baby butt**** blue, going to college because mommy and daddy are paying for you to and not because you earned it, Dean “almost got knocked out by Barnes” Smith, voting in a male homecoming queen… the list goes on and on and on

    As a previous poster stated, i wouldn’t shed a tear if someone built a big wall around Brokeback Hill, filled it up with water, and put a top on it

  10. GoldenChain 03/01/2007 at 9:24 AM #

    Hey Joey, how abut all those tarbabies who couldn’t take the “friendly banter” of a rivalry when they came to C-F year before last?!

  11. CedarGroveWolf 03/01/2007 at 10:09 AM #

    “He’s nothing but a tool with some weird fetish for our former coach”

    so it’s ok to attack other posters here?

  12. NCMike 03/01/2007 at 3:52 PM #

    “co-flagship” university? When did THAT happen? Lol

  13. Wufpacker 03/02/2007 at 4:56 AM #

    Regarding how we are to be perceived by those in blue, I’d much rather be hated than pitied. During the 90’s, every time anyone from UNC or Duke (or even Wake for that matter) would say something anything to the effect that they felt sorry for us (as State fans, that is) and wished State was better it would bug the living crap outta me. I’d want to beat them and have them hating us again. Didn’t happen too often in those days unfortunately. I do remember how good it felt the nite Lakista McCuller was out of his mind from behind the line in Reynolds to upset then #1 UNC though (’95???)…that was a fun nite AND following day interacting with the UNC faithful.

    Regarding Roy, in general and specifically his (apparently) genuine personal concern for Sid and his well-being…a very classy move indeed, but that doesn’t mean we gotta like him when he’s on the opposite bench.


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