Thoughts on the UNC Rivalry

Yesterday’s discussion about Roy’s advice to Sid propmpted me to think a bit more about rivalries (particularly vs. UNC in basketball). I have pointed to Matt Doherty as the ideal UNC coach for State fans (incompetent, easy to hate), and Roy Williams is pretty much the anti-Doherty – which kind of sucks for us. Or does it?

First, let’s state the obvious – UNC isn’t going to keep a grossly or even partially incompetent coach for very long. As much as we hate to admit it, UNC will always be one of the “Golden Three” mens’ basketball programs (UNC, UCLA, Kentucky) – i.e., a program that has intrinsic advantages that more or less make it impossible to wallow in the muck for very long. So, to count on an endless procession of Doh’s is simply unrealistic, which is why you really needed to enjoy that 20+ loss season when it happened.

Those of us that came of age as State fans in the 70s or 80s (or even earlier) remember State/UNC as the rivalry. Pretty much every kid in elementary school was either a State or Carolina fan. David Sedaris (hilarious Raleigh author, for those of you not familiar with his work) opened one of his recent books with a chapter outlining this phenomenon perfectly. Note that Roy Williams also shares this perspective, as best evidenced by his bewilderment (he “will never understand as long as [he] live“) over his players’ failure to match NC State’s passion for the rivalry game earlier this year.

I can also remember the miracle ACCT run during Sendek’s first season. I was in law school at the time, surrounded by UNC fans (also my strongest allies during the quarterfinal upset over Duke). As one of them told me after the final – “I said ‘Go to hell State’ today. And you know what? It felt GOOD.” There was no real malice there, just an acknowledgment that he liked having State as a major rival, as the two teams squared off in a very meaningful game for both. It had been a long time coming.

Since we can’t realistically expect a putrid Carolina basketball program with anything more than Haley’s Comet (sp?) frequency – isn’t that the best we can hope for? Two fierce (but with no personal malice) rivals, going at each other full throttle, with both programs relevant in the ACC and nationally. Perhaps in a eagerly anticipated national TV matchup, with both teams in the Top Ten. Despite being told how “unrealistic” our expectations are, we don’t have to dominate (or even win more than half of) such matchups. All we ask for is to win at least 30-40% of the time, with some memorable victories in clutch spots. You might know this as the “V standard.”

The events of this season (and those past) show how Roy’s tenure at UNC is compatible with this ideal. Roy doesn’t like NC State, and wants to beat us badly (ask anyone with access to Ram’s Club events, if you want confirmation on that front). It might seem strange to “outsiders”, but every Pack fan will take that in an instant above patronizing, nonchalant ambivalence. But, as he showed in his reaction to Sid’s health issues, it’s not evident of personal animus. When it’s over, he can sit down and have a beer with State folks (at least metaphorically) – and so should all of us. After all, every last one of us diehard NC State folks have some friends and/or family with baby blue degrees and/or loyalties. And most (if not all) of them are decent people at their core – just a bit misguided, in our view. In the end, fans on both sides should be enormously proud of their respective co-flagship institutions of the UNC system. Telling jokes or ending fight songs calling for the other to “go to hell” is just a fond, traditional part of a great sibling rivalry.

I look forward to many more intense, no-holds-barred battles between Sid and Roy – especially when Sid has a few more bullets in his gun (starting next year, hopefully).

About BJD95

1995 NC State graduate, sufferer of Les and MOC during my entire student tenure. An equal-opportunity objective critic and analyst of Wolfpack sports.

General NCS Basketball Sidney Lowe

66 Responses to Thoughts on the UNC Rivalry

  1. newt 02/28/2007 at 11:33 AM #

    I have no problem hating Roy, which is one of the things I like about him.

    Seriously, I hate Carolina fans, Wal-Mart fans, the media, and the officials much worse than those actually associated with the program. Some players are more annoying than others.

    Although Roy did cheat at Kansas …

  2. highstick 02/28/2007 at 11:33 AM #

    Golden Chain, you must be a priest! I think I would have to have ripped the SOB’s nuts out, stuffed them in his mouth, then bit his ear off! I guess you were outnumbered though and maybe discretion was the better part of valor!

    I agree about the condescending attitudes, some of worse than others, and there are actually a few of the older ones who you can talk with rationally, but many of the younger ones have developed a very stupid sense of superiority. For the life of me, I don’t understand why because they certainly don’t have any basis for it.

  3. Sam92 02/28/2007 at 11:37 AM #

    The rivalry with UNC is good for N.C. State — it’s just way past time for us to start really competing with them.

    (compare our rivalry with ECU, which does nothing for us)

    as to taking it personally, well, i think it’s true that tarholes tend to look down their noses at N.C. State, and that’s really a shame, because although their school is pretty good, years of experience in the big wide world outside of good old North Carolina has taught me that the similarities between N.C. State and UNC are much greater than the differences — UNC people who condescend to us are just kidding themselves.

    as much as i fervently want n.c. state to beat carolina at every opportunity, and am generally happy when they lose to anyone, at the end of the day it is just a symbolic rivalry and competition – we’re not worth less when we lose to unc any more than we’re worth more when we beat them (it just feels good)

    and besides, my brother went to UNC and i can’t really hate him.

  4. BJD95 02/28/2007 at 11:43 AM #

    Think of it this way – as we rekindle the rivalry (by sucking less and presenting a real challenge), the “Roy perspective” will hopefully replace the “condescending SOB perspective”, and it will be more like it once was.

    Maybe my perspective is a little different b/c I had so many UNC fans that were (i) reasonable; and (ii) actual graduates while in law school (and have similar friends at work now). Also, I’m 33, so most of the people in my peer group have at least vestiges of the “good years” of State/UNC rivalry. But I think Spin is about the same age…

    Also, I think we humans have a tendency to remember the Wal-Mart jackholes than the decent folks, and it skews our perspective as to who really constitutes the majority (at least among the people we know and associate with).

  5. BJD95 02/28/2007 at 11:48 AM #

    Also, if you ever take one non-sports thing away from this blog – read Sedaris’ “Me Talk Pretty One Day.” Easily the funniest book I have ever read.

  6. TNCSU 02/28/2007 at 12:06 PM #

    I think there is definitely some truth about the UNX folks looking down at the “Moo U” folks. They drive Daddy’s BMW up to Wheeler Dorm, and spend lots of Daddy’s money on Franklin Street. At the end of the day, who cares if their degree is in History, they’ve got Daddy. Somehow, with the Technology increases of the past 20 years, they still want to feel like they are “smarter” if they go to UNX. I see the same thing right now everyday with my 18 year old niece who got accepted at UNX, but didn’t even apply to State. She has NO IDEA what she wants to do, but it’s definitely the “cooler” thing in her H.S. to go to UNX, so she didn’t even apply to lowly State. No wonder, her Mom is a EZU grad…btw, she’s not doing anything with that “Fine Arts” Degree. I hope my niece is working for a State grad in a few years! Anyway, if anyone went to the State game, it was easy to pick out the UNX fans even without the baby blue. NO ONE would were a red vest, khaki’s, and penny loafers to a game at the Dean Dome, would they?? Anyway, I have no reason to “hate” UNX fans — I just think they’re jealous because most have NO clue about any technical subject, so their rationale is that we must be hicks — “those engineering classes can’t be that hard.”

    On a different subject….Is there anyway for us to have 4 schollies for the ’07 class w/Smith? Would Big Lew have to transfer? or Fergie? or is GG going to declare for the draft (big mistake)? Just wondering — who knows if we’ve really offered a scholly — even if Rivals says we have.

  7. old13 02/28/2007 at 12:10 PM #

    EXACTLY! That is what IMO a rivalry should be. I graduated from State in the 60’s. I have relatives and (true) friends who graduated from five ACC schools other than State, and other friends who graduated from five of the remaining six schools. We all love to rib each other when we win, but good-naturedly. And we back each other in games that are not detrimental to our schools. [ No, I pull AGAINST whoever UNC is playing on those occasions! (

  8. CedarGroveWolf 02/28/2007 at 12:27 PM #

    “Is there anyway for us to have 4 schollies for the ‘07 class w/Smith?”

    yes. there is a spot on the ’07-’08 roster for one more, but that only leaves 1 spot for the next class where we already have 2 players committed. Something has to give. Hopefully Big Lew xfers instead of Smith not making it here.

  9. TNCSU 02/28/2007 at 12:46 PM #

    From Rivals: “The rapidly developing recruitment of senior point guard Javi Gonzalez from Dr. Michael Krop High in Miami continues. Gonzalez’s AAU coach Art Alvarez informed The Wolfpacker Tuesday that the 6-foot-0, 170-pounder will visit NC State Wednesday for its game against Wake Forest after being offered a scholarship from the Wolfpack. Click here for more.”

    I couldn’t click for more, so without any inside scoop, who knows if we’ve really offered a scholly to him?? Could there be another reason Smith hasn’t signed an LOI? Anyway, look forward to seeing Javi on the sidelines tonight — hopefully, he’ll get to see a fired-up Pack beat the Deacs.

  10. CedarGroveWolf 02/28/2007 at 1:21 PM #

    “NC State has turned up the heat on Gonzalez. Wolfpack assistant coach Monte Towe was in Miami for Krop’s last three games, and this past weekend head coach Sidney Lowe attended Krop’s final game of the season”

    “At the halftime of the game he told me that he was offering the kid a scholarship. I was impressed by that. When a coach like Sidney Lowe, with his college and NBA background, can be that committed to a kid, you know how much he likes him.”

    “I just talked with Monte five minutes ago, and I talked with Sidney earlier [on Tuesday],” he said. “They are really waiting on Javy with open arms. Javy is getting there around 5:30, he’s going to the Wake Forest game, and he’ll be there two days. I think they really want to get it done on this trip”

  11. redfred2 02/28/2007 at 1:23 PM #

    I just want to say one thing before I leave it alone for the day. This season has been as low at certain times as some possibly expected, but it has been much, much higher than expected at other times. We’re definitely stumbling our way through, but we’re competing.

    SFN: Edited to keep discussion from going down same tired path.

    The university put it’s ownself into a downward spiral that we’ve still only partially recovered from. We can, and have always had the ability to play with the surrounding universities, up on their level, and in the same way the game was meant to be played. We just have to have the patience to wait until that focus and confidence is restored back into the program.

    I’ve seen some signs that it is happening already, and I’ve seen signs that it’s still going to take quite a while to really take hold. Big hills and big valleys, but call me crazy if you will, and for whatever reasons, I have enjoyed this particular season of WOLFPACK basketball much more than any other, in a long, looong, time.

  12. Dr. BadgerPack 02/28/2007 at 1:29 PM #

    Gonzalez’s high school coach thinks he is a special talent; I’d love to see him in red next year. The link below has a few coaches comments on Gonzalez but focuses on the high school coach (who incidentally, appears to be a damn good coach). I thought I’d post it for anyone interested.

  13. Sam92 02/28/2007 at 1:34 PM #

    as a footnote to the rivalry, if anyone remembers the recent list of top 50 business schools, which included the college of management, but not kenan-flagler — CNN just published a correction saying that UNC was incorrectly omitted from the list (although they didn’t say where UNC would have ranked).

  14. Joey 02/28/2007 at 2:19 PM #

    Most of the people who comment on this site are reasonable, and I appreciate that. But a few of the posts above are just ridiculous. They are the attitudes that give State fans a bad name. TNCSU, when you make broad generalizations about Carolina students and fans (“they drive Daddy’s BMW…”, etc.), then you’re just as bad as any Carolina fan who looks down on NC State. GoldenChain, if you can’t take a joke that some guy at a party made about NC State, then I say you have to toughen up. What, you’ve never made a Carolina joke? You’re the one with the problem, not that guy. And Spin Wolf, well, if you’re telling the truth about avoiding friendships with all Carolina fans, then I just feel sorry for you.

    Comments like these certainly don’t do the NC State reputation any favors.

  15. Dan 02/28/2007 at 2:24 PM #

    Great article BJD95.

    I agree. I really have no “hatred” for all things baby blue. I want to beat them badly, and I do take pleasure when other ACC teams beat them a bit. But to tell you the truth that is only because I desire for the Wolfpack to be above them in the standings by the largest amount. And it makes for great needling. Under Roy, its nothing really against the program like it was for me under the end of the Smith years, and, of course, under Gut and Doh.

    Its totally different than my disdain for Duke. I cant stand Duke. But I’d hate Duke if they actually played all their home games in NJ. Personally, as a fan of the game, I dont like what Duke has done to college basketball. The clutching and grabbing is personally offensive. (Btw, UCLA pulled the same crap last year in the NCAA Tourney. That game against Memphis was an affront to the game) It only makes it worse that they are in our backyard.

    I really hate Duke and K right now. I respect his ability to get guy to work so hard every play, but that has little to do with basketball. He’s a great motivator. I hate what the Duke brand of basketball has become. Hate it. I know this may be anathema to a lot of Wolfpackers, but my respect for the game has me rooting for Roy over K every single time now.

  16. westwolf 02/28/2007 at 2:27 PM #

    Watching the Unc/State game in Raleigh this year was the first time a game like that felt the way it should in a long time. Sidney’s attitude is founded on his own personal experience, that State teams can and will compete and regularly be victorious against Unc, even when they are loaded and having a top 10 season. That’s part of it, but only part.

    Another aspect was seeing Sid being so active on the sidelines, calling out sets, adjusting defenses, working the refs…he was more than just a coach on the sidelines, he was a warrior in the battle. We need that at State. We will most likely never have the luxury of hand-picking recruits from coast to coast, stockpiling double-digit McDAA’s. But that does NOT mean we are religated to achieving anything less on the court; we simply must find other ways…excellent game coaching, finding and keeping players that exceed their rankings, having our players work harder, smarter, and using emotion to their advantage. It has been done in the past; we can do it agian.

    I like being the underdog. But I lOVE being the underdog when I know that we are actually likely to win.

  17. westwolf 02/28/2007 at 2:28 PM #

    By the way…”GO TO HELL CAROLINA”.

  18. wufpaxno1 02/28/2007 at 2:38 PM #

    This is a great post and I agree with most of it. I have missed the rivalry we had with Carolina in the 70’s and 80’s when we stood on equal footing, if not on higher ground than, with our baby blue brethren. I miss sharing the rivalry with my Carolina friends. But I can’t completely go along with the statement: “After all, every last one of us diehard NC State folks have some friends and/or family with baby blue degrees and/or loyalties.”

    You see, we all have UNC Degrees on our on walls. I have a roll of 3 to 4 hundred of them hanging on the wall of each of my bathrooms and put them to good use each and every day!

    For those of you who take offense at this remark, it is only meant as friendly banter, the kind that we shared amongst each other, State and Carolina fans alike, back in the good old days. I sense the good old days coming back and it sure feels good!

    Besides, we would have no use for Carolina Degrees on rolls in our bathrooms if it were not for the Dukies.

  19. highonlowe 02/28/2007 at 2:38 PM #

    When I encounter a UNC douchebag like in the examples above, I don’t hate them b/c they went to UNC, I hate them b/c they are douchebags.
    There are plenty of douchebags that fit this mold at NC State also and I dislike them just the same.

  20. redfred2 02/28/2007 at 2:41 PM #

    “SFN: Edited to keep discussion from going down same tired path.”

    Path? It’s no longer a path. It’s now a full grown CedarGrove.

    That’s a joke. I’ll stop.

  21. LRM 02/28/2007 at 3:07 PM #

    Choosing your “true” friends based on who they cheer for, beyond the obvious pretentious irony, is actually really sad.

    If you’ve never had a three-hour long “discussion” over beers with your good friend the Duke fan or had the pleasure of calling all your good friends the Carolina grads after an 83-79 victory knowing they wouldn’t answer (and had those calls incoming after a much worse loss), then how can you ever possibly claim to understand what the rivalry means?

  22. buttPACKer 02/28/2007 at 3:29 PM #

    golden chain, you should have said quite matter-of-factly, “well, your wife IS indeed a slut, but as to her collegiate affiliations, I am unsure. . . “

  23. TNCSU 02/28/2007 at 3:32 PM #

    I concur, I would never dislike someone solely because they went to Carowhina — ah, Duke, maybe. kidding! I DO have friends that went there, and we still drink beers together. The comment about the BMW was in jest — if my niece ends up going there, she definitely WON’T be driving a BMW (or any other car that is newer than 10 years old). Haven’t you seen the commercial with Jay Bilas at the UNX cafeteria, and Hubert Davis calling him a Dook Boy?? That kind of “friendly” banter is what makes Tobacco Road rivalries special — hopefully, we can get Terry Gannon in on one of those commercials putting in a plug for STATE!

  24. GoldenChain 02/28/2007 at 3:35 PM #

    “EVERY Carolina person I’ve ever known has a condescending, superior attitude towards State”
    Spin Wolf, you’re my kind of Pack fan!

  25. GoldenChain 02/28/2007 at 3:51 PM #

    Dear Joey, let me get this straight; I post that I took offense of some guys calling my wife a slut to which I did not respond, I have never talked smack to xarolina fans/alumni. But I’M the guy with the problem because I don’t pull for xarolina and wish only good things for them?!
    I would say to you that I was in fact the gentlemen.
    Like Spin Wolf said, almost with exception everyone I’ve been around for any length of time will eventually make some smart apple statement once they find out I went to State (and it is because my name makes people ask if I went to State). Ironically women seem to be the worst!
    I guess its just my typical NCSU inferiority complex coming out again…back boy back!

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