Maybe it was a good thing we didn’t get Matt Simms

On signing day, NC State missed on quarterback prospect Matt Simms.

With the miss, NC State also missed on the onslaught of negative press that is going to come with some recent pictures of Mr. Simms that have hit the internet via (BC) Eagles Online.

Simms already had a tarnished national repuation related to his maturity and character based on his behavior in the state championship game that was highlighted in this blog entry. This most recent turn of events certainly isn’t going to help him.

Two of the more popular national blogs – Kissing Suzy Kolber and Deadspin – are commenting on the pictures of…

…young Matt Simms about to roll what seems like some happy greenery for himself. We suppose it’s possible that young Matt just enjoys rolling his own cigarettes; if that’s the case, we suspect he has the patience and stick-to-it-iveness that is required of a big time quarterback. But we doubt that’s the case.

At least SOME people are talking about the (not so) academic issues with UNC-Chapel Hill’s recruiting class. Had Simms signed with State, you can bet that this would have been scandalous beyond belief. Instead, it is someone else’s problem.


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56 Responses to Maybe it was a good thing we didn’t get Matt Simms

  1. GAWolf 02/13/2007 at 10:59 AM #

    But that doesn’t mean he’s not in violation of the law for underage possession of alcohol… gasp.

  2. BoKnowsNCS71 02/13/2007 at 11:08 AM #

    “Dave’s not here man”

  3. lush 02/13/2007 at 11:19 AM #

    packbacker04: east aint got nothin on the hoey duece! when did you graduate

    and by the way the brown thing on the napkin isnt weed its a blunt, you cant see any weed. come on guys

  4. Rick 02/13/2007 at 12:04 PM #

    “Stejen: No Ex-Wolfie ever wrote such a book because it is hard to type when you with amphibious hands.”

    Can anyone translate this into English?

  5. kool k 02/13/2007 at 12:08 PM #

    Looks like there are a lot of experts around these parts…maybe he should get out of his LOI and come here after all!

  6. newt 02/13/2007 at 12:23 PM #

    Looks like a Tiger Bar to me.

  7. BoKnowsNCS71 02/13/2007 at 12:44 PM #

    Go to the picture. Hold down the Crtl key. If you have a scroller on your mouse use that to increase the size. If you don’t use you arrow key (up). As you zoom into the picture, decide what it is. It’s square and flat, brown — sort of like a brownie (for the muchhies maybe).

  8. lush 02/13/2007 at 12:51 PM #

    dude it is not a brownie. it is an unwrapped cigar. once you remove the tobacco, you insert the cheeba, roll it back up, light it, and catch a buzz man!!

  9. BoKnowsNCS71 02/13/2007 at 1:15 PM #

    After looking again, I noticed the stem sticking out and something between his right thunb and forefinger plus the stains on the fingers. Obviously crushing a bud to put inside the cigar roll. 😉

  10. gumbydammit 02/13/2007 at 1:20 PM #

    That picture is so inconclusive as to make this “scandal” worthy of being a scandal itself. It could be a Blunt, it could be a brownie, it could be a Kit-Kat. For all we know, it could be Anna Nichole Smith’s last turd.

    Next topic, please.

  11. ShootingGuard 02/13/2007 at 1:30 PM #

    Who cares whether it is pot or hash or whatever and whether high school and college kids get high or drunk all the time…

    The point is that Simms was literally born to be a qb through no effort on his own part—just pure luck being born of a super bowl winning qb—and he shows his gratitude by being a complete asshole on and off the field as well as a complete idiot having his picture taken for all the world to see with pot or liquor…

    To whom much is given, much is expected…

    He has lived a charmed life. He knows better. Being young isn’t an excuse when your dad and brother live in the spotlight…

  12. JT 02/13/2007 at 1:33 PM #

    Not only is he rolling a blunt, but he appears to be rolling a fat blunt. My question is, what sort of high profile recruit smiles at a camera while doing that? Moron.

  13. tcthdi-tgsf-twhwtnc 02/13/2007 at 1:47 PM #

    ^^ JT- A recruit that would of been fun to know back in the school daze.

    I’m guessing we won’t see any post on how God ‘looks out’ for people like Matt like the stuff we got bomb with when Daniel threw the BC Hail Mary.

  14. BoKnowsNCS71 02/13/2007 at 1:54 PM #

    Hey — isn’t that the Duke basketball team in the background?

  15. packbackr04 02/13/2007 at 2:23 PM #

    lush, i attended ASU from 00-04. graduated from the Walker College of Business in Dec. 2004

  16. lush 02/13/2007 at 3:20 PM #

    packbacker, 00-05 + summer school, i was in no rush. i was a raley whore too. double major finance and insurance. you??

  17. noah 02/13/2007 at 3:54 PM #

    Raise your hand if you honestly DO NOT think every college has a fair number of athletes who can turn a potato into a bong in about four minutes.

  18. gumbydammit 02/13/2007 at 4:20 PM #

    a potato? a beer can, plastic coke bottle, yeah… but a potato? I’d like to see that…

  19. gumbydammit 02/13/2007 at 4:21 PM #

    …now you have me curious how “Spud” Webb got his nickname…

  20. GAWolf 02/13/2007 at 4:38 PM #

    I’m pretty sure that if the “mandatory” and “random” NCAA marijuana tests were legit, the University of Georgia could not have fielded a full football team without guys playing both ways in the mid to late 90’s under Donnan.

  21. packpigskinfan23 02/13/2007 at 4:51 PM #

    apples are better. potato’s are starchy!!!

  22. packpigskinfan23 02/13/2007 at 4:51 PM #

    I am sure SFN is loving how many apparent one time stoners frequent here.

  23. gumbydammit 02/13/2007 at 5:00 PM #

    “one time”? that’s funny…

  24. StateFans 02/13/2007 at 8:25 PM #


    …this thing shows up on a Pack Pride message board a few hours after being posted here. Make that item #1,204 that posters there have lifted from here without an ounce of hit-tipping.

  25. chilly water 02/13/2007 at 9:01 PM #

    ……Its like pure…..rock…man, 88!! …are those chips?

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