Howland: Getting Players

We’ve got scores and scores of old partial entreis, and quotes, and tidbits saved in our drafts section that have become dated. But, I think that there is some definite value in blogging a lot of these things so that a record of them exists.

Today, I just wanted to share a quote from UCLA Head Basketball Coach, Ben Howland; whom I think is easily one of the ten best coaches in America. The quote comes from an old ESPN article last year (I lost the link).

Howland says, “The thing that consistently works is getting really good players. I’m a lot better coach when I have great players. I wish it was the first or second year. But it takes two years of recruiting classes.”

ESPN: And that’s it. You think he’s just kidding around. You think he’s just being modest. But time and time and time again, through questions about his defensive philosophy and his offensive philosophy, through media sessions in San Diego and Los Angeles, on the phone and in person, the 48-year-old head coach consistently returns to that lone explanation for how he’s been able to do what he’s done.

Luckily for NC State, Howland is a great recruiter at a great program. This played a role in Roy Williams and Carolina not recently adding to their ridiculous recruiting haul with the commitment of Kevin Love, the nation’s #2 rated high school player.

Of course, it is surprising to some of the less savy Wolfpack fans that Love would choose to play at UCLA. You know…UCLA….whose “bad” fans “ran away” a likeable coach who had success at UCLA that anyone would welcome. (Link). I am just shocked that anyone would want to coach for them after the behavior of their horrible fans! (sarcasm)

7 Seasons
6 NCAA Bids
5 Sweet 16’s
1 Elite 8
1 First Round Exit

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Basketball Recruiting General NCS Basketball Quotes of Note

52 Responses to Howland: Getting Players

  1. CedarGroveWolf 02/26/2007 at 12:27 PM #

    Last warning. Lay off the subject of Sendek – Rick

  2. westwolf 02/26/2007 at 8:54 PM #

    Beo, that is classic. Bravo. “Two roads diverged in a wood…”

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