Howland: Getting Players

We’ve got scores and scores of old partial entreis, and quotes, and tidbits saved in our drafts section that have become dated. But, I think that there is some definite value in blogging a lot of these things so that a record of them exists.

Today, I just wanted to share a quote from UCLA Head Basketball Coach, Ben Howland; whom I think is easily one of the ten best coaches in America. The quote comes from an old ESPN article last year (I lost the link).

Howland says, “The thing that consistently works is getting really good players. I’m a lot better coach when I have great players. I wish it was the first or second year. But it takes two years of recruiting classes.”

ESPN: And that’s it. You think he’s just kidding around. You think he’s just being modest. But time and time and time again, through questions about his defensive philosophy and his offensive philosophy, through media sessions in San Diego and Los Angeles, on the phone and in person, the 48-year-old head coach consistently returns to that lone explanation for how he’s been able to do what he’s done.

Luckily for NC State, Howland is a great recruiter at a great program. This played a role in Roy Williams and Carolina not recently adding to their ridiculous recruiting haul with the commitment of Kevin Love, the nation’s #2 rated high school player.

Of course, it is surprising to some of the less savy Wolfpack fans that Love would choose to play at UCLA. You know…UCLA….whose “bad” fans “ran away” a likeable coach who had success at UCLA that anyone would welcome. (Link). I am just shocked that anyone would want to coach for them after the behavior of their horrible fans! (sarcasm)

7 Seasons
6 NCAA Bids
5 Sweet 16’s
1 Elite 8
1 First Round Exit

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Basketball Recruiting General NCS Basketball Quotes of Note

52 Responses to Howland: Getting Players

  1. CedarGroveWolf 02/23/2007 at 4:00 PM #

    “so your saying that herb didnt do a good job brining in talent, didnt do a good job developing the talent, and didnt win championships because he didnt have NBA talent”

    Herb brought in plenty of talent that would have improved his record if they would have stayed in the program and/or didn’t have career affecting injuries.

    mmmm, golden boy, no.

  2. tractor57 02/23/2007 at 4:04 PM #

    And the bullfrog wouldn’t …
    Herb wasn’t able to achieve what some of us wanted in the BB program (and a few of us “older than dirt” people remember from earlier days.

  3. CedarGroveWolf 02/23/2007 at 4:07 PM #

    “Strange, but I don’t find that choice a difficult one to make….though obviously others do”

    It’s not a choice, Sid is the coach & I’m behind him 100%.

  4. lush 02/23/2007 at 4:23 PM #

    no golden boy?

    then why is that all you bring up on every post. you bring him up every chance you get. just about everyone (except you) has moved on and is very happy with our new coach, and doesnt want to be constantly reminded of all the things herb did and did not do. what he did not do is bring the program to a level that was acceptable to the majority of the fan base. what he did not do is win championships. what he did not do is embrace the tradition of the program. what he did not do is make it fun to watch NCSU basketball. and since he could not do any of these things, he decided to get a new job where he wouldnt have to.

    so please, since you cant move on, since you cant quit talking about herb, since noone here agrees with you, since you cant see that your not a good fit here, then do what your buddy did and get the hell out of town.

  5. ncdan 02/23/2007 at 4:23 PM #

    Not clear the point of the post either.

    Lowe could be the best coach in the nation, but if he doesn’t recruit talent, his teams will not win consistently. Is this breaking news?

  6. CedarGroveWolf 02/23/2007 at 4:35 PM #

    “you bring him up every chance you get.”

    check it out, I NEVER bring him up. I respond to another who does.

    “what he did not do is bring the program to a level that was acceptable to the majority of the fan base”

    I got no problem with this

    “since you cant see that your not a good fit here, then do what your buddy did and get the hell out of town.”

    LMAO! How old are you, 12. If you can’t take discussing a point you make then don’t make it. I’m willing to discuss any post I make without childish personal insults. People sharing different views is what it’s all about.

  7. Mr O 02/23/2007 at 4:43 PM #

    Herb’s problem MAIN problem wasn’t bringing in player or developing them. Or even the strategy with which he approached the game of basketball.

    IMO, it was taking the good players he did recruit and develop and molding them into a cohesive, happy team that believed in their coach 100%.

    Still, there really is no need to discuss Herb Sendek at this point.

  8. shellnc 02/23/2007 at 4:55 PM #

    I like this site, because you don’t have to be politically correct over here. I supported Herb until it was obvious that he was not going to get the job done. He had 10 years. I even gave him more that the 5 years, when about 50% of the people wanted him gone. He even got a break from me when he ran Damien Wilens off.

    After the Maryland and Vanderbilt debacles, it was definitely time for a change. You just have to look at the bottom line. We were told that if we got top-notch facilities that the players would come. Then we bring in a good class in 2002 and Herb can’t develop them and in the end couldn’t keep them together.

    We had so many players that left early even when they hadn’t been developed (Wilkins, Powell, and Simmons). It was obvious that they didn’t think another year around Herb would do them any good. We had so many players that jumped ship before we could utilize their talent.
    Then we have Cedar talking about lack of NBA talent. Who recruited them? Who was in charge of developing them? Why did so many of them want to leave early? There is a common denominator. There was only one man around the program for that whole 10 years.

    We had a history of debacle losses under Herb. A history of losing games that we should have won. The cupcake OOC schedules to pad the stats, The endless excuses, the failure to build any momentum after big wins, The endless mind-numbing excuses from Herb and his minion.

    All one can say is thank god we are moving past all of that. Maybe now we can have a real basketball program, instead of being the Clemson of North Carolina.

    That is what I suggest for some of you. If you like Herb-Ball, then you should go pull for Clemson. That is what we were striving to be. Pad the wins with Cupcakes, get everyone excited, and then implode when everything starts counting.

  9. lush 02/23/2007 at 5:01 PM #

    how is it a “childish personel insult”

    isnt that what herb did?

    and what is LMAO?

  10. class of 74 02/23/2007 at 5:05 PM #

    We should all agree we are much better off with our present coaching staff than we were before last April. Those that still persist will come around in a couple of years.

  11. shellnc 02/23/2007 at 5:07 PM #

    Be thankful Lush. This site doesn’t have emoticons.

  12. lush 02/23/2007 at 5:22 PM #

    shellnc: great post, i agee 100%, wish i could translate feelings into words the way you just did!!

  13. Gene 02/23/2007 at 5:22 PM #

    Well as far as us getting players, does anyone know if Smith will have the grades to qualify? I’ve heard rumors that Smith playing for us next year isn’t a sure thing.

    Also, if we don’t get Smith, will we sign another PG, like Javi Gonzalez, who someone posted an article about in another thread, for 2007’s recruiting class or hold on to it for another player in 2008.

    We have some good players, but we don’t have all the pieces in place to have a good team.

    Getting the right pieces into place might take Sidney longer than two recruiting classes, unless on of the guys we’ve recruited or added through transfer, turns out to be a diamond in the rough.

  14. lush 02/23/2007 at 5:22 PM #

    the long post 8)

  15. lynchjm 02/23/2007 at 10:52 PM #

    “Duke has a lot of good NBA players. Not sure if any other program except for UNC has more right now.”

    An easy one. Connecticut.

  16. Lock 02/24/2007 at 7:46 AM #

    “Still, there really is no need to discuss Herb Sendek at this point.”

    Honest to god people, this is easily the smartest thing on this page.

    LET IT GO. Like him or hate him, he got us to a higher level, and he’s not here any more. We’ve got Sid, let’s worry about Sid.

  17. WolfPup35 02/24/2007 at 8:40 AM #

    “I think Duke has 13 players in the NBA”

    True, but how many of them are doing anything? How many of them would even be recognised walking down the street any where but Durham??

    Laettner?, please; Battier? please; Williams (Jason…errr..Jay)he was just a dumb ass; The only REAL PRO TALENT to come out of Dook was Grant Hill, and he just caught a bad break, then another, then another…you see my point. Duke players in the NBA might as well be cursed. Great in college, dirt in the NBA.

  18. buttPACKer 02/24/2007 at 9:01 AM #

    higher level?

  19. buttPACKer 02/24/2007 at 9:02 AM #

    we treaded water, at best, for ten yrs.

  20. Wulfpack 02/24/2007 at 9:02 AM #

    ^Battier is highly regarded as one of the best defenders in the league. He signed a very lucrative contract with Houston. He starts for a playoff-caliber team.

    Elton Brand is a superstar. Look it up.

    Duhon and Deng are also having solid careers.

  21. vtpackfan 02/24/2007 at 9:13 AM #

    Elton Brand. Deng, Sheldon Williams still remain a question. Arizona has pumped alot of players into the pro’s over the years. Elliot, Staudimare, Jason Terry, Luke Walton, Gilbert Arenas to name a few.

    I like our chances of having better playres in the future. The talent evaluation of Coach Harris has been very good over the years. Coach’s Lowe and Towe bring a ton of basketball credibility and our facilities are modern. Hickson is going to bring a spark on the court to match the improving play of Costner, McCauley and Fells. It’s an upward swing even at this moment.

    I’ve posted it a couple times, but it really seems right to put it here. ’09 has two shooting guards from NC that we should really root for. A Panther Creek player named Ross, and Akeem Richmond from Southern Lee. “10 C.J. Leslie from Holly Spings High School (Don’t know exactly where that is) is really emerging. I know that any one of these guys don’t make a program (or rekindle a tradition), but I for one would love to kick some Dook and Tar Hole ass with state o NC players.

  22. TampaPack 02/24/2007 at 9:27 AM #

    Awesome article about our man Lowe in my local paper this morning. Site administrators, please feel free to relocate the link if need be to a more appropriate place. Great to have that postive nation press around the program.

  23. buttPACKer 02/24/2007 at 9:40 AM #

    i miss courtney campbell

  24. TNCSU 02/24/2007 at 9:56 AM #

    You can’t blame either the past coach or the current coach for this season’s thin bench. IMO, the last few classes of HS were his best — a 1st round NBA pick and future 1st round MLB pick — and you can’t blame either. Think about Brackman — really a no-brainer, and will Ced, think about this being the first year HS players can’t go directly to the draft. There are probably 4 or 5 HS players (at his position) that would have been drafted ahead of him — Oden and Durant are the first two to come to mind. He may have dropped to late first round had they been available, so it was a good time to jump. But these players were recruited by HS, and Larry Harris, so give the old staff credit, but I give the NEW staff credit for REVITALIZING Wolfpack Hoops. I hope the recruiting goes well, because if it does, I do think Sid and Co. will develop these players accordingly! Sometimes that will mean giving a Frosh considerable playing time which the old regime did not do. Just different philosophies…

    Also, I definitely agree about Burleson — and to an extent, Towe. They both greatly helped win that Nat’l Championship game. Without Burleson, NO WAY we would have beaten Maryland in the ACC Title game, and would not even made the NCAA tourney. He scored 38 on something like 70% FG shooting! Towe made several great plays down the stretch and was a 2nd round draft pick — not bad at all for a guy 5′ 6″ — He was every short BBall player’s idol at that time — MYSELF included!

  25. noah 02/24/2007 at 12:30 PM #

    “The only REAL PRO TALENT to come out of Dook was Grant Hill, and he just caught a bad break, then another, then another…you see my point. Duke players in the NBA might as well be cursed. Great in college, dirt in the NBA.”

    Wow! Look! A post from about 1992!!

    Carlos Boozer? Luol Deng? Brand? Johnny Dawkins? Danny Ferry played for what…30? 40 years? He was like Manny Mota in gym shorts. Not many people outlast their hair in the NBA.

    Until Rick Pitino came to UK, they were famous for their “paper” all americans that never did well in the NBA. Rob Lock, Mel Turpin, Sam Bowie, Kenny Walker just to name a very few…

    Jim Boeheim is famous for saying that schemes are all well and good, but ultimately, anyone can learn the schemes and implement them. Winning in college basketball is mostly about having better talent than the other guy.

    It’s one reason (of many!) the NBA sucks so hard and college sports and the NFL are so fun. On any given day, one team can beat the other. But in a longer series, the better talent will ultimately prevail. Baseball gets by because so few teams make the playoffs.

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