Atsur: Lowe is The Soul

He is the soul of this team and not seeing him on the bench, especially in a big game like this, affected us.”

February 21, 2007
NC State senior point guard, Engin Atsur

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06-07 Basketball General Quotes of Note Sidney Lowe

60 Responses to Atsur: Lowe is The Soul

  1. Jeremy Hyatt 02/22/2007 at 3:06 PM #

    i don’t think we should analyze last night too much. Carolina had a good game plan, at home, and our coach was ill. in the bigger picture we have more than exceeded expectations. can we compare win totals versus ranked opponents with last year? if we don’t win the ACC tournment, that might be a good thing, because we are more likely to make a run at the NIT than the NCAA.

    You may scoff, but don’t underestimate the power of positive thinking, that’s how we beat Carolina.

    I don’t know how many of you folks have seen this, but:

    My personal fav:”….once my red jacket is on, I beat carolina’s ass”

  2. tcthdi-tgsf-twhwtnc 02/22/2007 at 3:26 PM #

    “We better watch out or Sid’s going to get a new nickname — Soul Man”

    Frankly I could care less what small minded people call the coach because it is my guess one day we will all be calling him the coach with the most wins in the history of NC State men’s basketball.

  3. highstick 02/22/2007 at 3:54 PM #

    J Hiatt said:

    ” don’t think we should analyze last night too much. Carolina had a good game plan, at home, and our coach was ill. in the bigger picture we have more than exceeded expectations. ”

    Very, very true! While there’s no reason not to set high expectations, I don’t think anyone honestly expected us to be where we are at this point.

    Did someone mention “heart attack”???? I just got in and that’s the first time I’ve heard that mentioned. Any more info on that????

  4. Lunatic Fringe 02/22/2007 at 4:52 PM #

    I like the comments from Ben and believe that they were appropriate. As it has been pointed out here before, Ben does a good job of formulating comments to get his point across without alienating or offending. We moved away from what was working, we did not listen to our coaches, and let UNC dictate the pace of the game…which resulted in a loss.

    Personally, I am comforted in the thought that Mac will likely be the player to step-up as the leader of the team when Atsur is done lacing them up at NCSU.

  5. choppack1 02/22/2007 at 5:11 PM #

    Here’s what happened in the second half:
    1) We threw the ball away too much leading to easy fast break points.
    2) We forgot how to rebound on D.
    3) We took horrible shots.

    I think the cause of 1 and 3 was a combo of the Heels physical defense (both good D and well, too physical) and a lack of focus – probably attributable to Sidney’s condition.

    The second item I think was caused by our switching to a zone. We had rebounded fairly well in man to man D early. Even in the first half, Carolina busted up our zone.

    There is no way you can overcome those 3 factors if you are going to beat a half decent team.

  6. noah 02/22/2007 at 5:25 PM #

    “Did someone mention “heart attack”???? I just got in and that’s the first time I’ve heard that mentioned. Any more info on that????”

    Yes, you can find it in the file under “Bullsh*t.” Lowe left the hospital this morning.

  7. cpwolfpackfan 02/22/2007 at 5:38 PM #

    I know this is off subject, but everyone know the writter Gregg Doyle over at sportsline. com. Well he had a little comment in his section saying something along the lines of ” We I have the flu I drink water, Sidney lowe, leaves his team to face the tarheels with out him”. I don’t know about yall but I know that doyle says things to get a rise out of people but this is crossing the line. When peoples health is in question, don’t be a jack ass and try to get a laugh. I know it is wrong to say but the best party of that prick dripped down his dads leg the night his mom got pregant with him

  8. PackGirl 02/22/2007 at 6:20 PM #

    Apparently he didn’t have a heart attack or they wouldn’t have released him. But he did stay in the hospital overnight and into the morning – my guess is that they did a cardiology work-up on him to make sure there was nothing going on. He looks like a heart attack waiting to happen when you watch him on the sidelines, but he’s probably in great shape – just a bit on the stocky side. He needs to get a red blazer made from a more “breathable” fabric.

  9. BoKnowsNCS71 02/22/2007 at 9:39 PM #

    Heart attack — not for the cardiac pack. I had the virus with the flu like symptoms (norvirus) a few weeks ago. Chills, fever, blowing chunks, and a straight shot of liquid from orifice to orifice. You cannot retain water – it just runs through you. I packed it in and slept for 36 hours.

    So I have to give mucho kudos and praise to Sid for trying to do his job while dealing with the norovirus/stomach virus that is rampant now. He couldn’t drink water or he would have pulled a Bobby Hurley in the UNLV National Championship game and made a run from the court to the john with the squirts every 5 minutes.

    For him to even try to work through it shows his character as a dedicated coach. Never is his dreams would he ever willfully leave the court unless he just couldn’t fight it any more.

    It’s a nasty virus. When you get it — and many of you will — while you are sitting on the john holding the trash can and crying — think about trying to coach the game of the year.

    Unless you’ve had this crud — You can’t empathize.

  10. the_phisherman 02/23/2007 at 10:45 AM #


    Haven’t we decided not to read anything written by Doyle?

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