Atsur: Lowe is The Soul

He is the soul of this team and not seeing him on the bench, especially in a big game like this, affected us.”

February 21, 2007
NC State senior point guard, Engin Atsur

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06-07 Basketball General Quotes of Note Sidney Lowe

60 Responses to Atsur: Lowe is The Soul

  1. branjawn 02/22/2007 at 10:58 AM #

    “Sicne you did not see the game maybe you should not comment on the effort put forth on the court.”

    I didn’t exactly comment on the effort, I solely made comments about Ben’s remarks and that they have merit coming from him. Read again and use spell check next time. (Sicne)

    “No, I cannot agree. Confidence comes and goes, and some games they seem to want it more, but I see no downward trend at all.”

    You should read again too. I said wavered, not faltered, not vanished. Waver, as in back and forth. The confidence of this team HAS been up and down, exactly what I was saying.

  2. BJD95 02/22/2007 at 10:59 AM #

    Amen, Beo. The Miami game was pretty shameful. But that’s it.

  3. beowolf 02/22/2007 at 11:02 AM #

    To falter is one of the meanings of waver, as is to vacillate.

  4. partialqualifier 02/22/2007 at 11:05 AM #

    Big Red….great post. I agree completely. Our guys battled…and honestly if the situation had been reversed and it was Roy heading off to the hospital and Lowe coaching tha pack in the second half….I really believ we would have won the game.

    No one has really touched on it here, but one thing I have noticed that bothers me is how much the lack of whistle blowing dictates games. In my opinion UNC took the Ga. Tech strategy of banging, grabbing, pushing, and shoving in the second half to wear us down. The officials could have fouled Hansbrough out in the first 5 minutes of the second half if they had wanted to. I just dont know how ACC officials can see a power forward bang his body into a point guard to slow him coming off a pick and NOT blow the damn whistle. That infuriates me! Our guys gave out of gas because they were carrying another person in their shorts all damn night. Blow the damn whistle!

    Now I am not blaming officials….and hopefully next year when we have more players we can play the bang, push, grab game as well….but I dont know what a foul is anymore. It seems Roy decided to do what Duke did and Ga. Tech and Maryland to some extent….run 10 guys out there to hold, grab, and push us around to wear us down….and force the hands of the officials. And once again….the officials just refuse to call a game as it is written in the rule book.

  5. branjawn 02/22/2007 at 11:05 AM #

    Waver: To move unsteadily back and forth.

    Nice job picking the part of the definition that backs up your point. Thefreedictionary dot com has the above definition listed first and as such is the intent of my usage of the word.

  6. branjawn 02/22/2007 at 11:08 AM #

    I don’t’ know if the ACC is becoming a more physical league, but there were quite a few calls “missed” in the BC v VT game. Not that I care about the outcome of that game too much, but the lack of whistle blowing in regards to physical play stood out.

  7. beowolf 02/22/2007 at 11:13 AM #

    branjawn, what is your problem? Why are you taking that so personally? Your meaning was unclear, obviously; I wasn’t the only one who read it the way I did. My post provided clarity; if you weren’t so inclined to take things personally, you would have just said “that’s what I meant, actually” instead of making unsubstantiated but self-serving comments about others reading again.

    If you are going to pick nits on grammar, then you should be more circumspect, lest you fall afoul of someone who can thoroughly embarrass you on that field.

  8. tractor57 02/22/2007 at 11:21 AM #

    “the lack of whistle blowing in regards to physical play stood out”
    This has been an issue since I first started watching the games in the 1960’s – the ACC was once a “touch foul league”. I submit that the palyers need to adjust to how the game is called – and yes this does sometimes favor one team over another but the refs are human also (and they miss calls – gasp!).
    Over the years BB has become more “physical” – those that played in the 1960’s generally wouldn’t stand a chance in the current game.

  9. Rick 02/22/2007 at 11:35 AM #

    “I don’t’ know if the ACC is becoming a more physical league,”

    Maybe you should follow your own advice.

    As for “misspelling” words, if you cannot see when someone accidentally types something wrong and take it for the mistake it is then at least don’t make the same mistake. You can avoid looking stupid by doing so.

  10. branjawn 02/22/2007 at 11:39 AM #

    I think, my opinion obviously, that the league has been more finesse than physical up through the mid 90’s. I don’t know if the addition of FSU and subsequently the 3 Big Least schools coming over had an impact, but the league is becoming more physical in my eyes. And, if called consistently and fairly I think that’s a good thing. Maybe. I don’t know, how does this play out in terms of the NCAA tournament? Would it make the conference as a whole do well b/c we are used to physical play? Or would we get more fouls called on us if the rest of the nation plays on a less physical level. I just see from watching other games (which is all I get up here in NY) that the Big Least and Pac 10 teams seem like pansies and wouldn’t make it in the ACC this year due in large part to the aggressive and physical defense and offense many ACC teams play.

  11. branjawn 02/22/2007 at 11:40 AM #

    I don’t think additional punctuation would qualify as a misspelling technically. :o)

  12. Rick 02/22/2007 at 11:43 AM #

    How about we just agree not to mention typing mistakes and address the posts themselves?

  13. branjawn 02/22/2007 at 11:44 AM #

    Agreed. Back to the main point, Lowe IS the soul of the team. I hope he makes a speedy and full recovery.

  14. tractor57 02/22/2007 at 11:49 AM #

    That is an interesting change of events as in the past the reason given for the lack of ACC success in the NCAA tourney was always stated as “they don’t call fouls (speaking of the 1960’s and 1970’s – ancient history).
    My view is the NCAA tourney is generally called “loser” than the ACC as in rougher play. It will be interesting to see if that is followed this year.

  15. PackGirl 02/22/2007 at 12:11 PM #

    This just in from N&O:

    Lowe leaves hospital

    From Staff Reports
    N.C. State basketball coach Sidney Lowe was released from UNC Hospitals in Chapel Hill this morning after suffering from dehydration during Wednesday night’s game at North Carolina.

    Lowe, the Pack’s first-year coach, felt faint during halftime of the game at the Smith Center and was taken to the hospital for treatment. He remained at the hospital overnight for observation.

    Lowe will spend today resting at home and will rejoin the team for the trip Friday to Florida State, said Annabelle Myers, assistant athletics director for media relations. The Pack, which will not practice today, plays the Seminoles on Saturday.

  16. tcthdi-tgsf-twhwtnc 02/22/2007 at 12:12 PM #

    “My take on this game is this: UNC had finally figured out a gameplan that could win against the Pack”…

    Yes, poison the coach’s water? Just kidding. I hope Lowe is doing better and we learned last night what a true master that man is.

  17. TNCSU 02/22/2007 at 12:18 PM #

    Over-the-back is one call in particular, that is rarely called anymore. The game is alot more physical — without that fact, Hansbrough would not be half the player he is. It started with Shaq and others that simply back players down so close to the basket that they either have a 1-2 foot layup or dunk. As long as players adapt to the referees, you have to go with the flow with respect to how much they call. The main thing for referees is that they are consistent. I do feel with the deeper team next year, it will enable us to play a more aggressive D, grab more rebounds, force more turnovers and get points in transition — exactly the way UNX took over in the second half last night.

  18. branjawn 02/22/2007 at 12:29 PM #

    That’s so weird to think he was in a UNC hospital. I bet most of the people there did not even know who he was! “There was a basketball game tonight? Women’s or Men’s? How many runs did we score?”

  19. ncsu96 02/22/2007 at 12:41 PM #

    My take on Ben’s comments is criticizing poor shot selection. Certain players tend to think they can win the game with one shot, and don’t let the offense run its course. It’s about patience and focus, the shot will make itself available if you stick to the plan.

    I think it’s particularly frustating to Ben b/c with an inside/out offense he triggers a lot of our O (see 7 assists against VT). Last night, UNC had a clear plan early to double down on Ben. In the 1st half we got some open shots as a result. In the 2nd half it seemed like our perimeter weren’t always where they were supposed to be, and this in part led to Ben’s TOs and other ‘bad’ shots.

    just my 0.02.

    on a different note, Atsur’s comment on Sid says a lot… we have great coach. From what I remember, Atsur was extremely upset when he who shall not be named left. His comment says a lot about him and Sidney…2 great wolfpackers!

  20. BoKnowsNCS71 02/22/2007 at 1:03 PM #

    We better watch out or Sid’s going to get a new nickname — Soul Man

  21. GAWolf 02/22/2007 at 1:34 PM #

    ^^ We joked about it in the Dean Dome with the Carolina fans that a UNC-grad doctor probably told Sid he didn’t need to go back out on the court because he was too sick just to sabotage our chances. Not long after that I heard the rumblings of a “heart attack” and a trip to the hospital and the jokes were over.

  22. PackBacker001 02/22/2007 at 1:39 PM #

    “Fergie has put on some muscle too… he’s starting to look more like post-steroid Carrot Top than pre-steroid Carrot Top.”

    Great, now we can look forward to Personal Fouls: Roid Redux by Peter Golenbock, Jr.

  23. TNCSU 02/22/2007 at 2:02 PM #

    Fergie didn’t play much at all last night, did he?? How many minutes did he play? I sure don’t remember much from him. I think Neiman played more minutes, didn’t he?

  24. the_phisherman 02/22/2007 at 2:09 PM #

    I don’t recall any minutes out of Fergie. I do recall Fells running point while Atsur sat on the bench.

  25. burnbarn 02/22/2007 at 2:43 PM #

    Ferg would have had a lot of trouble with the ball pressure last night.

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