Q&A With Sidney Lowe

On the eve/morning (depeding on when you read this) of Sidney Lowe’s first ACC game in the RBC Center the ACC.com shares with us a “Q&A with Sidney Lowe“:

Q: What is it like to be back at NC State?

It means everything to me. This is my home. I love NC State; I’ve always loved NC State. It’s a blessing. I’m really fortunate, the Lord has blessed me to let me come back here and do this. A lot of coaches and players don’t get a chance to come back and coach their alma mater. I’m getting this opportunity. My friends and family members are here, everything. It means everything to me to have this opportunity.

One personal note…I am embarassed to admit it…but I share the same favorite Ben & Jerry’s ice cream flavor with Coach Lowe – Chunky Monkey.

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Alums General NCS Basketball Quotes of Note Sidney Lowe

9 Responses to Q&A With Sidney Lowe

  1. beowolf 01/06/2007 at 1:07 AM #

    Unlike theACC.com, I think it’s appropriate and respectful to capitalize the name of the Lord.

    I don’t think Coach Lowe was referring to an English dandy blessing him.

  2. burnbarn 01/06/2007 at 11:53 AM #

    I like the black sweater vest with the red trim he has been wearing.

    I like Chunk Monkey too with a scoop of Strawberry!!!

  3. hoop 01/06/2007 at 12:25 PM #

    It sure is great to have a coach so excited to be here. I think the success of the team so far is a direct result of his passion and excitement.

    I don’t understand everyone’s obsession with Chunky Monkey. The Mint Chocolate Cookie is the best there is! I usually eat the pint in one sitting!

  4. wesley 01/06/2007 at 12:40 PM #

    Chunky Monkey is the best by far.

  5. redfred2 01/06/2007 at 1:52 PM #

    We haven’t heard it in a long, long time, but it’s usually taken for granted in a interview with any coach. How much does it mean to have a coach that simply mentions the name of the university, and talks about what it means to him?

    It’s the players, the university, then Sidney Lowe, in that order. He’s not here because he was at the top of the list, but he’s here and doing it for all of the right reasons now. He will take it to a new level, and what happens on the court will just be a bonus. We couldn’t have hoped for more!!!

  6. Spin Wolf 01/06/2007 at 3:06 PM #

    It’s very cliche, yet true to say that you can hear bits and pieces of Coach V every time Sidney talks. This interview is no exception. The part about the goal being a National Championship, but his most important coaching accomplishment being his relationship with the players spoke volumes.

    State fans as a breed are notorious for latching our hopes on to each new coach as the “next big thing.” While I wouldn’t exactly pencil us in for the Final 4 any time soon, I think we have a genuine reason to be excited here. Coach Lowe gets it, in a way that Herb never did, and is the right man for the job at the right time.

  7. gopack968 01/06/2007 at 4:59 PM #

    Chunky Monkey rules.

  8. vtpackfan 01/06/2007 at 5:44 PM #

    Chunky Monkey is the best flavor, bar none.

  9. highonlowe 01/06/2007 at 7:44 PM #

    and NC State loves you too Sidney Lowe

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