Tracy Smith to NC State (Updated 11/14)

Tracy Smith committed to play basketball at NC State on Monday afternoon. Smith, a 6’8 225 pound power forward with enough versatility to contribute on the wing is easily considered a consensus Top 50 high school player and is listerd “4-star” recruit by both and

The Charlotte Observer’s Ken Tysiac’s affinity for Herb Sendek manifested itself into rude comments and criticism of NC State fans in his coverage over the past few years. This brief article about the Smith commitment ran today. It has some quick comments from Bob Gibbons.

When N.C. State hired Sidney Lowe after he spent his entire coaching career in the NBA, the biggest question was whether he could recruit.

It hasn’t taken Lowe long to answer.

The addition of Smith to the existing 2007 commitments of JJ Hickson and Johnny Thomas will catapult Sidney Lowe’s first recruiting class into (at least) a national Top 20 class. Recruiting analyst Bob Gibbons called Smith a “Top 20 talent” said the addition of Smith gives State the No. 2 class in the ACC behind Duke.

The Wolfpack has an additional scholarship available for the 2007 class that we believe should be reserved for the 2008 class unless a MAJOR talent emerges on the recruiting scene. As we stated in our most recent full-blown analysis:

Based on (1) Farnold Degand’s presence/ability to handle the ball next year after Engin Atsur leaves, (2) the in-roads that Coach Lowe is making with prospects in the class of 2008 and (3) the 2008 commitment from Julius Mays.. then close the book on the class (unless we land a Top 30 “Mystery Recruit�).

SFN will have a full recruiting and projected roster breakdown in the coming days that we think that you will enjoy. In the meantime, you can click on this link to see all of our recent “Basketball Recruiting Entries” and surf until your heat’s content.

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88 Responses to Tracy Smith to NC State (Updated 11/14)

  1. Trout 11/14/2006 at 10:56 AM #

    I think bringing in a Juco PG would be a smart move.

  2. burnbarn 11/14/2006 at 11:08 AM #

    When Lowe came here, most people thought we were behind the 8 ball in the ’07 class and that our first chance to make noise would be in the ’08 class.
    Yes, we missed on our PG (Wright) but we have DeGrand that will be much more experienced than a true Fresh would have been for next season. Then we have the true freshman for ’08 in Mays to learn under a more experienced PG.

    It is really amazing what the ENTIRE staff have done since May. Of course, you have to hand it to the man that assembled the staff. We have a long way to go until 2008/9 season. Let’s enjoy it all. Also, I hope we do not expect JJ to be here longer than Ced was. I do think we’ll see more of him in the two seasons we have him than we did Ced.

  3. burnbarn 11/14/2006 at 11:08 AM #

    BTW, JB thanks for the date at the top!

  4. ShootingGuard 11/14/2006 at 11:21 AM #


    I totally agree with your analysis regarding the need for a point guard to make the big guys shine…

    But I disagree with regard to Hickson and Smith between like the usual Herbesque “tweeners.” There aren’t that many quality big guys out there it seems anymore and the ones that are out there typically like to drift out and shoot jumpers every now and then—it’s just the nature of today’s game. Hickson, however, is a true post player who does the bulk of his work around the basket—where Ced should have been, but Hickson is way more polished offensively than Ced was/is. Smith was more of a banger when he had all of the extra weight before, but his game has changed some with the new leaness, but he’s still no Marcus Melvin or Ilian Evtimov “tweener” or swing forward. He is not quite like Craig Smith was or Jeremis Smith is either, but he gets most of his production in the paint, although he should be better at stepping out—good for freeing up Hickson—when he gets here.

    As for further recruiting this year, I won’t speak on rumors, etc., but it is HIGHLY likely that we take a 4th recruit in this class. Sid knows the beatings he will take on both ends of the floor this year due to his thin bench, and he wants to keep raising up the tempo on offense and the suffocation on defense—and he won’t take a chance on being shorthanded during his even more important second year. While we all want to see Sid have schollies available to take advantage of the inroads he is making in future classes, it is just reality and should come as no surprise if another scholly opens up in the future as needed…(please don’t speculate on any specifics around that statement as there is no specific situation right now, just a realistic forecast based on the way the business of college basketball works…)

  5. thebigwood 11/14/2006 at 11:34 AM #

    With this class coming in it seems like we will be a strong, but very young team next year. My question is in regards to Hickson. I understand that he is one and NBA, but is there a chance that we won’t compete 07-08 (maybe miss the tournament) because we are so young? Adn in the case that we miss the tourny, would Hickson stay around another year to raise his stock? I know this is speculation, but I am anxious to have a great season under Lowe and I am just curious about what other people think…

  6. packbackr04 11/14/2006 at 11:35 AM #

    NCSU4LIFE^^ wasnt it just stated above that HIckson (the stud of this class) was SIds recruit. I agree that harris, towe, and strickland have been a huge help in getting Sid to land some of thses guys. But Sid is pulling his own weight in Raleigh. Those guys dont have to worry about carrying Sid around. he can handle his own.

  7. Gene 11/14/2006 at 11:41 AM #

    I think bringing in a Juco PG would be a smart move.

    So far I haven’t read anything to indicate Lowe & Co. are looking at any JuCo players. That is one avenue, where we’ve landed some good players, in the past.

  8. RickJ 11/14/2006 at 11:49 AM #

    I like the idea of waiting until spring before deciding on whether or not to add a 4th player to this class. We can follow a number of high school senior and JC guards and maybe someone makes a big leap in development. We will also know more about where we stand with high school juniors that might affect the equation.

    The mystery for me regarding guards is Ferguson & Degand. These two really make a huge difference on the urgency of taking another guard in the 07 class. ShootingGuard – I would love to hear any opinion you have on these two players.

  9. Rochester 11/14/2006 at 11:55 AM #

    It seems a little premature to project Hickson as one and done. Each year prior to the 19+/1 yr of college rule there were about half a dozen HS kids to jump straight to the draft, and a couple of others coming out as freshmen. The rankings I’ve seen on J.J. thus far are anywhere from 15 to 21 in the class, which could rise if he has a great senior season.

    It’s hard to project 15-21 kids coming out after one season next year, because there wouldn’t be much room left in the first round for sophomores, juniors, seniors and foreign players. I’d have to guess there will be 5-10 freshmen who are good enough to go as first-rounders each year, and the rest should stick around for additional seasoning. If Hickson makes his case as one of those 5-10, then we’ll probably be enjoying next year quite a bit. If he’s not, he ought to be back. But it seems a little early to try to seriously project that.

    As for the juco point guards, are there many juco point guards out there that would project as better options than Degand for next season? I have a hard time believing that, though there might be. I’m optimistic that with Degand’s natural ability and a year to learn under a couple of great point guards, he will do a respectable job of running the offense next year.

  10. Gene 11/14/2006 at 12:03 PM #

    The mystery for me regarding guards is Ferguson & Degand.

    Well we’ll find out about Ferguson in a few weeks.

    I’d still like to have another guard for ’07, but the coaching staff doesn’t seem desperate to get a body in place or else they’d have offered Warren or Green.

  11. Rochester 11/14/2006 at 12:10 PM #

    Desperation to land bodies gets you Mike O’Donnell, Adam Simons, Dom Mejia, Justin Flatt, etc.

  12. choppack1 11/14/2006 at 1:06 PM #

    “With this class coming in it seems like we will be a strong, but very young team next year. My question is in regards to Hickson. I understand that he is one and NBA, but is there a chance that we won’t compete 07-08 (maybe miss the tournament) because we are so young?”

    A couple of points here:
    1) Next year – we won’t be that young if you consider the following:
    McCauley – junior, Fells- junior, Costner – 2nd year sophomore, Grant – Senior, Degand – 3rd year sophomore, Ferguson – 3rd year sophomore, Horner – sophomore, Big Lew – sophomore. Thomas, Hickson and Smith will be frosh, and I expect Hickson to start or come off the bench quickly, but if all of those guys return, we WILL not be a young team and actually should be primed for a tourney run.

    2) Regarding one and done – that’s said about a lot of kids. However, once you’re in college, your flaws will be exposed. It will be interesting to see how many kids now stay a little longer now. Sure, 3 years ago Hickson might have gone pro. However, once you go to college, you’re flaws against better competition are there for everyone to see. Let’s enjoy the prospect of Hickson for a year before sending him off to the NBA.

  13. Pack84 11/14/2006 at 1:15 PM #

    But, but, but….if Herb leaves we’ll suck for years to come………


  14. tcthdi-tgsf-twhwtnc 11/14/2006 at 2:15 PM #

    Lee Flower must be the luckiest guy in the land. At he stuck us with that WV coach he wanted NC State basketball may very well ceased to exist for another decade. Instead, in desperation he took Sidney and hit the power ball. I had been calling for DWhit for the last 3 or 4 years but that is because I knew Lowe hadn’t graduated and wasn’t eligible.

  15. brown pelican 11/14/2006 at 2:19 PM #

    vaguely reminiscent of when v arrived—first team was seriously undermanned—wanted to play up-tempo—got blown out at the old big 4 tourney doing so—adjusted to the thin bench and found a way to make them competitive—finished within a game or two of .500—still forced to play slower than he wanted in year two—42-41 versus uva and ralph at reynolds—finally able to take off the governor and run full bore from 82-83 on—-recruiting similar as well—v first brought in ernie myers and followed with washburn and shackelford—got lucky with gannon—and had some vision to bring in googs—expect sid to follow a similar path—looks like these two early commits are an indication of that—good luck sid—go pack

  16. thebigwood 11/14/2006 at 2:27 PM #

    I know we arent supposed to talk about Herb, but check out ASU’s first game…

    “no points in nearly four minutes” – sounds familiar

  17. packbackr04 11/14/2006 at 3:05 PM #

    good find big wood^^ how pathetic. the excuse train has started already. i hope they like hearing those same old excuses over and over out there in Tempe. but enuogh of herbie.

    Sid is on a roll, and i want to know more about these mystery recruits!!! shooting guard? SFN? come on guys. fill us in

  18. packbackr04 11/14/2006 at 3:06 PM #

    also, speaking of gurad play for the next few years. am i to assume that farnold has been told he will not lace it up this year? or are we still waiting to find out?

  19. tcthdi-tgsf-twhwtnc 11/14/2006 at 3:27 PM #

    Do you think HS will get 10 years to screw up ASU players or will they put a stop to it much sooner?

  20. redfred2 11/14/2006 at 3:28 PM #

    “Indeed, the maroon and gold started the game with a very energetic and successful pace.”

    …and finished with nothing

    It’s the pattern.

  21. mwcric 11/14/2006 at 3:39 PM #

    I have a question for the recruiting junkies – why is Smith rated so high but has only apparently received interest from Ok St. & USC, as well as NCSU? I’m asking b/c I don’t keep up much with the recruiting trail, and whenever I read the words “Mt. Zion Academy” I get uncomfortable b/c of the “school’s” reputation. I know nothing of the young man and absolutely give him the benefit of the doubt and an happy to have him aboard – if he’s good enough for Sid, he’s good enough for me. Someone in an earlier post alluded to Washburn as a successful Valvano get, though, and while I may be in the minority, I really don’t want us to go down that road again. Thanks in advance for any info anyone can provide! Go Pack!

  22. Rochester 11/14/2006 at 3:45 PM #

    Just so long as he’s not amphibious. Or was that Shack?

  23. mwcric 11/14/2006 at 3:50 PM #

    LOL – yeah that was Shackleford.
    BTW, guess this isn’t appropriate for this post, but I wanted to make sure everyone knew of this story on

  24. wallacepark 11/14/2006 at 3:53 PM #

    So are you saying we’ll get the knews about Degand’s appeal in just a few weeks?

  25. zahadum 11/14/2006 at 4:06 PM #

    Smith already has an 1100 SAT score. No comparison to Washburn.

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