The Gailey Equilibrium

If there is one thing that VaWolf missed in his excellent preview of Georgia Tech vs NC State it was the consideration of the effect of the Gailey Equilibrium.

We don’t know what was more predictable – Herb Sendek’s regression to the mean or the Chan Gailey Equilibrium.

At least we aren’t/weren’t alone!

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16 Responses to The Gailey Equilibrium

  1. Woof Wolf 11/04/2006 at 8:15 AM #

    This has got to be his breakout year. He’s got UNC, Duke and UGA after us.

  2. BladenWolf 11/04/2006 at 11:50 AM #

    The Fayetteville Observer had a piece this morning that had the Pack picked to win 20-17. I’m not sure what they’re smoking, but I’d love to see us stop this three game slide.

    With Clemson coming up next, we need a good showing tonight against the Wreck.

    I hope our corners and safeties are ready for Johnson.

  3. db321 11/04/2006 at 12:02 PM #

    Amato’s teams always play up to the competition and pull off an upset or two. Unfortunately, they play down to the competition and shoot themselves in the foot at least 2 or 3 times a season and lose to teams they shouldn’t as well. The inconsistency is created by undisciplined play, poor gameplanning, poor adjustments, and turnovers…all of which are coaching issues in my mind.

  4. bperry4 11/04/2006 at 12:03 PM #

    I don’t understand how state fans can still get excited about the reamining 4 games of this dismal season. As a state fan myself, I can tell you that Im sick of 5-7, 6-6, 7-5 type seasons every year. Too see any state fans show any form of interest for the rest of this season is pathetic. State fans should pull for our four opponents in hope of a 3-9 season and a change in coaches. Otherwise, enjoy hovering just below the .500 mark forever.

  5. wolfonthehill 11/04/2006 at 12:07 PM #

    You’ll be called a terrible fan, a traitor, whatever… but you’re right, bperry. If we finish with 5-6 wins, the season was just a total throwaway.

    SFN: Your ‘fanness’ won’t be called anything here because we respect everyone’s right to feel the way that they do.

    8-9 wins would’ve been progress, and 3-4 wins would’ve been progress toward a new coach. Mediocrity is progress toward nothing except more of the same.

  6. BladenWolf 11/04/2006 at 12:10 PM #

    bperry4 –

    While I agree that 1) I’m tired of the Football team being mediocre and 2) we need a coaching change, I can never pull against the Pack. It’s against my constitution.

    Are you honestly going to pull for the tarholes or EZU the last two games? I don’t think so.

    Let’s just play as well as we can play (given our coaching staffs limitations) the rest of the season and let the chips fall where they may. Actually wanting the Pack to lose sounds treasonous in my book.

  7. bperry4 11/04/2006 at 12:16 PM #

    I think this program is much bigger than these four games coming up. Therefore, Im wearing a 1971 john bunting jersey for the unc game, as for ecu who cares.

  8. class of 74 11/04/2006 at 12:18 PM #

    The sad part is UNC is on the verge of a major upgrade in coaching and we are stuck with someone who will never get the job done. And because he is one of us, the admin is even more reluctant to admit the truth and act accordingly. We are stuck in perpetual neutral while other programs are moving ahead. Not a pretty picture in our football future.

  9. sksr97 11/04/2006 at 12:27 PM #

    I agree BladenWolf. It would be like going against my religion to pull for the opponent, esp. the ‘powder blue smurfs’.
    We need to win every game and whether we do or not, someone has got to have the guts to make a decision about what needs to happen for the program to progress.

  10. redfred2 11/04/2006 at 12:31 PM #

    I was on the verge of pulling against the Pack in BB, but not yet in FB. Though the comparisons to the way both are being run are absolutely unlimited. But, there are improvements in the program overall, just not in this team and several proceeding, at all.

    The team of Amato/Trestman have four games left, those are four games, four wins, and nothing else. They’ve already screwed up and lost the opportunity to beat the easier teams, it’s do or die now. This holding a team in check all day, while the offense sits and watches with their thumbs up their butts, only to have the defense finally run of gas and lose at the very end, IS OVER.

    and I add…GO PACK!!!

  11. db321 11/04/2006 at 12:38 PM #

    If you consider how down the ACC is this year, and the weak out of conference schedule, it makes Amato’s performance this season even more frustrating.

  12. redfred2 11/04/2006 at 1:29 PM #

    UNC is giving Butch Davis a leg up, and that’s smart. There will be no rush, rush, we’re behind in every facet and need to catch up, when he arrives to take over the position. Good recruiting classes already there, and a good one already waiting in the wings. That would be enough to keep Bunting on if he were the HC in Raleigh. Within reason, there are somewhat similar records between their coach and ours, both are alums of the universities, but still no indecision shown on UNC’s part.

    Over there in Chapel Hill it’s not a matter of one man’s personal welfare, or his great efforts that ended up short of the ultimate goal. It’s all about UNC, and how they are willing to seize an opportunity to improve. That is, without having to forfeit several recruiting classes, in order to show their loyalty to ONE person.

    That’s all it is, is a show. The folks in Raleigh think that if they do anything pro-active, that they will lose all of their public perception of ‘integrity’ and being the university that ‘stands by it’s own.’ They sit back and come up short game after game, but their coaches are always treated with the utmost respect, and they yank down a hefty paycheck regardless. What that really means to others over the collegiate landscape, and young kids looking into NCSU, I have no idea? But I do know that the BB coaching search should be a clear indication that NC State’s ‘nobility’ doesn’t hold any water with major coaching talent.

    Some call it family, I call it ridiculous.

    Amato, four games, four wins, nothing less.

    The wheels in Raleigh had better already be churning either way.

    UH OH!!! I forgot who makes up the ‘wheels’ in Raleigh.


    Desired or not…a Butch Davis type…in Raleigh…there would have never been a chance in hell.

  13. legacyman 11/04/2006 at 1:54 PM #

    I am disgusted with anyone who would pull against our kids. Some of us have pulled hard for our teams over 30, 40, 50 etc. years and there have been many times when we didn’t have good teams yet the fans still supported the teams. If you feel a change is needed then voice that to the WPC and the Athletic Dept. and do so with your contributions, if you make any, but don’t defile our players and the many fans who will always support them.

  14. Wolfpack4ever 11/04/2006 at 2:28 PM #

    bperry4 Says: “I think this program is much bigger than these four games coming up. Therefore, Im wearing a 1971 john bunting jersey for the unc game, as for ecu who cares.”

    If you think this guy is a State Fan, I’ve got some land in Florida I’d like to sell you. “Im wearing a 1971 john bunting jersey” Any fans here on SFN got any vintage UNX jerseys in your closet? I didn’t think so.

  15. Woof Wolf 11/04/2006 at 6:01 PM #

    We had better beat the ‘ewes’ this year. With thier 20 redshirts plus the incoming class and a new coach, we may not get another chance for awhile.

  16. class of 74 11/05/2006 at 8:58 AM #

    Honestly you need not pull against the Pack to expedite change. The die has been cast and a change will occur. Besides our current coach is not about to turn this disaster of his around either this year or next. He will be let go not this year, much to my sorrow, but next year will be his last. He has been elevated one level above his capabilities and all of the 4 and 5 star recruits can not overcome his failings.

    So next year this time we will be seeking a new coach. The WPC and the admin are just very slow to act but that’s been the way we’ve done things around here since 1990. And it’s not about to change now.

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