Awesome Rules Manipulation

We are on record with our objections to the ridiculous rules changes in college football this season. We have followed-up on our original entry a few times since we first ran it. (Link to more related material)

NC State and Wake Forest have both managed to take advantage of the new clock rules this season by committing penalties on offense while holding leads late in games this year (NCS vs FSU and WFU @ NCS). The penalties serve to give the team with the lead another play on the same down; so, when the clock starts when the referee places the ball on the ground a team could theoretically run the clock out without ever getting off of first down.

Smart and savy college coaches are now finding other ways to take advantage of the rule. This entry at Wizard of Odds is fascinating and highlights an AWESOME move by Wisconsin this weekend vs Penn State.

As for shortening the game, this clip is 6:06 long (worth every second, in our opinion), meaning the final 23 seconds took much longer to run under 3-2-5-e than it would have under the old rules. And a good job by analyst Paul Maguire for picking up on what Bielema was up to. Because the rules can’t be changed in the middle of the season, we can only hope other coaches do the same to hasten the repeal of 3-2-5-e in the offseason.

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42 Responses to Awesome Rules Manipulation

  1. choppack1 11/06/2006 at 9:10 AM #

    Correct me if I’m wrong, but couldn’t you get the ball back w/ 3:00 minutes left and illegal procedure you’re way to a win under the right circumstances. These new clock rules are so stupid, they had to be thought up by the NCAA.

  2. VaWolf82 11/06/2006 at 9:27 AM #

    Does the new rule affect off-sides on the kick-off? I think that the Wisconsion trick would have always worked.

    The solution to the kick-off penalty is quite easy. Just give the ball to the receiving team on the 35 yard line….just like when the ball goes out of bounds.

  3. choppack1 11/06/2006 at 9:37 AM #

    VaWolf – The clock starts as soon as it’s kicked – that’s the main difference. I think the bigger danger is in how the clock can be manipulated by illegal procedures and the like (where a team isn’t receiving a kickoff.)

  4. treznor 11/06/2006 at 9:50 AM #

    Is offsides not a declinable penalty? I would assume not since Joe Pa would have just decline the penalty and taken the ball after the first (or definitely the second once it became very evident that it was on purpose) time.

  5. treznor 11/06/2006 at 9:53 AM #

    VAWolf – In the old rules after it became apparent that the kicking team was running out the clock by going offsides the receiving team would just start to immediately down the ball after catching, thus wasting at most a secnod or two. Now the kicking team can run off that second or two plus the entire hang time of the ball, which adds another 5-8 seconds.

  6. joe 11/06/2006 at 10:07 AM #

    I’m pretty sure college BB did make a rules change during a season 1 time. But it is very rare for that to happen.

  7. redfred2 11/06/2006 at 10:21 AM #

    Damn good coaching and using the rulebook to your own benefit! A trick like that would be a little too risque for the likes of NC State, won’t be quite fair to the other team or look quite right there. But damn good coaching anywhere else in the country.

  8. PackMan97 11/06/2006 at 10:24 AM #

    Under the old rules, the clock didn’t start until the offensive player touched the ball. So, if you knew they were doing this, just catch and down the ball and a second would go off the clock.

  9. MadWolf92 11/06/2006 at 10:38 AM #

    The mistake here is that the officials didn’t call blatant misuse of the rules. I forget the exact rule, but if a team is committing repeated penalties in an attempt to get an advantage, there *is* a rule against it.

  10. redfred2 11/06/2006 at 10:49 AM #

    OFF TOPIC, but I can’t on SFN’s most recent thread

    “It’s always fun to have a new beginning,� the Wolfpack athletic director says. “And to have a new beginning with deep ties to our past makes it all the more exciting. It’s important we promote our history, our tradition and our heritage. Now I feel the evolution of the program is coming back in the direction it should.�

    Oh really now Lee, how astute of you. And it only took how many years for you to realize this?

  11. redfred2 11/06/2006 at 10:51 AM #

    (((It’s important we promote our history, our tradition and our heritage.)))

    What a guy.

  12. redfred2 11/06/2006 at 10:53 AM #

    Still waiting on the PROMOTION part of it, but he said it anyway.

  13. redfred2 11/06/2006 at 11:00 AM #

    Friday night, the RBC, be there, BIG PROMOTION.

    bring a tomato(e)

  14. packpigskinfan23 11/06/2006 at 11:00 AM #

    hey redfred- I would like to give Lowe at least 3 years to accomplish anything… and I would also like to see Fowler gone before those 3 years are up… so I like the idea by the writer, I would like to see some things change before seeing what Lowe can do.

  15. redfred2 11/06/2006 at 11:12 AM #


    I stopped reading after that paragraph. I’ll simmer down and read the rest later.

    All I know is that my job isn’t safe because I happen to screw up and just happen to blindly stumble onto ONE great opportunity. Lowe’s success shouldn’t even have any bearing on LF’s job security.

  16. BoKnowsNCS71 11/06/2006 at 11:27 AM #

    The clock rules were developed by a Committee of coaches. Chuck and Beamer are/were on that committee per Coach Logan.

    The Committee passes it up to NCAA (and I would assume a vote by all coaches) for implementation by NCAA.

    As for the clock — we’re now roughly playing a high school game (12 minute quarters). Needs to go back to the fun game we had with last minute strategies.

    As for Fowler — I’ll stay on record that he needs to move on.


  17. redfred2 11/06/2006 at 11:39 AM #

    I have to step back for a moment, and acknowledge that the credits neccessary for Lowe to even be able to coach in the first place, was a major factor for Fowler. BUT, later on. I read where Lowe said he was in constant contact with Fowler early on, as an advisor only, then as time went on and Fowler came empty time after time, HE, SIDNEY LOWE, realized that the person Lee Fowler was searching for was none other than the advisor himself.

    That does not however, excuse the “keeping a lower profile than a CIA operative” that this administration is taking with these coaches RIGHT NOW!

    It is PITIFUL and it is being handled with the same ineptness as the early coaching search itself. Lee Fowler, the whole athletics department in general, don’t have what it takes to keep any program moving forward. Especially on this level.

  18. Pack84 11/06/2006 at 12:13 PM #

    I must say that I think the officials aren’t always properly administering the games. I’ll simply quote from the NCAA rulebook and leave it at that.

    Rule 3-4-3
    “The referee shall order the game clock started or stopped whenever either team conserves or consumes playing time by tactics obviously unfair. This includes starting the clock on the snap if the foul is by the team ahead in the score…”

  19. partialqualifier 11/06/2006 at 12:15 PM #

    How about Griese’s comment to Paul….”hey, if u fire enough bullets one of ’ems bound to hit!” I love that line!

    I am a little disappointed with the rest of the commentary. These guys are throwing out all kinds of praise to a guy who just spit in the face of the integrity of the game. I know about the rule change and how it can be manipulated…but should it? What this guy did for Wisconsin is one of the most Bush League plays I have ever seen. I am quite sure that nearly every coach in the country….including ‘ol Joe Pa has thought of how this rule change could be manipulated. The difference is most people have more respect for the integrity and spirit of the game. The “Kick Off” is one of the most dangerous plays in any sport. You’ve got guys running down field at full speed for 30-40 yards creating all kinds of potentially perilous angles for blockers, returners, and tacklers. To risk that for 3 consecutive plays just to run off 23 seconds when your opponent had 80 friggin yards of offense is incredibly Bush League!

    The correct thing to say about this whole deal is that….yes he was manipulating the the clock rule, but doing so in a way that put 22 young men in a very dangerous position.

    Now I am not trying to sound prudish here. I am not above using to your advantage whatever you can find in order to help ur team win. But I get uncormfortable when I see someone going outside the “spirit” of competition in college athletics. That’s what I feel happened here…and it looks like Joe Pa felt the same way!!

    One more thing…I hope Joe Pa gets well soon! He’s an ornery ‘ol guy, but he has always conducted his program as honorably as anyone in the country.

  20. redfred2 11/06/2006 at 12:25 PM #

    Unfair advantage, yep. But it is an interpretation by the officials that was unfair, not the coach.

    It is anything but “bush league” to push the envelope. This coach had done his research and had enough smarts to try it, no harm in that. The officials had the call to make and they could have made it on the first kick.

  21. redfred2 11/06/2006 at 12:32 PM #

    “4 corners” anyone?

  22. packpigskinfan23 11/06/2006 at 12:33 PM #

    yep… FORCE them to change the rules.

  23. wolfonthehill 11/06/2006 at 12:41 PM #

    Anyone happen to notice that, on the 3rd kickoff, the officials did NOT start the clock until the receiver touched it? I think they got the idea after the two straight abuses – and it’s honestly as quickly as you CAN call it abuse of the rules. The refs did everything they could – the rules simply allow something like this now.

  24. SixPack 11/06/2006 at 12:57 PM #

    Speaking of calling penalties……Refs must not call “offsides” on the kickoff team anymore as most times someone passes the ball before its kicked (and the Ref is looking right down the line) !


  1. The ACC Basketblog - 11/06/2006

    The Daily Roundup

    We’re tracking this story on the Basketblog. Get over there!!!

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