Post GT Game Fallout

We will post more during the day, but we thought we would get everyone started with Ned Barnett’s article.

RALEIGH – If N.C. State was playing horseshoes instead of football, it would be among the best in the nation.

This is a team that’s expert at landing close. Unfortunately, there are no points for leaners, no matter how far the Pack gets its fans to lean forward in their seats.

Saturday’s 31-23 loss was State’s fourth in a row by eight points or less, but there’s nothing close about the gap in the win column. The Pack is 3-6 and bound for Death Valley. One more loss and the season will be a losing one.

Also, it is funny that this article is the 3rd most popular article in the N&O the last 7 days.

'06 Football General NCS Football

47 Responses to Post GT Game Fallout

  1. bTHEredterror 11/05/2006 at 7:01 PM #

    Ponder this Lock. Karma is what is happening in Chapel Hill and conversely at Rutgers. We as State Fans feel like we are on the “we’re due” side of football Karma.

  2. bperry4 11/05/2006 at 7:03 PM #

    We are all wasting our time watching NC State football as long as the Wolfpack Club does not put pressure on Fowler to make a coaching move. I was chastised yesterday on this site for saying Im pulling for our remaining opponents but theres a significant purpose behind it. I want our talented kids to have the chance to do great things but the fact that everyone seems to be perfectly content with the current status of our program infuriates me. Do you think for one second the Rams Club would ever stand for our level of mediocrity?? No. If Fowler is too big of a poo to not do anything than we have to. Enough is enough folks, Im sick and tired of State fans being supporters of mediocrity, and I guarantee you that some state fan habitual loser will oppose this.

  3. redfred2 11/05/2006 at 7:27 PM #


    The WCO, does that stand for worst case…?

    As far as Amato, I love his spirit. He also has shown an ability to generate excitement and loosen some purse strings. Something to think about. I know he’d do things a little differently than the status quo of present administration, and that can’t be wrong. Hell, just the word “do,” puts him head and shoulders over anyone in the department right now anyway.

  4. WolfPup35 11/05/2006 at 10:16 PM #

    All I can say is…..Dumb-Ass penalties and dropped passes. Blame who you want, but coaches can’t catch passes. Also, do ANY officials call holding on our opposition anymore??

  5. WolfPup35 11/05/2006 at 10:17 PM #


  6. Wolfpack4ever 11/05/2006 at 10:30 PM #

    bperry4 Says: “but the fact that everyone seems to be perfectly content with the current status of our program infuriates me.”

    bperry4, It’s not even a FACT that ANYONE is content with the current state of our program. Where the disagreement lies is in what to do about it. Whatever happens I for one want to be proud of my university’s handling of the situation — and I don’t mean from a looking-good point of view.

    If you want to be infuriated, be infuriated with the limp-wrist reaction of most Hole fans over Bunting being let go mid-season. I still think you are a poorly disguised troll. Your reference to “state fans” has an outsiders “ring” to it.

  7. PAPacker 11/06/2006 at 8:42 AM #

    hey SFN, what happened to my post? Too long? Irrelevant?

  8. SixPack 11/06/2006 at 10:19 AM #

    If pulling FOR the Pack doesn’t work then pulling AGAINST them isn’t gonna make anything different either !

  9. PittsburghPackFan 11/06/2006 at 10:32 AM #

    Look, we all knew it was going to be rough year. We knew this. Stop acting so surprised & hurt, people!

  10. packpigskinfan23 11/06/2006 at 10:38 AM #

    ^much agreed…

    just do what you can to MAKE SURE that moron Trestman will never wear red again… pray something happens with the Cowher situation… and until then, root for the Pack!!!

  11. ldr of pk 75 11/06/2006 at 12:01 PM #

    Folks, we’ve had 3 OC’s in 7 years. When is it time to hold the boss responsible instead of an assistant. You don’t make changes just for the heck of it, you do it to proactively address a shortcoming. 7 years is enough of a period to measure results , no matter what yardstick you are using. The head man in any program gets paid 3 or 4 times what these assistants make because they are supposed to be managers. I don’t know about ya’ll, but if my yearly performance review were based on results like what we’ve had, I’d be sending out resumes. Till this year, I’ve tried to support Chuck but there isn’t any measuring stick by which you can defend what is going on now. WolfPup35 says, “Dumb-Ass penalties and dropped passes. Blame who you want, but coaches can’t catch passes.” is right in one respect, they don’t catch the passes. However, we have had many many more instances of dumb-ass penalties than dropped passes, that have killed momentum or put us behind the 8 ball. Coaches damn sure can do something about that. Jerk the kids ass out of the game. Can the replacements we have be any worse than what’s out there now as far as the O line is concerned? If so, the recruiting Chuck seems so famous for must not be all that good after all. Plain and simple, we have alot of good atheletes, we just don’t have coaches that will get them to any level much less the next level in the won-loss game. What do you think a Jim Grobe could do with the talent we’ve got? He’s alraedy kicked our ass a few times with less so we should know the answer. Chuck may still deserve a place in our atheletic future, but gosh, it sure isn’t in anything that takes management skills.

  12. redfred2 11/06/2006 at 12:11 PM #

    Just some progression, some change within reason. Not one extreme over to the other end of the spectrum in the blink of an eye. Those extremes resulting in the same outcome over and over because nothing tangible has been driven home or has taken hold.

    People’s hopes were raised when the lack of talent around the league became apparent after a few weeks of play. I don’t blame them, this team has talent. But just an inkling of overall consistency and progress for the future, that’s all I wanted to see this season.

  13. cfpack03 11/06/2006 at 1:37 PM #

    Prior to this game, I held execution to blame. But after witnessing the horrid play calls on Saturday, it became clear that the blame is squarely on the chest of Amato and his staff. There are too many examples to cite but I’ll quickly throw a few out there. Everytime we got into field goal range, we scaled back, called draws, and seemed to settle for a FG. This happened in 3 consecutive series: Once we were stopped after 3 straight rushes, Derany missed from 42 (?), then from 54 (an embarrasing attempt, line drive, ball first hit ground on the 20), then finally a successful FG. This third attempt coming after we drove inside the 10, only to rush 3x with NO shots in the endzone. (The yardage,etc may be off since I had a quite a few beers).
    Also, why is Stone on the field at critical times? I most understand if he was used simply as a diversion, wtf on 3rd down and almost in FG range?
    I understand the conservatism in NFL with offenses that can score almost at will, and with solid defenses. BUT this is the college game, where many mistakes are made, and a 2 pt lead is rarely retained for more than 1 quarter.

  14. partialqualifier 11/06/2006 at 1:48 PM #

    After the game I was pretty pissed. I have supported Amato, and let me say unequivocally that I want him to succeed more than I can put down in words. He is a decent man who has done more for NC State football that anyone in the past 30 years. The players love him, and he loves NC State. I like the guy a lot, and I am rooting my ass for him.

    However…it is getting very difficult to watch this any longer. We are right there every game with an opportunity to win and we dont. Every since Phillip’s junior year ended we have played close game after close game and lose more than we win. Our conference record under Amato has been horrible. And this is with Phillip River’s for 4 years and an outstanding top 5 defense for 2 years after that. Every week there is a different reason. Penalties haunted us forever. We get that worked out and turnovers kill us. We get that worked out then all of a sudden our guys cant catch the football. We drop 10 passes. Phillip’s first 3 years we couldn’t play any defense….now we cant play any offense.

    It reminds of a story Ronald Reagan told:

    You buy a car and take it home and it does not run very well. You arent sure why. You spend thousands of dollars painting the outside so that it looks real pretty and makes the girls whistle as u drive by, but it still does not drive well. You go and spend more money on new hoses, spark plugs, radiator caps, etc. Still the car runs poorly. Finally you go and spend hundreds more on the best tires you can find and you spend a few thousand on Italian Leather seats. Yet still nothing. So you’re sitting there in your brand new leather seats one day with a $50,000 car that doesnt run. After a few moments you realize that the only thing you havent done is replace the engine. Maybe it’s time to replace the engine.

  15. cfpack03 11/06/2006 at 1:51 PM #

    hat tip to Section 6
    NC State is third in the league in total offense against ACC opponents, yet 10th in scoring. The Wolfpack average 18.2 points in ACC play and were held to a touchdown in last week’s loss to Virginia
    Our offense is not impotent. We CAN and DO drive downfield, but we just close shop and settle for a FG attempt (unfortunately, Deraney isn’t as reliable as he was last year), or, we get flagged and can’t recover.

  16. cfpack03 11/06/2006 at 1:54 PM #

    10 dropped passes. Stone dropped 2, Ant Hill dropped at least 2.

  17. Buddygreen 11/06/2006 at 2:05 PM #

    We play Florida State Football. It is what Chuck brought to Raleigh. Recruit great athletes but do not expect these South Florida type recruits to be disciplined, smart, or football savy. Miami and Fl. State cannot do it with these type of kids so why do we expect it? FSU is a league leader in yellow flag yardage every year. Now Chuck’s losing his recruiting edge, down last year and not looking good this year. Trestman has shown he cannot recruit and Doc Holiday is gone. We are in a downward spiral in the same direction as Fl. State. Smart football savy players usually start with the O line and Chuck has not been able to recruit these kids to come to Raleigh. We missed out on all top O line recruits last year ending up with one unheralded O line committment. Think our O line is bad now wait till the next couple of years. Wake Forest and North colorado only two Div. 1 schools to have redshirted all freshman so far this year. I could understand a rebuilding year record more if I saw signs of building something for the future. Hard to sit back and watch Wake redshirt and be in top 25 and we losing and playing our freshman. Where is the thinking?? What is the plan??? Doesn’t seem to be one!

  18. cfpack03 11/06/2006 at 2:22 PM #

    I agree with you buddy that we play FSU-esq football with the same type athelete: supreme talent but no poise/discipline. However, FSU and Miami both have succeeded with this type of program, but you’ll see that the years they’ve been heralded were the years they had a great QB.

  19. GAWolf 11/06/2006 at 3:32 PM #

    I remember many people saying Doc Holiday leaving the program was a much larger blow than Chow. It appears this is finally proving to be very true.

  20. redfred2 11/06/2006 at 3:57 PM #

    Good post Buddygreen!

    So first it’s no defense with a great offense, then it’s no offense with a great defense, asst. coaches always leaving, asst. coaches STAYING, then it’s all running game with no QB for ten games, then all of a sudden there’s a QB with no running game, then execution issues, then balance issues, and last but not least, always and forever dumb mistakes and PENALTIES.

    Direction you ask? I don’t know. There is one constant through all of that though.

  21. class of 74 11/06/2006 at 6:19 PM #

    The only question for me is: Is it real to expect dramatic change from this current HC and staff? The past four seasons tell me the answer is no!

    I see the same problems, penalties, execution, game planning and discipline. It has been a tale of two extremes, three years of excitement and four years of underachievement. The 6-5 season with PR at QB may have been the worst considering what we had in terms of talent, although last year and this year have been pretty darn bad as well. And if we pull an o-fer the last seven games that should be the last straw. But then again we are talking about NCSU athletics and new lows seem to occur all too frequently.


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    We’re tracking this story on the Basketblog. Get over there!!!

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