NC State 88, Gardner Webb 76

Down 3 at the half, NC State pulls away in the second half. Pretty impressive that already has a post game article thirty minutes after the game.

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23 Responses to NC State 88, Gardner Webb 76

  1. Delete-Me 11/24/2006 at 11:07 PM #

    Great to hear Atsur talking about the IN-GAME adjustments in the post-game comments. Way to go Sid and co.

    Let’s get ready for Michigan!

  2. Clarksa 11/24/2006 at 11:13 PM #

    Monday should be fun…if you have tickets and you haven’t been yet, get your butts in your seats!

    (Wouldn’t it have been nice to have opened the season with a big name team like Michigan?)

  3. pack7483 11/24/2006 at 11:15 PM #

    UNC beat G-W by 53……we were losing by 3 at half? not good.

  4. legacyman 11/24/2006 at 11:26 PM #

    No, it would not have been nice to open the season with Michigan before any type of warmup games. A brand new team and new coach do not need undue pressure until they get a chance to work out the kinks. I am totally in agreement with how we are doing it.

  5. buttPACKer 11/24/2006 at 11:49 PM #

    on this topic i agree with you legacyman. . . the warmup time was/is essential for team and coach to get the feel for one another..

    and,we weren’t “losing” by 3, we were down by three. . . we WON by what, a dozen?

  6. graywolf 11/24/2006 at 11:50 PM #

    pack7483….I’d rather take a beating this year, with the number 17 recruiting class coming in next year, than to still have Herb
    ball. Just my opinion.

  7. buttPACKer 11/24/2006 at 11:56 PM #

    Amen, grawwlf

  8. BJD95 11/25/2006 at 12:12 AM #

    I liked hearing Atsur’s thoughts on adjusting mentally to being asked to be a “true” point guard. I had noticed that, too. IMHO, he’s handled the transition very, very well.

    Beat Michigan!

  9. harrisek 11/25/2006 at 12:13 AM #

    pack7483, No rational person is pretending that we are as good as UNC. By 2008-2009 season, I expect we’ll be crushing the likes of G-W too. Time is one of those things Coach Lowe can’t simulate in practice.

  10. bTHEredterror 11/25/2006 at 2:11 AM #

    BJD95-I saw the game highlights from the Valpo game, and thought Atsur was a lot better as a passer thsi year. They all are.

    I’m not surprised UNC beat G-W much worse than we did, because they have more inside power to exploit the mismatch. I think a lot of the problem tonight was the dreaded look ahead. Our guys know they have a big one Monday, and they knew UNC drug G-W, so they probably didn’t listen as close to the coaching satff about looking ahead until halftime. We beat them by 15 pts in the second half, and should have beat them by 15 points in the first. Fortunately, we got out with a win, and every win feels good this year.

    Now, let’s show up on Monday (and then show out!) and help them pull off the upset!!!

  11. vtpackfan 11/25/2006 at 10:06 AM #

    G-W played teams like Texas Tech, UNCG, and us closely because they knocked down some early shots. Against the Holes they were ice cold to start the game, couldn’t make anything, and it disrupted any chance of recovery and salvaging atleast a competitive contest. We just about scored as much against G-W as UNC did, the difference is they didn’t shoot like second graders against us. Good to put one more W up. Congrats to Sid and good luck monday.

    Michigan is going to be really tough. Amaker has then really aggressively guarding the perimeter and they have some real forces playing under the basket defensively. Probably the biggest improvement over past Wolverine teams is the moving on of G Horton “the ball hog”. It’s going to exciting indeed.

  12. GAWolf 11/25/2006 at 10:16 AM #

    I was at the GW/UNC game and they couldn’t hit the side of a barn in the 1st half.

  13. nemesisj 11/25/2006 at 11:00 AM #

    G-W losing by 50 to UNC means precisely one thing: we should have beaten them, and we did. The margin of victory is irrelevant because every game is different, and G-W was shooting well the entire game.

  14. redfred2 11/25/2006 at 12:45 PM #

    #2 team in the land, up until this week, versus a program involved in a total rebuild from scratch? And I thought for years up until now, it wasn’t quite fair to compare anything we were doing to UNC?

  15. Lock 11/25/2006 at 12:45 PM #

    Wonderful, wonderful news. I’m obviously not going to be one of these ‘Herb WHO?’ people…but it does my heart good to see us winning, PERIOD. And there’s nobody here who wants Lowe to be better than Sendek than I. Nothing would make me happier.

    Is the NCSU/Michigan game going to be nationally televised? I might actually be able to pick that up live over here if so…

  16. redfred2 11/25/2006 at 12:52 PM #


    I think you read something into my last post than actually shows up on the paper there. 😉

  17. Lock 11/25/2006 at 1:14 PM #

    hahaha, so every now and then I read between the lines a bit, who can blame me?

    Regardless, I like what I’m seeing.

  18. packpigskinfan23 11/25/2006 at 1:43 PM #

    I think the Michigan game is going to be on ESPN 2?


  19. redfred2 11/25/2006 at 1:59 PM #

    Monday night will be a tough test.

    In all of the earlier games I have seen something obviously lacking in the final stat sheets. Then in the next game, I have seen most of those stats improving. I’m not really too worried about the team at all, I’m confident they will play hard and exhaust every possible option against Michigan.

    I’m more worried about the fan’s. It is critical to stay in the seats and see the game through to the end. This is not the time to be expecting too much, though I’m not discounting this team’s ability to surprise us all.

  20. thebigwood 11/25/2006 at 2:10 PM #

    ^Red, I was just thinking the same thing about the stat sheet. When I read:

    “As expected, a more aggressive Wolfpack opened the second half. NC State started fast and focused, surging for 21 points in the opening six minutes to take a 54-46 lead. The 21-10 run was spurred by dogged man defense…”

    at, I thought about our struggles with defense in some of the earlier games (at least I read that, I haven’t seen a game yet because every promised online site to buy a video hasn’t worked for me). I am glad to see us improve in different categories as the games progress. I really look forward to the game on Monday, and I bet the team does too.

  21. jo2g5 11/25/2006 at 8:34 PM #

    Can someone please explain to me why anyone ever wanted Rick Barnes as the head coach of NCSU. What has he ever won? Nothing that I can remember.

  22. pakfanistan 11/26/2006 at 12:00 AM #

    Because he went nose to nose with Dean Smith in the 1995 ACC tournament.

  23. smfrank 11/27/2006 at 3:14 PM #

    haha, It’s kinda funny to think about that “nose to nose” statement when you consider the size of Dean Smith’s nose.

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