Logan Outlines Recruiting Risk of Johnson Hire

As many in the NC State community seem to work to convince themselves that hiring Navy’s Paul Johnson would be a great hire, 850TheBuzz’s Steve Logan did a fantastic job of highlighting some challenges that Paul Johnson is going to face on the all-important recruiting trail.

Remember, whomever NC State hires will be recruiting against Carolina’s Butch Davis who has NFL Head Coaching experience and has been extremely successful at a high profile Division One program.

On his radio show today, Logan stressed the importance of selling the NFL to the type of high school talent that comprise the programs in major conferences like the ACC. As he does with most topics on his show, Logan offered his perspective as if “he were the coach” in a situation. He stated that if he were at Carolina recruiting against Paul Johnson that he would stress the importance of the NFL to any player that he recruited on the offensive side of the ball.

Offensive Line – I will teach you how to pass block so you can make the NFL.

Quarterback – I will teach you how to throw.

Running Back – I will teach you how pass block for the NFL.

Wide Receiver – I will teach you to how to run block like the NFL, how to catch like the NFL, etc.

The message is clear – Paul Johnson has had legitimate success that deserves acknowledgement and recognition, but his system may create problems while trying to recruit the kind of talent that typically resides in conferences like the ACC.

We don’t have an educated opinion on this topic yet, but would love to hear your thoughts.

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104 Responses to Logan Outlines Recruiting Risk of Johnson Hire

  1. Wolfpack4ever 11/29/2006 at 6:28 PM #

    Retaining a consultant to hire a HC in football or bb isn’t done because no one else is aware of who’s available. A university having a consultant is like a player or coach having an agent. The agent is well versed in salary options, benefits, etc. Thje school doesn’t get shot down with a consultant.

    No one has mentioned the BOG or the BOT. THEY will have as as big a say in who we can hire (salary requirements) as any talent evaluator.

  2. stejen 11/29/2006 at 6:35 PM #

    I just don’t think the wishbone offense is going to go over well with the NC State fans. Even though we are stacked with running backs the wishbone is just not a good offense to use in big time college football. The defenses are too fast and will stuff it.

  3. quypack93 11/29/2006 at 6:50 PM #

    first of all, i like coach cowher and a big fan of his. to me, this cowher talk has not been good for our coaching search because i never thought he would come here to coach this time.

    SFN: why is that a bad thing?

    if anything, having cowher in the conversation actually slows the searching process down and puts us in a position as if we got rejected if/when coach cowher says no.

    SFN: how does Cowher saying no slow down the process? If nobody really thinks that he is coming to State then the diversion of having people focused on him should allow us to talk to a lot of other coaches without much hassle.

    i hope lee and cos. don’t go out chasing stars like a bunch of 13-year-old girls after a boy band like they did with the bball coaching search. i can understand barnes, but calipari and lavin? come on! now that there is clear indication that coach cowher is not coming down, i hope the ad doesn’t simply go down the list to the next “name” guys. if he has any courage at all, he should look for an up and coming coaching talent rather that simply going after “name” coach to cover his own behind. i am going on the record and say that i have been a paul john fan from the moment coach amato was let go. he is a proven winner. painters paint. singers sing. strippers strip. winner win. it is as simple as that. the argument that he comes from navy is ludicrous. tressel cames from youngstown. coach k came from army. mack brown came from app state. our own coach valvano came from iona. jim caldwell came from big time pen state and sucked. coach grobe came from ihio u. and excelled beyhond anyone wildest expectation at wake. everybody has to come from somewhere and that somewhere doesn’t have to be a big time program. my point is this: we are hiring a coach, an individual, not his previous employer. a winner almost always will win no matter where he comes from. coach paul johnson is that kind of an individual. if lee fowler keep screwing around and miss this man, it will be a mistake that state fans will live to regret for a long time. go pack!

  4. jmrncsu1991 11/29/2006 at 7:08 PM #

    What about Mike Shula? I think he got a raw deal at Alabama. **Talk about demanding fans. ** I was impressed with his statement after he was let go. Especially this part to his players – –

    “I want to thank our players and their families for committing to our mission. I am sorry that our record this past year did not reflect your passion and commitment to winning. When we met Sunday night, I fully believed that I was going to remain the head coach at the university. I apologize that you did not learn about my firing from me. Do not let the circumstances of my firing allow you to lose your focus. Do not let this transition rob you of your potential for greatness. Together with the talented recruits who have committed to join the Tide next year, I am fully confident that the pieces are in place for you to accomplish great things.”

  5. quypack93 11/29/2006 at 7:09 PM #

    stejen, you know what REALLY doesn’t go over well with state fan? losing! ;-))

  6. burnbarn 11/29/2006 at 7:13 PM #

    here here guy…

    I will say in LF defense, he is not the one going after Cowher. In fact he has made no mention of any potential hire. I think the fans and then the media are pushing this angle of the hire. No one really has anything to write/talk about right now b/c no one knows anything that is talking unlike during the bball search. Of what story/talk topics are left over, this is the juciest piece out there. So the media machine ramps up on this one.

    I agree on barnes, but certainly the public considerations of Lavin and Beilien were uncalled for. At worse it should have gone barnes, calipari, lowe. I think this seach is going to come out with one name. I don’t think Cowher counts. He’s probably annoyed by all this right now and really does not want to speak to it at all. This Cowher thing got out of control and he had to shut it down so he could simply do his job.

  7. Judgebac 11/29/2006 at 7:39 PM #

    Wake Forrest recruits against all ACC teams including us and look who is playing the in the ACC championship game.

  8. 98st8 11/29/2006 at 7:50 PM #


    Chow has not been contacted by anyone…

  9. WestCoast 11/29/2006 at 7:52 PM #

    I wonder who LF and the “Hired Help” are really talking with. All the guessing and pulling names from here and there…..say what you want about LF and the bball coaching search. This one seems to be sealed shut.

  10. quypack93 11/29/2006 at 7:52 PM #

    burnbarn, good points.

  11. 98st8 11/29/2006 at 7:53 PM #

    So if NCSTATE has not “contacted” him.. does that mean Neinas could have?.., and this is just a better way to save face this time around?

  12. NCStateDud92 11/29/2006 at 8:05 PM #

    Paul Johnson is a HEAD coach which is what we need. Russell Wilson would be PERFECT for his option attack.

  13. justaguy 11/29/2006 at 8:17 PM #

    “[Logan] stated that if he were at Carolina recruiting against Paul Johnson that he would stress the importance of the NFL to any player that he recruited on the offensive side of the ball.”

    I don’t see what Paul Johnson has to do with the NFL recruiting strategy. It’s either a good strategy or it isn’t. Davis will use it whether he’s recruiting against Paul Johnson at State or ‘X’ at State or Freidgen at Md or Bowden at Clemson&FSU or Fulmer at Tenn or …

    If I were recruiting against a coach that promised an NFL farm team type of experience in college, I’d say. “Look at NFL rosters and see where the players went to school. The NFL doesn’t care where you went to school. If you work hard and have talent, they will find you.”

    Also, Davis picked up a lot of his UM guys when he was at Cleveland and they didn’t work out too well, with the possible exception of Kellen ‘Kneviel’ Winslow, who he paid far too high a price to draft.

  14. cornellpackfan 11/29/2006 at 8:23 PM #

    Mike Leach is a HEAD coach which is what we need. Any Quarterback would be PERFECT for his spread fun gun hurry up attack.

    don’t get so set on one guy. have an open mind. I’m sure we are going to be pleasantly surprised with the coach the committee finds.

    shula would be a great pick-up too the guy had it rough at Bama, with the sanctions and all. he is well connected in the coaching community and his name is well known to high school athletes, plus he can recruit the south.

    i suppose you can make an argument that P. Johnson is a great recruiter I just don’t think that is a strong argument

    we hired a search committee for a reason. as has been said before we did not need a search committee to go after PJ

    i have nothing against PJ at all. he definitely would bring an infusion of discipline, and I am sure he could tweak the system to fit our talent. I just think we need to stop rushing into PJ, PJ, PJ or die ideas. Yes the man is a great coach but a thorough coaching search could definitely find a better candidate.

    SFN: You are on crack. Leach sucks and is an absolute nutcase.

  15. cornellpackfan 11/29/2006 at 8:26 PM #

    in addition how much of the discipline that you all claim PJ brings to the table comes from the fact that he coaches a bunch of soldiers. you cannot tell me that all of the discipline and hard nosed toughness that PJ’s players show is attributable to him as a coach. he is coaching some of america’s finest don’t forget that

  16. Red 11/29/2006 at 8:28 PM #

    As much as we’d love to get Bill Cowher this year, it’s probably a pipe dream. I think there are more reasons not to come back to NCSU versus coming to NCSU. Look at the bright side, just his name being mentioned for the job gets the Wolfpack name out there. I would absolutely LOVE Paul Johnson. I don’t think the recruiting would hurt a bit. He’s just a winner. Norm Chow is a coordinator and not a head coach. His personality is a combination of a bowl of pudding mixed with cardboard. Let’s get Johnson and be done with it. Go Pack.

  17. NCStateDud92 11/29/2006 at 8:39 PM #

    According to PP, he was asked are you considering NCSU, he replied “No”. Look at 850/620 Blog.

  18. ncsunacho 11/29/2006 at 9:04 PM #

    Oh well… it was a great dream while it lasted.. Now most of the WolfpackNation have their sights set on Chow, Cutcliffe, Johnson and a few others….. it looks like Johnson is the leading candidate as Chow and Cutcliffe both stated today that they haven’t yet been contacted about the job….. see the following link from SI…


  19. NCStateDud92 11/29/2006 at 10:05 PM #

    ^Don’t forget about Jimbo Fisher

  20. WolfPup35 11/29/2006 at 10:09 PM #






  21. MikeMc_92 11/29/2006 at 10:11 PM #

    When I read comments by Cowher, Chow, et al. they say they haven’t been contacted by the “wolfpack.”

    But we are using Nienas, right? So would they say “not talking to the wolfpack” while they are talking to the search firm?

  22. KChill 11/29/2006 at 10:26 PM #

    We can have a wide open offense AND great recruiting in two words: NORM CHOW.

  23. MatSci94 11/29/2006 at 10:29 PM #


    Yeah, He’s such a good coach…he is doing a local sports radio show because he can’t decide which of his many offers to accept.

    He did well at ECU, and is entertaining (sometimes) on the radio, although his coaching “act” where he pretends to be the coach at X school and gives pep talks and such is a bit strange. He also comes off as a bit arrogant and loud mouthed…I thought we had enough of that.

    “Gary Barnett”

    You have GOT to be kidding. Do you not remember the firestorm that got him fired at CU? I wouldn’t touch him with a 10 foot pole.

  24. NCStateDud92 11/29/2006 at 10:37 PM #

    My updated list:

    1) Johnson
    2) Fisher, Donnan
    3) Cutcliff
    4) The Top I-AA coach

  25. RAWFS 11/29/2006 at 10:58 PM #

    Yeah, He’s such a good coach…he is doing a local sports radio show because he can’t decide which of his many offers to accept.

    Don’t be foolish. Logan can coach and he could certainly have a college job if he wanted one.

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