Why Tonight’s Game is HUGE

I doubt many of you need explanation, but I’ll throw it out there anyway. I’m not sure there has been a bigger game in Chuck Amato’s career at NC State. It certainly has the feel of a major turning point, one way or the other.

What a win would mean: A 2-0 start in the conference, with both wins against consensus “first division” teams. The possibility of real momentum, knowing that a home win against Wake would put us at 3-0 in ACC play, with very winnable road games at Maryland and Virginia up next. The schedule would set up well for a possible showdown game at Clemson for the division title (even though it would be a very hard game to win, at least we’d get our shot). Assuming we somehow beat Clemson, we would hold tiebreaker edges over everybody, meaning we’d control our destiny if we could just get to 6-2.

What a loss would mean: Our overall record would drop to 2-3, with 4 of our 6 remaining ACC games on the road. The Wake game would be do or die for conference/decent bowl positioning. A division title would probably require State to run the table. We would only have the Evans miracle keeping the season from being a complete disaster, as the losses to Akron and USM look even worse after those teams’ performance in recent weeks.

Let there be no doubt – we have a national stage to take advantage of a fantastic opportunity to establish some real program momentum. Amato simply must get it done tonight. He’s not likely to get such a chance again, with a weak ACC so ripe for the picking.

About BJD95

1995 NC State graduate, sufferer of Les and MOC during my entire student tenure. An equal-opportunity objective critic and analyst of Wolfpack sports.

'06 Football Chuck Amato General NCS Football

131 Responses to Why Tonight’s Game is HUGE

  1. beowolf 10/06/2006 at 12:24 AM #

    ^ Yes, I’m posting in the a.m. now — after victory cigar (Hemingway Short Story for you aficionados) and some of the Captain’s finest.

  2. Wolfpack4ever 10/06/2006 at 12:37 AM #

    Somebody says “now win the games we are supposed to win.” Hello? Let’s win the games we are supposed to lose which is about all we have left to play.

  3. Hoosyodaddy81 10/06/2006 at 1:42 AM #

    short story’s are never a bad idea….

    4th and goal in thst situation…good call to go for it or should he have gone for the 3? your thoughts???

  4. ncsuman 10/06/2006 at 2:51 AM #

    I thought we played smart, disciplined football tonight. Congratulations to Chuck, the coaches, and all the players. Consecutive wins overtop 25 teams is strong. I hope we use this momentum in the following weeks. Proud to be a ncsuman.

  5. packpigskinfan23 10/06/2006 at 3:45 AM #

    Hoosyo~ I dont think there is gonna be much doubt that the right call was made…. I hope not.

    I am still just amazed at how good out team played. the game from Evans and the recievers is far more than anything I could have expected from this team….

    I love it.

  6. tractor57 10/06/2006 at 7:26 AM #

    It is amazing the difference in “feel” with Evans playing. You could see the offense is with him. Was the offense perfect – no but it got better as the game wore on rather than suffering from Mickey Rivers’ adjustments at half.
    Now the next question is can the team keep the same focus in the following games. They always get up for playing FSU – they need the same kind of effort for every game.
    I think Chuck has finally found a good combination of quarterback and OC.
    You could just see Evans following through on Trestman’s ideas.
    The O line looked much better last night also – maybe signs of hard work or maybe the quarterback change sparked them also.
    I thought Chuck showed a lot of class after the game.
    Looking more like that ’75 team everyday.

  7. class of 74 10/06/2006 at 7:36 AM #

    ^You hammered that nail. If we played every game as though it were FSU Chuck would have no detractors at all! Last night was one of the best overall games I’ve seen one of Chuck’s teams have. They were energized, they played almost error free and what more can you ask? Such a huge turnaround from the first three games this season.

  8. CaptainCraptacular 10/06/2006 at 8:07 AM #

    Even if I wanted to, I couldn’t find fault with anything last night. Everyone played great. Zero turnovers, and the flags were at a minimum. Evans put the ball in perfect spots and James and Dunlap deserve all the credit in the world for making the plays that count. The defense bent but made the stops it had to, even with Tank out with back spasms in the 2nd half. The O-Line did such an outstanding job starting from the 2nd quarter on. I am truly amazed at how good they did against of the best front 7s in college football. FSU has blocked some kicks this year but Deraney made it all look easy. Mr. Automatic. Patrick Lowery making big stop after big stop. And don’t forget Jamelle Eugene turning a 15 yard pass play into a 30 yard play on a fantastic stiffarm while playing*with a separated shoulder*.

    Wonderful. Best overall team game the team as a whole against very good competition since the ND Gator Bowl.

  9. Mike 10/06/2006 at 8:23 AM #

    Great game Pack! And yes, I will give Trestman credit too, except for 3 of the first 5 plays we ran were a reverse, double reverse flea flicker pass, and flea flicker. One would have been OK but all three was a little nuts.

    As for the 4th and goal, I think the right call was to go for it, though I too would have liked to see a different play. And Kudos to the team for hanging in there after failing on that play and giving up 99 yards. The way the defense was playing, I thought we had to go for it, not expecting them to go 99. Think about the plays they scored – they had the 50 yard pass on 1st play of a drive, they made a great athletic play, which teams will do even against the best defenses. They had the long pass to Booker on the broken play when we had Weatherford sacked. Other than 2 plays, we did a fantastic job of shutting them down.

    Great job guys, now lets have the same intensity for the remainder. We control our own, as George McFly would say, density.

  10. WolfInVolCountry 10/06/2006 at 8:25 AM #

    Don’t minimize the effect of the new CF. Everytime I watch a game there, either live or on TV, I revel in the fact that we have a stadium that gives us a distinct 12th man advantage. I love that place!

  11. redfred2 10/06/2006 at 8:40 AM #

    Yes, Woof Wolf, the big “W” is better than just a well played game!!!

    Were there any really bad passes thrown after the first quarter? The throwns to (((JAMES))) #88 were right where he had to go up off the ground and make a real effort to haul it in, but always out of the reach of the defender. Same with the throw to (((DUNLAP))) #1, corner of the end zone AGAIN!!! Just like last week. It is uncanny!!!

    Lou Holtz said at halftime, “If they can keep it within six, the (((EVANS))) kid will find a way to win.”

    (((BROWN))) another big one against the Seminoles!

    The only series had me shaken was the 99.5 yard drive for FSU. The secondary was sitting way too far back off the LOS, allowing wide open receivers to catch the ball 8 and 9 yards downfield every time. Also they weren’t getting any pressure on the QB on that drive. That had me worried, but they made the right adjustments and stiffened again after that.

    Can’t say enough all the way around.

  12. PackBacker001 10/06/2006 at 8:52 AM #

    Well, not having cable I had to listen on the radio (shutup). I may not have been able to see what was going on, but I still love the emotion of the Wolfpack announcers.

    My question is this: what allowed FSU to gain so much yardage in the air? Were the CBs getting burned, safeties creeping up too far, etc?

    GO PACK!!

  13. Mike 10/06/2006 at 8:56 AM #

    A lot of the yardage came on the broken play, 73 yards I think it was, and a 50 yard pass that the receiver made a great play. Booker had a couple out of the backfield, and the TE was open all night. DB’s played well all night, the lone exception being on the 99 drive where they did give too much room. For the most part, pass D was good, which is why stats can be misleading.

  14. cfpack03 10/06/2006 at 8:57 AM #

    An incredible game from a completely different team than we saw in the 1st 3 games. Take your stats from earlier in the season, crumple it up, and throw them away b/c this a brand new team!

  15. Woof Wolf 10/06/2006 at 9:03 AM #

    Great game. Great job by everyone. Blocking, running, passing, catching, tackling, covering, kicking, and coaching; it was all there. Wonderful, Fantastic.

    Everyone deserves a game ball.

    My only negative comment for the day: I hate the red pants.

  16. cfpack03 10/06/2006 at 9:11 AM #

    what? I love the all red suits.

  17. tractor57 10/06/2006 at 9:12 AM #

    And even though there were several booth reviews of plays – I thought they made good decisions – think maybe they were gunshy after that Akron debacle?

    Like any game, not perfect execution but the best I’ve seen from NCSU in a long time.

    And even though I wondered what Trestman was doing with the trickery early on it did serve a purpose – made FSU’s defense do a bit more looking.

    All in all a great evening and a wonderful Thursday night game for national television.

  18. class of 74 10/06/2006 at 9:14 AM #

    ^the more Evans plays the better Trestman looks.

  19. noah 10/06/2006 at 9:15 AM #

    I hope everyone whose been criticizing Trestman will take a heaping helping teaspoon of “shut-the-****-up” this week.

    Absolutely amazing game plan. The weakness of the OL is at the tackle spot. You could see that on the deep drops. The strength of the OL is at center and at guard. So most of the running plays were designed to suck FSU just out of position and then bang it up between Heppe, Harris and Crouch.

    Myron Rolle for FSU is going to be a superstar. So smart, so fast, and a fantastic tackler. I would be awfully tempted to move him to OLB if I were Mickey Andrews.

    I have more to say about the game but I want to organize my thoughts.

    Great win.

  20. PackBacker001 10/06/2006 at 9:20 AM #

    I agree. The home unis are bad-a$$.

  21. redfred2 10/06/2006 at 9:23 AM #

    ^It looked as if Evans wasn’t going to have time to set his feet at all early on, but I agree, the combination of play calling and the OL picking up the pace did it’s job. I have say that Trestman’s trickery, though unsuccessful, did help to keep them guessing right from the start.

    Davis stuck like glue and did a great job in the secondary all night.

    The ATHLETES are there.

  22. packpigskinfan23 10/06/2006 at 9:26 AM #

    lets not forget the great game that DuJuan Morgan had!!! him and “the lightning fast bean-pole”, Willie Young had AMAZING games….

  23. MadWolf92 10/06/2006 at 9:30 AM #

    Did you hear the ESPN highlights? “One website called this perhaps the biggest game in Chuck Amato’s career at NC State.” Way to go making ESPN, StateFansNation!

  24. Wulfpack 10/06/2006 at 9:34 AM #

    Man oh man! Just what the Dr. ordered my friends. I really feel like this team matured right before our very eyes last night. Facing adversity, a tough FSU defense, we hit ’em right in the mouth and battled back. And how about that great pressure on Weatherford all night long!? It’s performances like these that make me very proud to be a Wolfpacker. I’ve been critical of Chuck, but you know what? Nothing but praise for him right now. The man is a fighter and I’m proud to have him on our sidelines. He’s a master motivator when it really counts. FS-Who?!?! Thanks for the excitement PACK!

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