Why Tonight’s Game is HUGE

I doubt many of you need explanation, but I’ll throw it out there anyway. I’m not sure there has been a bigger game in Chuck Amato’s career at NC State. It certainly has the feel of a major turning point, one way or the other.

What a win would mean: A 2-0 start in the conference, with both wins against consensus “first division” teams. The possibility of real momentum, knowing that a home win against Wake would put us at 3-0 in ACC play, with very winnable road games at Maryland and Virginia up next. The schedule would set up well for a possible showdown game at Clemson for the division title (even though it would be a very hard game to win, at least we’d get our shot). Assuming we somehow beat Clemson, we would hold tiebreaker edges over everybody, meaning we’d control our destiny if we could just get to 6-2.

What a loss would mean: Our overall record would drop to 2-3, with 4 of our 6 remaining ACC games on the road. The Wake game would be do or die for conference/decent bowl positioning. A division title would probably require State to run the table. We would only have the Evans miracle keeping the season from being a complete disaster, as the losses to Akron and USM look even worse after those teams’ performance in recent weeks.

Let there be no doubt – we have a national stage to take advantage of a fantastic opportunity to establish some real program momentum. Amato simply must get it done tonight. He’s not likely to get such a chance again, with a weak ACC so ripe for the picking.

About BJD95

1995 NC State graduate, sufferer of Les and MOC during my entire student tenure. An equal-opportunity objective critic and analyst of Wolfpack sports.

'06 Football Chuck Amato General NCS Football

131 Responses to Why Tonight’s Game is HUGE

  1. beowolf 10/05/2006 at 10:13 PM #

    Dammit. Every break is going Florida State’s way. Kids are playing their hearts out. I want to see it pay off!

  2. Woof Wolf 10/05/2006 at 10:16 PM #

    I agree. We need 7.

  3. Woof Wolf 10/05/2006 at 10:27 PM #

    4th Quarter:


  4. bTHEredterror 10/05/2006 at 11:10 PM #


  5. packpigskinfan23 10/05/2006 at 11:12 PM #

    Gotta love Evans…. Gotta love Chuck…. GOTTA LOVE THAT WOLFPACK!!!!!

  6. beowolf 10/05/2006 at 11:13 PM #

    It finally started paying off! Yes!

    Down ten with 3 minutes left in the 3rd quarter against Florida State — they hung in there, kept playing their hearts out, and they finally reaped the rewards!

  7. Woof Wolf 10/05/2006 at 11:15 PM #


    I love you CTC. Let’s beat the teams we are supposed to beat.

  8. BladenWolf 10/05/2006 at 11:15 PM #

    Tonights win was HUGE!!!

  9. justaguy 10/05/2006 at 11:17 PM #

    Huge win in a huge game. 2-0 in the ACC, baby. Lots of game-ball worthy efforts.

  10. bTHEredterror 10/05/2006 at 11:19 PM #

    Seems like we found some receivers this week, to go with the quarterback we found last week. Now’s the test, Wake, Uva, Md all in a row. These are the type of games we have always regretted in years past. But, we can talk about that later this week, as for now, we are all alone in first place. Who woulda thunk it three weeks ago!

  11. redfred2 10/05/2006 at 11:20 PM #


  12. BladenWolf 10/05/2006 at 11:20 PM #

    Character rises to the top!!!
    Evans is making me believe again.
    The freshman receiver was fantastic.
    Our Defense was stoud and we looked DAMN GOOD on the national stage tonight.
    Trestman called the right plays.
    The running backs added balance and kept us rolling.
    This weekend is looking great!!!

  13. redfred2 10/05/2006 at 11:21 PM #


  14. packpigskinfan23 10/05/2006 at 11:21 PM #

    game ball worth- EVERY reciever… Espcially James, Brown, Baker, Evans, Deraney(putting the ball on the 5, the pass D, the run D(minus the first drive and all that confusion)….. even Mark Tressleman. I still dont like the guy. but I am glad we have a QB that works with HIS gameplan now!!!

  15. 4PackinMB 10/05/2006 at 11:23 PM #

    The road goes thru RALEIGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  16. BladenWolf 10/05/2006 at 11:24 PM #


    A blind squirrel finds a nut every now and then…

    okay…okay. I’ll admit it. It was a well coached game for the most part.

    But it was primarily the character of our athletes that won the last two games. The team believes in Evans. You could see it tonight.

  17. coppertop 10/05/2006 at 11:25 PM #

    “What critics”

    I don’t care what you naysayers say, that’s nothing but classy, espcially on ESPN…

    What really pissed me off was Scott Van Pelt’s comments to open up Sportscenter that he was was on the hot seat tight after herbstreet saying that ‘hotseat’ was a little inappropriate.

  18. packof81 10/05/2006 at 11:25 PM #

    One’s a fluke, two’s a trend.

    We’ve finally got a real good quarterback. The team is really fired up now!

    Wake Forest and Clemson might be able to beat us but this win serves notice that they can expect a game of it.

  19. BladenWolf 10/05/2006 at 11:25 PM #

    Wow. What a differnece a game makes.

  20. packgrad2000 10/05/2006 at 11:33 PM #

    Never would have thought in a million years we’d see us lose to Akron & get killed by SMU, then turn around and beat BC & FSU. Just incredible. I thought Herbstreit said it well when he said, “We’re watching an offense mature before our eyes.” This whole team is maturing before our eyes, and Daniel Evans has A LOT to do with it. Last year Stone, and I’m not trying to bash him, got too much credit when they turned it around. I think it’s obvious that Daniel Evans has provided the spark that we needed. Go Pack!

  21. justaguy 10/05/2006 at 11:34 PM #

    #88 Geron James | WR
    App St. – did not play
    Akron – did not play
    USM – did not play
    BC – did not play
    FSU – 4 difficult catches, 91 yards, 1 TD

  22. Woof Wolf 10/05/2006 at 11:40 PM #


    We fought this “it’s okay to play good and lose stuff” all day. Can we convince these wimps that we are talented enough to do better? If we can win the next three games…

    Last nine years: FSU 4 NCS 5.


  23. MrPlywood 10/06/2006 at 12:10 AM #

    How many teams would have folded after the failed 4th and goal attempt and FSU replying with a 99 yard TD drive? A lot. I liked the fact that State went for the touchdown (though I didn’t care for the call) and just loved the comeback. Loved it. Loved the big gains, the great catches, the extra effort. The Pack was IN the game even when they were behind. The defensive play that led to the interception was a good, aggressive, effort at the most critical point — just great.

    And how many times did Evans pick up a snap off the turf only to make a positive play out of it? The kid seems to have the intangibles that it takes to inspire confidence, and confidence is contagious.

    BTW, anyone else notice how many plays got reviewed tonight? 🙂

  24. Wolfpack4ever 10/06/2006 at 12:23 AM #

    “Our O-line has not seen a very good D-line yet, that’s what the 1.5 sack a game.”

    ” the Line must block the front seven if State is to have a chance. I am not as concerned about our d as I am our O-Line.”

    Tonight, gave up 1 sack and opened holes for almost 150 yds on the ground. (and would have been more and a TD if the zebras hadn’t called holding so far off the ball I wondered if it would ever get noticed.)

    Comments about how our O-line sucks have filled these blogs for weeks. And we ridicule Chuck for his praise for his O-line. What does Chuck see that I missed?

  25. beowolf 10/06/2006 at 12:23 AM #

    We had so many defensive turnovers or stops that turned into great plays for them. I hate to see good defensive play work to the other side’s advantage. That INT was a long time coming. Any one of those “fumble forwards” — had they gone our way — would have been the gamewinner for us. The INT was.

    But the biggest thing to come from this game is … get THIS: Fellows, WE HAVE AN OFFENSE. And Daniel Evans throws the prettiest fade passes I’ve seen in a long time. But I’m sure those 6-foot-plus WRs help make ’em look pretty. I was jazzed when we picked up so many tall receivers in the last recruiting class — LOOK OUT ACC when we start taking advantage of ’em!

    And kudos to Johnny Evans thanking God on national TV. I was hoping he’d say it, and he did.

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