(Ugh) Wake Game Set for Noon

Can this be for real?

How in the world is the game between the two current leaders of the ACC’s Atlantic Division not the ABC 3:30 regional game for the weekend of October 14th?

After the inconvenient Akron scheduling we would have thought that the Wolfpack was due for a break.

Looks like Wake Forest’s visit to NC State will be another miserable noon game televised by the good folks at Lincoln Financial (formerly JP Sports). Click here for a link to the ACC’s schedule

Maryland-Virginia will claim ABC’s 3:30 regional spot for the ACC.

Don’t forget that it is State Fair weekend.

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20 Responses to (Ugh) Wake Game Set for Noon

  1. Pack Laddie 10/03/2006 at 8:38 AM #

    I hate noon games, but given that it is a State Fair weekend, the noon kick might be the best time for the Wake game.

    There is no “good” time for a game during a fair weekend, but the later in the day it is, the worse traffic is going to be trying to get into the stadium complex. Might not be quite as bad at 9:00 as it would be at 12:30.

    Of course, our brilliant 4 hour rule will preclude a lot of folks from getting there as early as they would like. Would it be too much to ask to ease that rule for one game?

    All that being said, I still would prefer a 3:30 (or later) start.

    Jeff: Couldn’t agree more. We are taking our 7 month old to his first live NC State game (since he has been out of the womb) for the Wake game…so, we were selfishly hoping for a 3:30 start for his benefit.

  2. DRW 10/03/2006 at 9:09 AM #

    I don’t understand why so many people bash noon start times. I like them. With a 12:00 start, the game is over by 3:30 or 4pm. which doesn’t blow the whole day.

  3. Pack Laddie 10/03/2006 at 9:20 AM #

    Personal preference DRW. I like the later starts because I can play golf in the morning, as normal, and still tailgate and enjoy the game.

  4. BJD95 10/03/2006 at 9:34 AM #

    My guess is that ABC doesn’t show an ACC game that week. It’s not exactly rocket science why NC State/Wake Forest is not at all attractive for ABC to televise.

  5. cfpack03 10/03/2006 at 9:38 AM #

    I don’t understand why so many people bash noon start times.
    a noon start is more difficult for people driving from out of town. If I allow 2 hrs for tailgating (and I’d usually allow at least 3), that means I have to leave Charlotte at 7:30 am…

  6. Scooter 10/03/2006 at 10:02 AM #

    I understand why ABC isn’t interested in this game. Face it Pack fans, noboby outside the state of North Carolina is really going to care or watch this game. Unless ABC is obligated to take an ACC game that afternoon I could easily seem them saying no thanks to the whole slate.

    As for the out of town fans, if they could have their way all the games would be mid-afternoon. The noon games are too early to drive up and the night games are too late to drive home.

    I prefer 3:30 starts as well. But come on people! I sympathize with your driving times and appreciate everyone who travels to see the Pack play. But all games cannot be late afternoon.

  7. Cardiff Giant 10/03/2006 at 10:06 AM #

    Dilemma: Suffer the absolute and utter misery of State Fair game traffic or the equally frustrating anti-State homerism of the JP crew.

  8. PalmettoWolf 10/03/2006 at 10:30 AM #

    4 hrs tailgating + 4 hrs driving = 8 hours

    12 pm – 8 hrs = 4AM

    1 hr to shit/shower/shampoo/shave, complete packing, and pick up my buddy.

    4AM – 1hr = 3AM

    I have to wake up at 3AM!!!!!!

  9. Wxwolf 10/03/2006 at 12:42 PM #

    From the ESPN.com schedule, it looks like Maryland-Virginia is in the 3:30 pm ABC regional slot:


    SFN: Thanks for sharing

  10. joe 10/03/2006 at 2:03 PM #

    The ACC website shows MD-UVa as an ESPN 360 game. If true, it seems that ABC has passed on all the ACC games that Sat.

  11. class of 74 10/03/2006 at 2:16 PM #

    The better question is why do we still play a home game during the state fair?
    It is the only time when someone from Raleigh can complain our traffic is as bad as D.C., Philly or NYC.

  12. packbackr04 10/03/2006 at 2:39 PM #

    way to go JED! youre a total toolbag! Our Athletic Dep’t is a joke

  13. choppack1 10/03/2006 at 2:46 PM #

    “I don’t understand why so many people bash noon start times. I like them. With a 12:00 start, the game is over by 3:30 or 4pm. which doesn’t blow the whole day.”

    For me a day at carter-finley, no matter what the result, never “blows” the whole day…

  14. DRW 10/03/2006 at 3:44 PM #

    chop: It’s just a personal preference. I don’t wish to spend my whole day at Carter Finley. I like to come about an hour before the game, watch the game, and go home. Or go out to eat depending on when the game is over.

  15. choppack1 10/03/2006 at 3:48 PM #

    Yep DRW – that’s why they make different kinds of ice cream.

    Because of the time commitment – are you more of a basketball fan?

  16. packpigskinfan23 10/03/2006 at 5:23 PM #

    to those who have to leave home so early, I feel bad for you…. BUT think about how much earlier you will GET HOME.

    my only gripe with the noon time is that I will probably start drinking at like 9-10 am…. and that is a going to be after a night of drinking of course. ahhh college life. I guess its all self-inflicted.

  17. bTHEredterror 10/04/2006 at 2:43 AM #

    Be good fans guys, the biggest problem with noon games is the effect it has on the PLAYERS. The players have to be up bust of dawn to eat together on the training table, and its usually game day fare like steak or chicken and vegetables, not your basic bacon and eggs. They then gear up and bus over by 9:30 a.m. Couple that with the fact at the time the game begins they would normally be a couple of hours away from normal practice time, and you have a recipe for what you see most Saturdays. Slow starting noon games. It affects both teams, and the visitors more, and usually the fans take time to wake up too(remember the Akron game?). I think with it being Wake and what we hope will be at stake (man I’d love to see Wake beat Clemson, too) this won’t matter, but it is a factor to some degree.

    I bet if Wake does shock Clemson, and we do our thing to FSU, that game will magically change hands, because Espn would love to show the State Fair as a backdrop on their commercial segui’s to an in-state conference rivalry with a 2 game division lead on the line, and with the 5th and 6th place preseason teams involved, too. Don’t laugh, it might happen.

  18. packpigskinfan23 10/04/2006 at 8:59 AM #

    (holding back laugh) WE CAN HOPE!

  19. packbackr04 10/04/2006 at 9:19 AM #

    bthered^^ we can dream cant we?

  20. DRW 10/04/2006 at 11:10 AM #

    chop: I love both State football and basketball games. I have LTR’s for both. If I had to choose a favorite, it would be basketball. My seats are better for basketball, the game is over in 2 hours, the weather is always the same inside the RBC 🙂 , and I can get in and out of the arena and parking lot eaisier.

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