Tuesday Early Practice BBall Bytes


A new era of basketball (and attitude) kicked off last Friday as practice began for the 2006-2007 basketball season on the heels of JJ Hickson’s big commitment to the Wolfpack.

We are going to hit some quick items of interest today:

* The News & Observer has a photo slideshow and audio of the Wolfpack’s first practice this year. You can click here to view it. Gone are the days of CIA-level secrecy and the program choosing to isolate itself so much from free media coverage and attention. Also gone are the days of hiding from our heritage for fear of not ever living up to historical standards; you will note the two National Championship banners now prominently displayed on the wall of the Dail Practice Center that recently replaced the text of “One Heartbeat” on the wall.

* You can click here For more audio clips related to NC State’s Basketball program from media day.

* Andrew Brackman‘s decision to forego basketball was blogged nationally by Mike DeCourcy of The Sporting News here.

Brackman now is the fifth player among NC State’s seven leading scorers from the 2005-06 season to depart the program. Four completed their eligibility, and center Cedric Simmons entered the draft and became a first-round pick. With them goes 71.4 percent of the scoring from a team that was not an offensive juggernaut.

With Brackman gone from the picture, State will struggle to stay out of the ACC basement. It will be a far tumble for a program that has made five consecutive NCAA Tournaments and whose fans ache to be competitive with local sluggers Duke and North Carolina. It’ll be much harder to play in that league now.

* The big news in the Triangle is the injury to Greg Paulus‘ foot. (Update linked here) . This is the kind of injury that could linger all year if not properly cared for. No team can afford injuries to key players – particularly point guards – but NC State’s season would be over before it started with such an injury. Until Trevor Ferguson becomes eligible at the end of the first semester, NC State will be playing with only seven recruited scholarship players.

* The Fayetteville Observer has a nice set of previews of Big Four basketball teams available here.

* If you don’t check Luke Winn’s College Basketball Blog at Sports Illustrated then you probably should give it a try every now and then. This link will take you to his most recent entry that includes a lot of quick videos from March Madnesses from around the country.

* This NCAA Hoops Blog also has some random musings of interest to start to get the season rolling.

* The NCAA has unveiled its logo for the 2008 Final Four. San Antonio is a great place for the event. The logo is featured at the beginning of this entry.

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47 Responses to Tuesday Early Practice BBall Bytes

  1. BorntoHowl 10/17/2006 at 6:41 PM #

    On the topic of open practices:

    I remember attending some of Sloan’s practices. The rims were all bent from the dunking since they couldn’t do it in games. But my greatest memory from a practice (or most games for that matter) was after State had won the East Regional at Reynolds. Sloan held one last open practice in Reynolds before the team left for Greensboro. The team was doing 3 on 3 fast breaks. Sloan blew the whistle to end the practice. Thompson, Towe and Moeller were on offense and DT got the ball in the middle. He threw it up from beyond half court. When it went in, there were about 4,000 crazy fans that knew at that moment that NC State would be bringing home its first National Championship. Moments like that are what sports are all about.

  2. Woof Wolf 10/17/2006 at 6:58 PM #


    I just wrote a long epistle. As I was proofing it I realized that I had said exactly the same thing you had.

    So I deleted it and am just going to say, “Amen.”

    This should be fun.

  3. ShootingGuard 10/17/2006 at 7:10 PM #


    Great story, BornToHowl…

    It sure sounds like Sidney Lowe is getting the right message out, and there are some kids out there who want to create some more sports moments like that at NC State…

    “I want to help the N.C. State program get back to where it was at the top.”

    —– JJ Hickson

  4. Glen Sudhop54 10/17/2006 at 8:09 PM #

    ^ I still can’t believe that Chris Collins’ piece of crap shot went in and Curtis Marshall’s spinned out. I was behind the State basket at that game, and you could actually see the ball start to go in for Marshall but somehow spin out- as if it were a scene out of some Disney movie where an invisible gremlin was swatting at the ball. Collins’ shot had to break the record for the most bounces on the rim of a made 3 pointer^

    Speaking of the return of tradition for us in basketball, I would like to see us change our uniforms back to a more traditional Wolfpack look. We should only have “State” on the chest, not “NC State”, we all know that there is only one “State”. Plus, let the kids have their names on the back of the uniforms.

    Hell, if we could win in them, bring back the unitards….no, on second thought never bring them back!

  5. Woof Wolf 10/17/2006 at 8:20 PM #

    No unitards, but my understanding is the rest of it has been done.

  6. Cardiff Giant 10/17/2006 at 9:05 PM #

    I agree. No “N.C. State” crap. “State,” and that’s it.

  7. ncsu96 10/17/2006 at 9:27 PM #

    Sidney wants ‘State’ on the jerseys but NCAA says NC has to be on them somewhere.

  8. highstick 10/17/2006 at 9:46 PM #

    Jeez, Sloan and the team used to practice in Carmichael on Court #1 when I was there and we’d be playing intermural games there at the same time.

    Times sure have changed!

  9. Glen Sudhop54 10/17/2006 at 10:21 PM #

    ^ Hmm…. The NCAA allows the Gamecocks to have “CAROLINA” on their football uniforms, no mention of “SOUTH”. Also, Michigan State recently had a uniform, possibly used as alternate, with State written in cursive. (Same uniform of Magic Johnson lore)

    As far as USC wearing “CAROLINA”——I never take up for UNC, but I’ll say this for them, there aint but ONE “Carolina”, and it is NOT prefaced with “South”.

  10. Skeet Hooter 10/18/2006 at 7:55 AM #

    Glen –
    Yeah, that NCAA deal about the uniforms is ridiculous. If someone doesn’t know what “State” is playing in a game, they just need to stop watching or leave the arena.
    Also, I hate to give the Chapel Hill folks the satisfaction of being the only “Carolina.” I always like to aggravate them by making them clarify which Carolina – the Gamecocks ? the Hurricanes ? the Panthers? the Mudcats?
    I also like to aggravate them about being from UNC. Which one? Charlotte? Asheville? Greensboro? Wilmington? Pembroke?
    It’s just fun to get ’em PO’d. I just refer to them as Chapel Hill – when I’m being nice and civil.

  11. redfred2 10/18/2006 at 10:53 AM #

    “I want to help the N.C. State program get back to where it was at the top.

    —– JJ Hickson”

    I don’t think anything can sum it up any better than that single statement.

    I don’t know who has pointed it out to JJ Hickson, or if he is doing the research on his own, but that missing element that was so sorely shunned up until now, will somehow be reawakened and it’s forgotten motivation will help to set a new course for WOLFPACK BASKETBALL under Sidney Lowe and staff.

    Against all odds there is a REBIRTH taking place in Raleigh!

  12. packbackr04 10/18/2006 at 11:58 AM #

    Sidney wants ‘State’ on the jerseys but NCAA says NC has to be on them somewhere.

    are you guys serious, the NCAA wont let us put STate on the jerseys, that ir friggin ridonculous! WHo is in charge of that brain trust? any email adresses that we can voice our concern?

  13. ShootingGuard 10/18/2006 at 12:27 PM #

    “I don’t know who has pointed it out to JJ Hickson, or if he is doing the research on his own…”


    First of all, Larry Harris coming back to State was HUGE in getting Hickson. Hickson had ZERO interest in playing in the Princeton Offense, but Hickson had a great personal relationship with Harris—so, when Harris came back to State with a new uptempo style to promote, State had a great shot at landing Hickson. Shake Harris’ hand any time you see him and thank him for coming back because we likely would not have landed Hickson without him. However, that should not be taken as undermining Lowe’s role in the commitment as Hickson also does not come to State if he had not bonded so well with the Head Coach as Hickson himself told the media previously that, essentially, Assistant Coaches are great but it is the Head Coach who decides who plays and who gets the ball. Looking at Lowe as a “father figure” goes hand-in-hand with closing the deal opened up by Harris’ “friendship” with Hickson…

    That said, and back to your quote, Sidney Lowe has made it an ABSOLUTE and TOTAL push to get out there and educate kids on State’s TRUE history—and the recruits seem to be responding. Obviously, Towe and QJ know the past successes up close and personal, but, if you ever talk to Coach Harris or Coach Strickland you can see that they are caught up in it as well as are guys from the “good but not great” days like Justin Gainey and Levi Watkins.

    You gotta believe before you can fulfill potential or accomplish anything great…And who better to build the belief than a guy who, in just a few weeks, beat Michael Jordan/Sam Perkins/Brad Daugherty TWICE (once without Whitt) + Ralph Sampson TWICE (with an ACC Title & a Final Four on the line) + Hakeem/Clyde (with an NCAA Title on the line) + left State tied with UNC for NCAA Titles and 2-0 over Duke in NCAA Titles plus way ahead in ACC Titles ?????

    It is all POTENTIAL right now, but, hey, how many years has it been since there was an honest feeling of the potential for doing great things at State ?????

  14. tcthdi-tgsf-twhwtnc 10/18/2006 at 12:52 PM #

    “However, that should not be taken as undermining Lowe’s role in the commitment as Hickson”

    -Most importantly getting rid of the Sendekian offense.

  15. packbackr04 10/18/2006 at 2:20 PM #

    sooo,….. no state on the jerseys?

  16. nycfan 10/18/2006 at 3:28 PM #

    I don’t know how many times Jordan fouled out in his college career, but he fouled out in both games that State won in ’83 (I think half the team fouled out or played in extreme foul trouble in Raleigh). Lowe was a monster in that ACC Tournament game — I think he played the whole game, including an overtime, or maybe sat out for like 15 seconds, and had close to 30 points. For all the stellar talent, UNC had a fatal flaw in ’83 — there was not a single true PG on the roster (waiting for Kenny Smith in ’84). In that vacuum, Lowe just killed the Heels.

    I think a myth has grown up around those State wins that the short 3-point line is part of what killed the Heels, but that is bunk. The 3-point shooting was pretty even in those games (though Gannon apparently lived to play spot minutes to sink 3s against UNC). It was Sidney Lowe, playing against no opposing PG, who killed UNC.

  17. nycfan 10/18/2006 at 3:29 PM #

    ^sorry to regress into the past there. funny how those kinds of games live in you forever and can suddenly burst out like they were just played last night. carry on.

  18. redfred2 10/19/2006 at 1:58 PM #


    Talking about games like that again, the ones that bring back great memories and the ones that made proud of Wolfpack basketball, that’s not regression at all, that is now the future.

  19. ShootingGuard 10/19/2006 at 4:53 PM #


    Just want to say that I always like your posts because you seem to always bring objective analysis to the blog. I say that because I “think” you are a UNC fan, and, yet, I have to say “think” because you appear very unbiased compared to many opposing fans who either flame away or try to give objective opinions that are almost always jaded by their school affiliation. (Correct me if I am wrong on this…)

    Following up on your comments specifically…

    No need to apologize about “regressing” to the past as, to this day, I think 70’s and early 80’s ACC basketball was the greatest with a lot of the magic of those days being destroyed by all the AAU-sneaker company-ESPN money as well as the whiny AAU kids that the new $ system spawned…

    As far as your assessment of UNC’s pg woes in 83 go, I have to agree. I am no UNC fan, but I used to say back then how important Jimmy Black was to UNC only to hear laughter sometimes. After watching State without a true pg since Corch, I can only use this opportunity to emphasize the importance of having a rock solid floor general like Jimmy Black on your team—although a guard like Mike and forwards like Worthy or Perkins would be welcomed with open arms as well. Since Bob “Boob” Gibbons has compared Hickson to Worthy, maybe State can get a pg like Jimmy Black to help out…You listening, Chris Warren?? Now, if we could only find the next Michael Jordan to complete the roster…(sarcasm)

    As for Terry Gannon, if the announcer from my very worn out VCR tape of the 1983 ACC Tourney was correct, Gannon was shooting 60% from the 3 pt line going into the ACC Tourney (I’m too lazy to look it up)…I remember some opposing fans saying Gannon was lucky, but, hey, when the other teams had to legitmately worry about Lowe, Whitt, and Thurl, that leaves a lot of open looks for a pure, set shooting, scrapper role player that every great team needs—and when you hit it over and over and over, it ain’t luck!!

  20. redfred2 10/20/2006 at 11:02 AM #

    JJ’s comin’
    won’t be bummin’

    back to the of field 64
    need just 1 or 2 more

    no more whinin’
    we’ll be climbin’

    up up up ups
    here comes the pups

    Been helping my third grader of a daughter with her homework lately. Pretty good stuff huh?

    Oh well, I guess even with all the encouragement in the world and some great ‘help’ from her dear ol’ dad, even at a very early age you can already tell, some kids just aren’t meant to be major college material.

    rhyming side note to my 8 year old daughter:

    Already done about all I can possibly do,
    sorry baby, but I am afraid,
    it’s 4 weeks of cosmetology school for you.

  21. Wolfpack4ever 10/20/2006 at 3:50 PM #

    ncsu96 Says: Sidney wants ‘State’ on the jerseys but NCAA says NC has to be on them somewhere.

    Some of our more ingenious posters here ought to be able to find a loop hole somewhere. Maybe the NC could be under the armpit — would be a fitting locatiion for this smelly rule.

  22. packbackr04 10/23/2006 at 2:57 PM #

    Wolfpack4ever^^^^^ i thought the exact same thing, or it could be on the very bottom of the jersey, on the part they have to tuck in.
    or maybe on the side of the shorts…
    this rule is bogus, if this is the case i want ALL UNC-Chapel Hill jerseys (bball and footcall) to read their full names so i dont get them confused with UNC-Pembroke. This is a joke!

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