State’s O Scores 13 vs ACC’s #11 Defense

No 50th win for NC State’s Chuck Amato today (Live Blog and reader comments here); and no magic number 24 for NC State’s Marc Trestman today. (Click here for key background on this topic).

Trestman’s offense laid a goose egg in the first half of Saturday’s game at Maryland and managed to generate some late points to ultimately score 13 offensive points against the ACC’s 11th ranked defense. Darrell Blackman scored a touchdown on a punt return to get the Wolfpack to 20.

After the game today, a thread on Pack Pride’s Premium board was appropriately titled, “Does any team hurt itself as much as NC State”. The answer has to be a resounding NO. No team in America has beaten themselves as much, as often, as consistently for as many years as NC State.

In none of the Wolfpack’s series with its ACC brethern are the results of the poor decisions, clock management and strategic blunders more evident than in Chuck Amato’s games vs Maryland. Amato drops to 2-4 against Ralph Friedgen and 2-5 against Maryland since taking over the NC State program.

State’s dreams of an ACC Atlantic Division Championship are all but over and the season has taken ANOTHER quick turn from exciting to painful. The Wolfpack is currently 3-4 on the season with the next three games against improving Virginia in addition to highly-ranked Georgia Tech and Clemson.

Make no mistake about it – Chuck Amato’s seat is getting hot again. State could easily be looking at a season that is played solely for the “excitement” of the final two games of the season against heated rivals UNC-CH and East Carolina.

Amato’s record vs ACC foes:

1-1 vs Boston College
2-4 vs Clemson
4-0 vs Duke
4-3 vs Florida State
2-4 vs Georgia Tech
2-5 vs Maryland
0-1 vs Miami
3-3 vs North Carolina
2-2 vs Virginia
1-1 vs Virginia Tech
4-3 vs Wake Forest

Summary Statistics:

* 25- 27 overall ACC record.

* Winning record against 3 ACC programs – Florida State, Wake Forest and Duke.

* .500 record against 4 ACC programs.

* Losing record against 4 ACC programs.

* 11-6 vs the Big Four

Related to today’s game: link to poor commentating

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96 Responses to State’s O Scores 13 vs ACC’s #11 Defense

  1. Wolfpack4ever 10/22/2006 at 4:14 PM #

    We started out rated so far down it is ridiculous. What was it, 68th? We start out struggling but win against a good D 1A team. We then get beat by an not so good middle conference team and a few Zebras. Next we get embarrased 37 to 20 by a good team from an weaker conference.

    Our season is going down the tubes. But wait our next outing is a great come-from-behind win over a nationally ranked conference team. Then we upset another nationally ranked team with a lot of athletic ability. We are now looking for ways to minimize that great win

    We lose a good but close game to a very good team with an outstanding record. We lose in an unspectacular fashion to team with an experienced QB, strong runners, and a physical fired-up defense on their homecoming day. But we never quit and we showed some promise in the second half, the thanks being belittlement of the first half play.

    We have shown marked improvement from our first game to our last and while we are not a high probability, we are in the hunt for the division title. Now, let’s bring out the gloom and doom and kill any chance we have for the confidence needed to play quality opponents the rest of the year. Then and only then can we proudly say, “I told you so.”

  2. Wolfpack4ever 10/22/2006 at 4:18 PM #

    SFN: Amato is a lot of great things. But NOBODY in college football has ever remotely confused him as a “great coach�.

    Actually, he was considered a great ‘assistant’ coach. And I’m not sure about the era when we went to the Gator Bowl. Using 20/20 hindsight I would say that he is not a great coach. I have no way of knowing what everybody in college football thinks.

  3. newswolf 10/22/2006 at 5:19 PM #

    4ever: Do you ever get tired of typing the same thing?

  4. PAPacker 10/22/2006 at 5:43 PM #

    Here are a few thoughts from somebody watching from high in the stands in College Park (many of you may have been as well). Play calling was horrifically predictable. The Maryland fans around me were screaming “Second down, run it Chuck!” The coaching staff has no confidence in Evans to throw the long ball, as a result most of the speed among the receivers is not taken advantage of because they are just throwing crossing routes and defenses can pack the box on us. I think the conservatism is due to a belief that the offense is very limited in what it can accomplish. For instance, correct me please, but did Baker, Brown or Eugene, chip a linebacker, end or anybody else in pass blocking? TIme after time, I saw Evans running for his life or getting decked with no time to throw due to rushes/blitzes off of the edge and up the middle.

    Again, we’re down 6-0, on Maryland’s 39 late in the second quarter, 4th and 3, we punt the ball into the endzone. That to me says they are coaching with little confidence in offensive execution. Not getting the 4th and 3 would have cost them 19 yards. If you’re trying to pin them down inside the 10, at least try to take the 5 yard penalty to give Deraney more space.

    At the end of the first half the offense dribbled the last minute off of the clock, again I think due to lack of confidence in Evans/the offense’s ability to strike on big plays. At least put pressure on a defense and make them play until the half ends. It seems to work well for Wake.

    The last touchdown drive, Maryland was in a very lax prevent, just trying to make State take a long time to score instead of scoring on a long strike (which of course would not have happened) so that drive looked far more impressive than it was. As for the people, wondering about coaching, let me say yes, State lost the Maryland game due to coaching. Friedgen made the very best of what he had and eeked it out. Amato/Trestman did not exploit opportunities, they were ultraconservative and predictable. They put Evans in 3rd and long again and again. I think State obsessed on Maryland’s weakness against the run and, well guess what, when an offense is as one-dimensional/predictable as State’s was on Saturday, it is not so hard to defend the run then play against the pass on 3rd and long.

    Thoughts anybody?

    State’s defense is not the type to shut people down. As a result, State needs to plan on attempting to outscore people. That will not happen with this kind of conservative/predictable approach.

  5. Wolfpack4ever 10/22/2006 at 6:05 PM #

    newswolf Says: “4ever: Do you ever get tired of typing the same thing?”

    Ugh, do you mean writing the same old shit over and over and over about Trestman and Chuck and Fowlup and losing games we should win?

    As long as the bullshit gets written about the Wolfpack and I call myself Wolfpack4ever, I doubt I will get tired of typing the same thing.

    Let me ask you a couple of questions: 1. why don”t you ask the posters who write the same accusatory things about Chuck and Trestman that question and 2. do you have a problem with a different point of view?

  6. GAWolf 10/22/2006 at 6:25 PM #

    I predict right now that we will lose to Carolina or ECU. We might even lose both of those games. If we lose both, I don’t see how Amato can survive the firestorm. If we don’t fire him, we’ll effectively be killing the man. His head will explode trying to give defensive answers to all the jabs he’ll take from the media.

    This season could be more damaging to Wolfpack football than we ever figured. As it unfolds, I get the feeling Amato is on the cusp of totally losing his mind.

  7. RAWFS 10/22/2006 at 6:40 PM #

    Wolfpack4ever asks “Do you think Chuck would have left FSU were it not for MAF?”

    Do you know for fact that he was offered a position?

    If so, please say when. If not, your argument is a red herring on top of a strawman: plenty of people have hired people that they have dismissed for every different reason. That in mind, “lack of performance” would certainly be one of them.

    Your arguments have a strong resemblance to those of Bob Kennels. Perhaps you can post the “Seeds of Greatness” in regards to our football program?

  8. newswolf 10/22/2006 at 6:58 PM #

    Who has written the same stuff about chuck and trestman? It really seems like is more your type of site.

  9. packpigskinfan23 10/22/2006 at 7:25 PM #

    I give 4Ever all credit for standing up for Amato… and perhaps Trestman and Fowler as well, but obviously we cant all feel that way.

    we can blame people all we want, all along the lines. Our opinions on this are always going to be diffrent. it could be Oblinger, Fowler, Chuck, Trestman, the players…

    I personally dont like Trestman. I think Amato’s problems with managing the game are getting out of hand… but IF we were able to put points on the board, managing the game would not be so much of an issue. and I think points on the board are the BIGGEST issue we have. Our defense is NOT what it used to be, but I cant say I am not all that dissatisfied with the way they have played. I feel Chuck is a GREAT deffensive coach. and I think he is good at getting the team and fans motivated. I dont, and wont call for him to fired…

    Of course some people thing Amato cant take us any farther, but I would like to think that if we had Chow as OCoord for 5 years then we would be a top 25 team consistantly.

  10. Buddygreen 10/22/2006 at 7:37 PM #

    PA Packer here are my thougths. I think the play calling was due to serveral factors. We have a new quarterback, just coming off a concusion. Look around ACC fans everywhere outside of Clemson even Va. Tech are questioning conservative play calling. Let your kids just sling it and they throw interceptions and you lose. the running game was working. i think we don’t have the two tunovers and we keep pounding Brown on them and we win the game. Brown fumbled after a long gain. Plus we lost two offensive starters during the game from a suspect line. Amato can recruit but we have lost out on offensive lineman. We had one very low rated offensive lineman in our last recruiting class. This is a problem area we need some major success on in our next recruiting class.

    I think we need to back off some on this team we knew this was a bit of a rebuilding year and we have a young team. Even Va. Tech loses when they have multple turnovers. We have less ACC loses right now than FSU. There is still a lot of football left to play and I give the coaching staff credit the team never quit on us this past Sat. or when we were 1-2, or when we were down to FSU at the end of the third quarter. Making a bowl was the most we should have been looking for this year and that is still a possiblity. We should have alot higher expectations for next year. There are twelve teams in ACC and we sitting in middle of pack right now. Maryland was predicted to finish higher than us this year. I don’t know why many of you think it was a game we were suppose to win. Go Pack!

  11. packpigskinfan23 10/22/2006 at 7:45 PM #

    ^Buddy- well said.

    Baker had a great game… and Brown would have, had he not been knocked out for that bit of time.

  12. Wulfpack 10/22/2006 at 7:48 PM #

    ^”We have less ACC loses right now than FSU.”

    Not sure if you’ve been paying attention, but FSU isn’t nearly the FSU of old. A very average team who will continue to lose as the season goes on. So let’s not use the FSU of today as our measuring stick.

    “There are twelve teams in ACC and we sitting in middle of pack right now.”

    Not exactly. We’re currently 5th in our division. We’d be 4th in the Coastal. This UVA game will tell us exactly where we stand. Win, and yes, we’re middle of the pack. Lose and we can say we’re better than 3 teams: Duke, UNC and FSU. I do think Amato’s ambitions are higher than that…

    I was elated after the BC and FSU wins. I’m very disappointed that I feel like we didn’t give it our best effort against two decent teams in WFU and Maryland. Not saying we’re better than those guys, but it just seemed to me their kids went out there and competed to win, when it’s like we’re just trying not to lose. A very obscure comment and you can’t measure it, but I do feel like we’re not getting after it the way we have in the past. We’re an average team at best that can go either way from here. I will say we better be ready for the schedule ahead. We all know Clemson and GT are on the slate, but ECU is no pushover and would love to hand it to us. We’ll just see what happens, but right now not looking very good for the Pack. What a difference two weeks makes.

  13. Wolfpack4ever 10/22/2006 at 8:14 PM #

    packpigskinfan23 Says: “I give 4Ever all credit for standing up for Amato… and perhaps Trestman and Fowler as well, but obviously we cant all feel that way.”

    Thanks but I don’t think I am or intend to merely be “standing up for Amato”, etc.

    I just happen to think that Chuck is about as good as it gets for us at this point in time. Why take a chance on another assistant coming in with whatever staff he can cobble together. Or who needs another coach using us for a stepping stone ala Holtz and even Bo Rein. As far as getting a Butch Davis, I gave up smoking those funny smelling cigaretts a long time ago.

    About Amato, I do believe he has either done or allowed a terrible job with Deraney — worn him right out. A question worth asking is how do you go from a freshman who kicked off a very high percentage of into the end zone to a senior who kicks it out of bounds or to the 5 or 10.

  14. Wolfpack4ever 10/22/2006 at 8:30 PM #

    RAWFS Says: Wolfpack4ever asks “Do you think Chuck would have left FSU were it not for MAF?

    Do you know for fact that he was offered a position?”

    RAWFS, I did not say, indicate, imply or hint at Chuck being offered a position (I assume you mean at another school). The red herring is yours. And you adroitly avoided the question, would Chuck have BEEN offered another position had MAF not hired him. The answer is no. He was too old and had no track record.

    BTW, until SFN decides to censor my posts for taking the other side of positions, I’ll post where I fucking well please. Since you gave me some advice, I’ll take the liberty of giving you some: Don’t bother.

  15. vtpackfan 10/22/2006 at 8:44 PM #

    This thread started off with “13 points against 11th rated ACC defense”. Is it allright if the coachs’ perceived accomplishments or lack there off come up? I’m confused. I like the different points of view, but is all the other statements about whether points of view relevant, vulgar or sincere really needed. We should check that baggage at the door when we come knocking on SFN address.

  16. packpigskinfan23 10/22/2006 at 8:44 PM #

    ^watch out 4Ever… SFN does tend to do that from time to time…

    and a bit of advice… take a complement when one is given. “standing up for”, sticking up for, dealing with, or whatever you views are on Amato, at least your not attacking him like some are.

    and I dont know what has been going on with Deraney these past few games… but he is definatly been wearing down. I would bet that he himself has been one of the big reasons why he was the “triple threat”, because it makes him look REALLY good to NFL teams… but I do think it is either taking a toll on him, or he has gotten one of those dreaded kickers curses. I pray its not the former….

  17. joe 10/22/2006 at 8:58 PM #
  18. RAWFS 10/22/2006 at 9:08 PM #

    Well, 4ever, since you want to pull the gloves off and start cursing, your question was asinine and irrelevant to begin with, does not address the problems either on the field or in the administration of the university.

    Nobody told you what you could or could not post. Just that your position resembles Kennel’s position with Sendek.


  19. Mr O 10/22/2006 at 9:27 PM #

    Can someone explain to me why NC State is “supposed” to win against a program like Maryland on the road?

  20. Wolfpack4ever 10/22/2006 at 10:27 PM #


    Sorry. I don’t know how we got into it. As a mattter of fact I started out by stating: RAWFS Says: (And it is worth repeating and studying and deep understanding.)

    I think you must have thought my question was in some way picking at what you had to say. Nothing could have been farther from the truth. I reacted badly.

    BTW I don’t know who Bob Kennel is but I guess I should feel insulted. 😉

  21. choppack1 10/23/2006 at 8:32 AM #

    “Can someone explain to me why NC State is “supposedâ€? to win against a program like Maryland on the road?”

    Sure, Mr. O – because we had the talent to do so. Because if the players hadn’t turned the ball over 2 times in the second half, we could have done so. Because if our staff had put together a better offensive gameplan – we would have done so. This UMd loss wouldn’t be so hard to swallow if we hadn’t mistaked away a game vs. Wake the week before.

    With Amato’s teams, it always seems like it’s never the effort or the talent – just the execution or the gameplan itself that costs us the victory – and that’s frustrating, seeing as how the majority of the losses have that sameness to them. It’s frustating to think that if these are the types of errors which cost us a share of the ACC title in Philip’s senior year, a bowl game in 2004, a better season in 2005, and who knows what this year. Like it or not, we’re not FSU – we can’t afford to make multiple mistakes and beat most other ACC teams. We may have better talent, but it’s not enough to overcome those mistakes.

  22. redfred2 10/23/2006 at 9:12 AM #

    “Let your kids just sling it and they throw interceptions and you lose.”

    And the difference is??????????????

    You guys keep talking about the running game, the talent is there, but either the OL, or the OC’s scheme is not getting it done. Is an OC considered a much better tactician when he continually figures ways to lose with the running game? What is so damned great about losing on the ground, and why is it so much better than losing games through the air????????????

  23. packpigskinfan23 10/23/2006 at 9:14 AM #

    but choppack… I think what Mr. O is referring to, is the fact that we really havent been favored over ANYONE this season… we as fans ALWAYS think that we SHOULD beat UV, UMd, UNC, Duke, ANY Div1AA team, WF, ANY MAC team, and ANY Conf. USA team. We also feel like we SHOULD loose to BC, FSU, Miami, and VT. (sure some of those on both sides are very debatable, but I think you can understand my point without anyone picking it apart word for word…) we should play to the best of our ability. that is for sure. and we dont do that very often… but I dont think it can be said that we SHOULD beat anyone… Duke aside, of course….

    and watch out for ECU guys… they are nasty.

  24. Wulfpack 10/23/2006 at 9:20 AM #

    ^If we don’t think we “should” beat teams like Wake, Maryland, UVA, etc., then where in the hell is this program headed? And what does that say for our expectations? What I can say is our head football coach expects more, and for good reason. He wasn’t brought here to maintain a mediocre football program. That has long been accomplished. It’s time we start moving forward as a program with all the resources we have been afforded.

  25. PAPacker 10/23/2006 at 9:26 AM #

    Just as an FYI, even the Maryland fans in the stands had picked State to beat Maryland, they only had one win in the conference, two of their wins were against very subpar teams, and no the running game was not working, we had no points at half, the play calling was ultrapredictable. Subtracting Blackmon’s punt return, State’s points came off of one drive where State threw on most downs and another where State mixed up passing and throwing much more aggressively. We do not appear to have the offensive line to establish the run. This was against the #11 defense in the conference. HELLO?

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