Official: Chris Wright to Georgetown & No Hoops for Brackman

Couple quick afternoon notes.

* Andrew Brackman wasn’t at media day, and his name wasn’t on the roster.

* Chris Wright changed his mind on Monday and picked Georgetown. He has a PC this afternoon and made his pick official.

* Don’t miss some of our related conversation in this entry from earlier today.

A couple of editorial comments:

* We say “No Means Go” and encourage NC State to continue to pursue Chris Wright until he actually signs his letter of intent with Georgetown in the signing period. Any kid that can be so wishy-washy on his decision can’t be totally committed to anywhere. (For the record, after informing NC State of his intentions to run witht he Pack, Wright informed the coaches late last night that he had changed his mind at the last minute).

* We will do our best not to be total assholes to the ignoramouses that talked so much shit about SFN on other message boards since we first told you about Brackman in July (Link) and then updated you twice in September (Link #1; Link #2)

We will have more on both topics later.

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06-07 Basketball Basketball Recruiting General

115 Responses to Official: Chris Wright to Georgetown & No Hoops for Brackman

  1. SixPack 10/11/2006 at 1:14 PM #

    Hickson cancelled his G’town visit. Word in Marietta has been he is leaning to TN. Have to wait until Thur so find out for sure. I would expect that Wright’s decision does not help much with JJ. JJ wants to go somewhere where he will be featured and where he can win quickly as he is planning a short stay before jumping to the NBA.

    Then why in hell would he want to go to TN ?

  2. BJD95 10/11/2006 at 1:25 PM #

    ^ Bruce Pearl. He’s a fantastic coach.

  3. Dan 10/11/2006 at 1:41 PM #

    Sounds like Chris Warren is the next PG prospect in line for ’07. We are co-favorites with Mississippi. He’ll be in Raleigh on the 20th and it Oxford on the 29th. I hope Coach Lowe can beat Ole Miss.

    We are going to need to replace Engin and Gavin. The #19th ranked PG is still better than no PG at all.

  4. packbackr04 10/11/2006 at 1:47 PM #


    (I am going to refrain from blasting away at the parties involved based on the crap that went on behind the scenes in this recruiting battle…)

    so without blasting, what exactly did happen on that final night before Wright committed? I am so confused, i thought he was locked down?.? I feel like i just kicked in the groin. And as someone said above. is all lost for Farnold Playing this year?? At media day he sounded positive? Maybe the NCAA will have some pity on us since we let all of our LOI’s walk… Thanks Herbivore!

  5. packbackr04 10/11/2006 at 1:51 PM #

    if nothing else can be said, IT IS POSITIVE

  6. packbackr04 10/11/2006 at 1:54 PM #

    SORRY^^^ to reiterate.. but IT IS POSITIVE, that Lowe has so many coals in the frie so to speak.. i mean the fact that he already has this lined up on the back burner shows he has foresight and the ability to think of contingency plans so that if things dont go exactly as planned (like yesterdays total clusterfU@k) he has somewhere to turn to… That Christopher Warren does not sound like a bad athlete at all. Im psyched and i got my boy SIds back! he is gonna be a helluva college coach

  7. redfred2 10/11/2006 at 1:54 PM #


    In my limited capacity on the www my research is saying it’s Pearl/Tenn for Hickson. But I haven’t seen much to base anything on, just a relation to Wright and that being the trigger. ???

    No one understands the situation we’re offering them yet. I am a little disappointed in that aspect of it. I feel like, I personally, could excite and motivate one of these guys into heading our way. I would need access to media room and all of the archives, possibly a rubber hose, but I can see nothing but positives for latching onto this ACC program. The immediate playing time, exposure, and mixing it up the best in the nation night after night, Sidney Lowe’s experience on the next level, it is nothing but a plus for a future NBA hopeful. I guess everyone plays the percentages these days and takes the slower, safer route. Can’t find too much fault in that.

    But just one kid with the vision/balls, and we’re off to the races. It’ll happen, maybe not Thursday, maybe not this season, but it will happen soon enough.

  8. Dan 10/11/2006 at 1:57 PM #

    “The good: Ask Paul Hewitt, all it takes is one top point guard and one top post man to get you back on the map.”

    Uh, Paul Hewitt’s been to the championship game. He was on the map before Thaddeous Young and Javaris Critt.

    “We don’t have a Sean Singletary”..or a JR Reynolds, but we do have three quality guards in Gavin, Engin, and Courtney.

    “[THIS IS YOUR COACH] !! THIS IS YOUR TEAM!!â€?….”GO TO HELL!! ” – Who says we are a divided fan base? Red. I think you have some competition here.

    That was one helluva rant.

    And we DONT have to take Rashard Green now. If we get Chris Warren that changes completely. I dont understand the desire of some to load up on shooting guard. He’s already signed Johnny Thomas for ’07. I know he listed as a 6’5″ SF, but c’mon. He’s a guard. We have Fells for ’07. We dont need to be three deep at the two with only Degand at the point. One thing the past ten years has taught everyone is that you need a true point guard in college basketball.

  9. Dan 10/11/2006 at 2:01 PM #

    “I would need access to media room and all of the archives, possibly a rubber hose”

    posts like that are way I love some Redfred. Rubber hose. I’m still laughing. Good one.

  10. Par Shooter 10/11/2006 at 2:06 PM #

    Re: Hewitt, I’m thinking maybe he meant Jarrett Jack and Chris Bosh. Young and Critt are (allegedly) Version 2.0. But the truth is that Hewitt loaded up on athletes for that Final 4 run.

  11. packbackr04 10/11/2006 at 2:25 PM #

    Dan^ I am with you, Reds witty remarks are quite classic. I would love to know his true identity, i bet hes a 78 yr old man with a fettish for buggery.. haha sorry red, its only cause we love you

  12. primacyone 10/11/2006 at 2:27 PM #

    When it comes to the point position, we need to remember one very important thing. Whether we get the #1 rated point or the #100 rated recruit, they will be coached by two of the very best to every play the position.

    That same theory applies to Degand. By this time next year, he could be pretty darn good. Pretty darn good could be better than any incoming freshman, no matter how many stars they have.

  13. nycfan 10/11/2006 at 2:42 PM #

    It is not altogether clear that Warren has ditched the mid-majors that already offered him, but in truth I think we’d all be stunned if a player turned down a high-major program for a mid-major program.

    A lot depends on when Warren wants to commit, too. From what I’ve read he is on a lot of teams’ back-up list and other high-majors have been keeping in contact, too. State certainly looks like the best option on his list at the moment, though.

  14. ShootingGuard 10/11/2006 at 2:45 PM #


    Please THINK before you critique my posts so that we don’t get into anymore of your hissy spats…This program needs UNITY wherever it can get it…

    “Uh, Paul Hewitt’s been to the championship game. He was on the map before Thaddeous Young and Javaris Critt.”

    I was talking about Jarrett Jack and Chris Bosh!!!!! But, you still—accidentally—bring up a good point about basketball…You can go in the toilet as GT did last year, and one TOP pg + one TOP frontcourt guy can put you in a position to move back to the front of the pack…Critt & Thad have to perform, of course, but I like that program’s momentum a lot better than ours right now…

    “We don’t have a Sean Singletaryâ€?..or a JR Reynolds, but we do have three quality guards in Gavin, Engin, and Courtney.”

    I like Gavin, Engin, and Courtney a lot and know that they have a lot of POTENTIAL to do some things…I just wish we had a true, super quick pg like Sean Singletary which would allow Engin to play his real game which is that of a dirty, gritty team player who busts zones with set shots and plays good defense—because of necessity, Engin is playing out of position right now and it limits him to do what he does best as well as the team in being the best it can be. I also wish Gavin and Courtney had been on the court playing free more last year rather than being stuck in a daytight compartment on the court or in the doghouse off the court. They would be better prepared to do more this year rather than go through a trial by fire.

    “That was one helluva rant.”

    State has a lot of PASSIONATE fans, I am just one of them…

    “And we DONT have to take Rashard Green now. If we get Chris Warren that changes completely. I dont understand the desire of some to load up on shooting guard. He’s already signed Johnny Thomas for ‘07. I know he listed as a 6′5″ SF, but c’mon. He’s a guard. We have Fells for ‘07. We dont need to be three deep at the two with only Degand at the point. One thing the past ten years has taught everyone is that you need a true point guard in college basketball.”

    Dan, I do NOT want to load up on shooting guards. In fact, I COMPLETELY agree with you. I should have made mention of the Chris Warren exception. If Lowe signs Warren (or another ballhandler that isn’t on our radar right now), then we should not bring on Green as we need to save 2 scholarships to chase a couple of PROGRAM LIFTERS (like Jack and Bosh OR Critt & Young) for the 2008 class. One way or another, we need another athlete in the backcourt to put Lowe’s uptempo game on display in 2007-2008, but we need just ONE (preferably a quick ballhandler) and NOT two as, again, we need to save AT LEAST 2 scholarships to make a splash on the 2008 recruiting trail…Are we on the same page now??

  15. Dan 10/11/2006 at 2:48 PM #

    “i bet hes a 78 yr old man with a fettish for buggery”

    That is exactly how I imagine him. There just something about his “blog-voice” that seems percrotchedy. I have grown fond of Red though. He should be the mascot for the lunatic fringe. We also need “Redfred for AD” T-shirts.

  16. ShootingGuard 10/11/2006 at 2:56 PM #


    “so without blasting, what exactly did happen on that final night before Wright committed? I am so confused, i thought he was locked down?”

    I wish I could share what info I have about the deal, but that would be inappropriate. Plus, I’m still too ticked…Suffice to say that these kids are never “locked down” until they sign the LOI and, even then, some try to weasle out. This is probably why there is an LOI in the first place—how completely chaotic would recruiting be if there were not??

    “Is all lost for Farnold Playing this year?? At media day he sounded positive? Maybe the NCAA will have some pity on us since we let all of our LOI’s walk…”

    To my knowledge, there has been no official word on Degand’s status. If he were allowed to play this year, that would be a HUGE boost. But, just as Lowe learned the Les Robinson lesson about recruiting at State and what can happen at midnight, it would be surprising to see the NCAA give us any sort of break based on their history of smacking us around…

  17. packbackr04 10/11/2006 at 2:56 PM #

    Dan, do you watch Family Guy?

  18. Dan 10/11/2006 at 2:58 PM #

    SG, I was just poking at you. You are alright by me. Just take it easy on the folks (not me) who really liked someone you didnt. It couldve been worse. No one was rooting for CW to go elsewhere except for chapel hill fools.

    You just missed the madness yesterday. I’m at the bottom of the sin curve today. The valley in between the CW and JJ Hickson peaks.

    And yeah, we are almost on the same page. But we need more than two scholarships for ’08. We need four. And they need to be newsmakers. We might even have four thanks to B-Rack and his million dollar right arm, which I cant wait to watch in MLB parks everywhere.

  19. Dan 10/11/2006 at 2:59 PM #

    pb 04, no. Is there some insight there?

    Damnit! Where is Red when you need him?

  20. noah 10/11/2006 at 3:27 PM #

    “I am convinced players are made once they come to campus, not playing against over-matched HS competition.”

    Then you would be wrong. And about 20 years out of touch.

    The rankings of the top 150-200 players in the country are based on their performance on the AAU circuit and at the various camps around the country. What they do for some high school squad is largely irrelevant. Hell, there have been elite players that gave up high school ball altogether and focused solely on the AAU squad.

    It’s one of the reasons that high school football rankings are so much tougher to put together than high school basketball. Go to the summer camps in Indy and Vegas and you can see that year’s McDonald’s team going head to head against one another.

    Alan Houston averaged about 30 points a game in high school. He was every bit as dominant as Delray Brooks was up in Chicago. Same size, same game. But when Houston went to Indy the summer before his senior year, he kept dominating when he went up against Jimmy Jackson and Kenny Anderson and Calbert Cheaney.

  21. packbackr04 10/11/2006 at 3:29 PM #

    dan^ no insight, just a character that is my mental picture of red. ah well. no biggie. what is big though is the fact that Degand still has a chance to play this year… that would be big… is there anythings that NCSU can do at this point to sway the NCAa or is it over? And when will they officially let him know what his status is for 06-07?

    SG^ i respect and understand that you dont want to comment on the wright debacle, but what I would consider inappropriate is the way he flip-flopped at the 11th hour. These kids have no idea about responsibilty or accountability. One day in the life of a real person would kill these kids. He’d better go to class and study hard because one day bball wont be there for him, and he WILL have to answer to an boss/authority figure who will not tolerate anything but straightforwardness and respect, and he WILL be held accountable for things he does and says. I dont want him to have a bad career at GT, i just want him to know that for every action there is consequence.

    ps-to clear the record i dont want him to have a bad career, i just want him to ride the pine

  22. Wulfpack 10/11/2006 at 3:47 PM #


    I understand. My point more is with the inflamed egos with some of these kids with constant media exposure and people sucking up to them, they come in and expect to be all world. I’ve seen it happen time and time again. I’d rather go get the blue collar kid that nobody knows about, but a guy that’s going to bust it in practice. A kid that is fundamentally sound, that can play some serious D. I just think way too much stock is put into recruiting. GT is said to be a stud with respect to recruiting. I haven’t seen a lick of it on the floor these last few years. Turnover happy, can’t run a play, gased on D, etc. I do hear ya, and of course I want some great players to come here. But I am WAY more concerned with character. All it takes is one bad apple to spoil a team.

  23. noah 10/11/2006 at 4:20 PM #

    We’re going up against Dook and Carolina. I think it’s a given that they’ll have well-coached players.

    I can’t think of too many teams coached by K or by Roy Williams that didn’t play suffocating defense. They also play harder than everyone else. And they run their offense with the precision of a Rolex.

    Oh, and they also have a team made up of players from the top-half of everyone’s top 100 list.

    Schemes are great. Hustle is great. Heart and character…also great.

    I hate Carolina and Dook as much as anyone. But look at who they are getting in recruiting. And let’s be honest — does anyone here REALLY think that K and Roy aren’t two of the three or four best coaches in America? Hell, I’d put K second on an all-time list right behind Wooden. And I’d probably put Williams on my top-10 list and ultimately, he’s probably going to accomplish more (in terms of titles) than Dean Smith.

    We gotta have thoroughbreds.

  24. packbackr04 10/11/2006 at 5:11 PM #

    ANY word on hicksons press conf tomorrow?

  25. TomCat 10/11/2006 at 6:46 PM #

    I get the feeling we’ve hired a guy going through on-the-job-training instead of a coach ready for leading a college basketball program at this level. I guarantee you- no one in this league will take it easy on us because the coach is in training wheels.

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