Official: Chris Wright to Georgetown & No Hoops for Brackman

Couple quick afternoon notes.

* Andrew Brackman wasn’t at media day, and his name wasn’t on the roster.

* Chris Wright changed his mind on Monday and picked Georgetown. He has a PC this afternoon and made his pick official.

* Don’t miss some of our related conversation in this entry from earlier today.

A couple of editorial comments:

* We say “No Means Go” and encourage NC State to continue to pursue Chris Wright until he actually signs his letter of intent with Georgetown in the signing period. Any kid that can be so wishy-washy on his decision can’t be totally committed to anywhere. (For the record, after informing NC State of his intentions to run witht he Pack, Wright informed the coaches late last night that he had changed his mind at the last minute).

* We will do our best not to be total assholes to the ignoramouses that talked so much shit about SFN on other message boards since we first told you about Brackman in July (Link) and then updated you twice in September (Link #1; Link #2)

We will have more on both topics later.

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06-07 Basketball Basketball Recruiting General

115 Responses to Official: Chris Wright to Georgetown & No Hoops for Brackman

  1. NCSUSix 10/10/2006 at 5:18 PM #

    I would rather have 3 stars that stay 4 years and develop than 5 stars that stay 1 or 2 years..

  2. redfred2 10/10/2006 at 5:24 PM #

    Brought this over, if no one want to hear it, I don’t really care right now.

    Although it is not of Brackman’s doing, I am really sick of the drama.

    Clean Slate.

    Start digging out there Head Coach Sidney Lowe. You been left for dead, without any signs of the former commander, or a senior officer in sight, in one of the deepest holes they could have ever foresaken you in.

    If you can get past this unneccessary crap and see your way to remembering the NC State of old, there are some of us out here who are still 110% behind you from here on out.

    TAKE OVER, run it as you see fit, there is certainly no one else around these days who has any idea of how to get it done.

  3. colapack 10/10/2006 at 5:32 PM #

    If his decision was between State and G’Town, I can see why he went the way he did. State is an unknown quantity right now and G’Town showed well last year and has renewed excitement in their program as well. Plus DC is a cool place to live.

  4. RAWFS 10/10/2006 at 5:39 PM #

    Agreed about Sid being an unknown quantity right now.

    And, let’s be honest about it: Sid didn’t have the greatest record as an NBA HC. Yes, I know there were reasons, but it is what it is, and until he proves that he can lead a college program effectively, he’s going to be viewed with suspicion by the blue chippers who have the K’s, Olson’s, Prossers, etc., calling on them. They are, after all, quantifiable.

    The best thing that can happen right now is this: McCauley, Atsur, Grant and the rest come out and play their hearts out and pull a notable upset — in other words, play well beyond the expectation. If it is in an exciting brand of hoops, then the recruits who are in the process of making their decisions will view NCSU much more favorably.

    Sid has to rebuild the NCSU brand, that’s all.

  5. redfred2 10/10/2006 at 5:53 PM #

    “Sid has to rebuild the NCSU brand, that’s all.”

    That’s plenty.

    I am not seeing the gloom and doom this season. I will be seeing some real basketball for a change. If we come up short, it will not be because we didn’t try to figure a way.

    It will be players playing hard, doing their best, and that is fine by me.

  6. packpigskinfan23 10/10/2006 at 6:00 PM #

    and it WILL be exciting!!!

  7. wufpaxno1 10/10/2006 at 6:09 PM #

    …And Having Fun!

  8. Texpack 10/10/2006 at 6:21 PM #

    This is best for Brackman personally. Sorry we couldn’t get one more year of hoops out of him. We won’t know for a year or two how bad the Wright defection is.

  9. TomCat 10/10/2006 at 7:30 PM #

    It’s going to be a challenging year or two. But- basketball can be turned on a dime with one stellar recruiting class. Was hoping that would be the immediate dividend of hiring Lowe (NBA cred.). Staff has to roll up the sleeves and become a factor in soph / junior recruiting.

  10. Woof Wolf 10/10/2006 at 8:07 PM #

    He committed to us twice and now has committed to Georgetown. If he is really that indecivise, the shot clock will run out before he can decide whether to shoot, pass or drive to the basket.

    I would like to think that he really wanted to come to State, but there were some strong personal reasons for staying close to home. If not that then someone should find out what or who influenced or coerced him to change his mind.

  11. redfred2 10/10/2006 at 8:20 PM #

    ‘Man! That guy has them playing some basketball already. I really didn’t think he’d be able to do that!’

    Speaking of Sidney Lowe at around mid season, and a projected quote from the now Georgetown Hoya freshman.

    If he doesn’t say it, noah will.

  12. Cardiff Giant 10/10/2006 at 8:22 PM #

    People will be mad at me for saying this, but to hell with the little bastard. I believe that when you make a commitment, you keep it. I also remain amazed at the idea of a 17 year old having a fucking press conference.

    Not sour grapes, and best of luck to him, just not competely disappointed that this guy wished instead of washed.

  13. forst8 10/10/2006 at 8:33 PM #

    ^ Yeah, me too. I’m getting tired of 17 year old kids telling our coaches they are committed and then changing their minds at the last minute. Don’t mind kids changing their minds but keep your damn mouth shut until you are absolutely sure. I hope that one of these day CW realizes he might have made it to the NBA if he had been coached by Lowe and Towe.

  14. ncsu_kappa 10/10/2006 at 8:37 PM #

    wow my fellow nc state fans. there is nothing wrong with the nc state brand or the athletes on the bench. These kids are doing the same thing NC State did at first. Go after somebody with proven recent success stories. Forget how the kids will respond in the face of adversity this year, how will the fans respond in the face of adversity these next few years?

  15. redfred2 10/10/2006 at 8:38 PM #


    Thanks for having the balls. I really don’t see other schools wishing well and sending their once intended and voluntary recruits, now possible opponents, on their merry little ways with such warm hearted good byes. I guess that’s just class, of which I’ve never been accused.

    I hope he does well, but it would suit me fine if his Georgetown Hoyas lost every time they set foot on the hardwood. It’s been that way for me for decades anyway, so nothing’s really changed. Just more salt added with the timing of their willingness to step in on Wright.

  16. Woof Wolf 10/10/2006 at 8:54 PM #


    You had a rough couple of days. I try to stay out that recruiting stuff as much as possible. I can’t do anything legal to help, so I try to not get too up or down until signing day. This class isn’t over yet. There may or may not be another player out there as good as Wright at his position; but there are some good players left.

    I’m not giving up on anything until we see whoever we get play a few games for these coaches. Neither Sidney nor Monte had great phystcal skills.

    I didn’t see Sid play in person a lot, but Monte’s greastest physical attribute was his voice. When the other team missed a shot he would yell, “TOMMY,” to help Burleson find him with the outlet pass and then the game was on. Sidney helped Jimmy V make a “great” team out of some “good” basketball players.

    Neither of them were the tallest quickest or fastest of the point guards who have played here. but they were, giving proper respect to “Ice,” two of the three best we’ve ever had.

    I think they can teach and instill a lot of what they did to whomever we put on the court.

  17. NCSUDude17 10/10/2006 at 9:00 PM #

    At least we won’t have to watch the weave and heave O anymore…

  18. bTHEredterror 10/10/2006 at 9:25 PM #

    “I would rather have 3 stars that stay 4 years and develop than 5 stars that stay 1 or 2 years..”

    Ever heard of Carmello Anthony? I can accept that kind of one year player. Not saying there is another Mello waiting out there in Ga, but I wouldn’t mind the pub Hicks would bring the Pack for that year.

    I respect the point that we need to build our program and 3-4 year players are needed, but mix in your occasional 1 year superfrosh, and you have a recipe for a title. Duke did it with Magette a few years ago as well. Though I wouldn’t want the aftermath of the Magette situation to befall us now that I think of it.

    I’m supremely disappointed to hear we aren’t gonna get to see Wright. I felt a great ’07 recruiting class filling the holes, and the solid supporting cast in place would equal a dynamic turnaround next year in YearTwoSid. CW was the Chris Paul type PG to win some games for us. Patience may change the answer to this question, and many more good players are out there, so this really only means we need to be more patient than we were already considering.

    In answer to how Gtown can offer more schollys than they have avaialable. They expect a couple guys to go pro early, I recall this does open scholarships. It opens the opportunity to push a kid out when he’s not ready, just to get the next big thing, and it seems foul they can recruit a guy banking on another guy leaving. But the allowance is there because of the obvious impact that players going early can have on a program.

    The alternative is the late change of heart, or the Ced Simmons proxy, early departure. When the guy actually does go pro after the season and opens the roster spot, we’d be left holding the bag in springtime instead. With few other options than to hope for the same change of heart from someone else’s recruit. Better to look for a another great kid who is up to the challenge right now, and good luck to Wright in D.C. I can’t hate a guy for wanting to rep his hometown.

  19. ushum 10/10/2006 at 9:33 PM #

    seriously, as a fan screw Georgetown’s thug program and screw him…

    as a coach, i’d keep recruiting him hard, it’s obvious the kid can’t make a firm decision…

  20. WolfRed 10/10/2006 at 9:48 PM #

    Maybe this was just a game to him. Maybe once Sendek left he never had any intention of coming here. Anyway, if he did not want to be here we are better off without him.

  21. Woof Wolf 10/10/2006 at 9:56 PM #

    I think it’s time to move on. Let’s find the next best player we can get.

  22. Mr O 10/10/2006 at 10:09 PM #

    Well, if we miss on Hickson, then the transition to the new coach will fit the absolute worst case scenario. The next several years will all be about recruiting.

  23. redfred2 10/10/2006 at 10:13 PM #

    Encouraging words there Woof Wolf, and right on the money. Thanks!!! Players will evolve right before our eyes once again and this will be fun to watch, just as it was back then!!!

  24. WolfPup35 10/10/2006 at 10:35 PM #

    I think the saying goes….”You do the best you can with what you got.”, so let’s just see how the kids respond to Sid’s system and go from there. You got to give him his props for aiming high in recruiting, knowing how difficult it is when you gotta recruit against K and Ol’ Roy. I’m looking forward to BBall season, and am VERY excited about the football team kicking some Florist (no offense to florists) ass this Saturday.

  25. cfpack03 10/11/2006 at 9:09 AM #

    GAWolf, a bluegrass fan? As am I. Check out

    anyway, I’m over this. One kid won’t make our program. I have confidence in Sid and our coaches

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