NC State tries to do it again tonight against an inconsistent Florida State squad.

NC State is one of only two ACC schools to post more than two victories over the Seminoles since they joined the conference and the only school to defeat them four times.

Chuck Amato holds a 3-3 mark against his former boss, Bobby Bowden, including a 2-1 mark at FSU. In Amato’s first season in 2000, Bowden and his Noles got the upper hand with a 58-14 win. Amato answered in 2001 in a big way.

NC State became just the first ACC team to beat Florida State in Tallahassee since FSU joined the ACC with the 34-28 win in 2001, then followed that up with the 20-15 win in 2005 to become the only ACC team to defeat the Seminoles at their house twice.

Now the Seminoles return to Raleigh after escaping in 2004 with a seven point win in Carter-Finley Stadium, 17-10. Florida State last lost in Raleigh in 2002, 7-17. Since joining the ACC in 1992, the Seminoles have posted a 5-2 mark in Raleigh with the other loss coming in 1998 when FSU was ranked second in the country.

You’ve got a host of links and information that you can cull through to prepare for tonight this link as well as at Pack Pride’s game notebook.

The ACC/SEC Blog asks Can Chuck Amato do it one more time? in this prediction entry.

If you want some fanny skinny on the game, Section Six did some guest blogging with an FSU blog in this entry.

In parting…did someone say Florida State without saying Jen Sterger?

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19 Responses to FSU Day

  1. class of 74 10/05/2006 at 8:06 AM #

    This is Amato’s bowl game. If he could somehow get his team’s to play up to the FSU game level every week there would be no negative discussions of his coaching abilities. Easily the biggest game in this series to date.

  2. Wolfpack4ever 10/05/2006 at 9:24 AM #

    Like 74 says, just looking at FSU, you’ve got to wonder. But is it as simple as getting his team up for FSU or is it his knowledge of FSU or is that FSU gets more of the team’s prep time or is Chuck “cough” “cough” better coach than we give him credit for?

  3. BJD95 10/05/2006 at 9:42 AM #

    The key to tonight is field position.

  4. redfred2 10/05/2006 at 10:10 AM #

    The key tonight is not allowing FSU’s defense to a second’s rest, mentally.

  5. packbackr04 10/05/2006 at 10:26 AM #

    the key tonight is airplane bottles, and how many of them i can get into the stadium……j/k

  6. redfred2 10/05/2006 at 11:03 AM #


    Do you know how hard it is ot hit the little opening in those airplane bottles? Especially after you’ve already consummed a few. I don’t want to be reading about YOU, AGAIN, tomorrow morning.

  7. packbackr04 10/05/2006 at 11:11 AM #

    haha, redfred classic, i forgot who posted it but someone on here had suggested that Fowler bring in R. Kelly as a consultant for the student section seating dilemna… He does enjoy micterating on people

  8. packbackr04 10/05/2006 at 11:13 AM #

    but seriously, i think the key tonight is getting off to a good start.. If Evans can start out with a few completions, it should open up the running game for Brown and Baker

  9. redfred2 10/05/2006 at 12:19 PM #


    Agreed, everything needs to be there right from the start.

    Won’t be there, have fun, just not #2 much.

  10. westwolf 10/05/2006 at 12:22 PM #

    I don’t think we can count on FSU overlooking us this year.

  11. cfpack03 10/05/2006 at 12:44 PM #

    Charlotte Observer printed an article on Chuck today

  12. redfred2 10/05/2006 at 1:15 PM #


    Ah, the good ol’ Charlotte Disturber, just another article that leaves you feeling like…??? Why did I read that? Nothing really too awful bad…a little insight into the man…but nothing ever really positive or good to say either.

    Kinda makes you wonder when they’ll run an article about the pro-John Bunting website linked here earlier, and all of those great and wonderful comments coming from the Carolina faithful?

  13. cfpack03 10/05/2006 at 2:12 PM #

    I actually thought the article did a good job of staying the middle. I certainly don’t expect them (or anyone) to hype him up, and, they didn’t insert subtle jabs either (like he N&O would have).

  14. Wolfpack4ever 10/05/2006 at 4:02 PM #

    ^I liked the article; it was fair, giving both sides of the story. (What a concept)

    Liars figure and figures lie. Comparing NCSUs football record b/4 Miami, VT & BC and using it to beat Amato down is using the facts/truth for a lie IMNSHO. Amato sold the program to get facilities — facilities which are needed to recruit top athletes. To say he should be winning BECAUSE we NOW have the facilities is not accurate. After Chuck or the coach who has the facilities to attract 5-Star recruits, has 3 or 4 or 5 years with all the facilities, then judge him if having the facilities and winning/not winning is the standard.

    Much is made of the coaches leaving figures. Should this be looked into? Absolutely! But without being privvy to the circumstances, who knows what the deal really is. Did Norm Chow have an agreement with Chuck to coach one year — he didn’t move his family here? What was the deal with Reggie Herring? Was he a short-timer? Is attracting quality assistants the snap it is generally thought to be? Maybe it was Chuck’s call to use high profile coaches on an agreed upon interim basis.

    Who knows? I do know one thing, my worst case scenario is not necessarily true even if it does make my case to fire someone.

  15. redfred2 10/05/2006 at 4:59 PM #

    Though nothing bad was said or referenced from it, my beef with the article is the creedence a newspaper gives to a simple website and it’s owner, which goes by the name firechuckamato.com. Let the same happen elsewhere involving Bunting or other coaches, and see what happens.

    I thought the internet was for the lunatic fringe element? I guess we’re only considered lunatics when we’re saying good things about our teams, or bad things about their most favored ones.

    ^4ever- Agreed on the facilities and the time factor involved before they really start to pay off. If recruiting continues to get better and better, in about three or four years, Chuck could potentially hit the auto pilot button, then sit back and enjoy the games himself.

    Your theory on the assistant’s is interesting also. Especially Chow, I thought I also read where he never considered moving his family to Raleigh??? Maybe not?

  16. Wolfpack4ever 10/05/2006 at 5:20 PM #

    ^Redfred, it’s just a theory. One my only real concerns with Chuck is or was the possibility that he is difficult to work with. However, surely Tressman, Duncan and Dixon, all 2nd yr coaches, and Kravitz, a 1st yr coach, all checked this out before hiring on. Kravitz was Assit. HC/DC before comming here. All the rest are 7 yr assistants except Williams who is a 5 yr. asst. and Portee who has been around since Beattie Feathers it seems.

    Who knows, maybe Doc was thinking change to advance his career as well as some others. I wonder if Chuck didn’t “help” Mazzone and maybe others “find” another job. It would not be Chuck’s style to publicly humiliate a fellow coach just because he didn’t work out.

    Headin’ for Section 328…..

  17. whitefang 10/05/2006 at 5:22 PM #

    “is Chuck “coughâ€? “coughâ€? better coach than we give him credit for?”
    NO. A “better” coach’s team might lose to Akron or Southern Miss. in a season with State’s talent, but not both. I will not be surprised if we play hard tonight, maybe even win. But to be successful the rest of this season and going forward our coaching staff has to turn this group of pretty good individual athletes into a disciplined, very few mistake-making TEAM. I hope the miracle that was the BC game was the launch pad that saves this season and that Amato and his coaches have found the key to doing that. I would love it, but don’t expect it. Realistically, if State just won a few of the FSU games and MOST of the games (Wake, Bunting’s UNC boys, Akron, USM, etc.) that we should, I would be happy. Not ecstatic, but happy.

  18. Woof Wolf 10/05/2006 at 6:40 PM #

    I lived in Charlotte for over 20 years and read the sports pages everyday. This has to be in the top five most factual (as far as I know) and unbiased thing they have ever published about State. I think it is a fair and accurate portrayal of Chuck and the current situation.

    Using the “New ACC” statistics does not distort the comparison of Chuck’s won loss record. We have only played five conference games against Miami, BC and VT. We have won 2 and lost 3. WHEN WE WIN TONIGHT, Chuck will be 500 against them, just like he is against of the rest of the conference.

  19. Woof Wolf 10/05/2006 at 6:51 PM #

    Oops. My bad. We aren’t playing one of them tonight. I’m going to quit for awhile.

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