Daniel Evans Suffers Mild Concussion

EVANS HAS MILD CONCUSSION: N.C. State quarterback Daniel Evans suffered a mild concussion during the final drive of the game, his father, Wolfpack radio analyst Johnny Evans, said.

Evans said Daniel is “expected to be just fine” but noted that team physicians will monitor his son’s progress closely before allowing him to engage in contact.

The redshirt freshman apparently suffered the blow about three plays before game’s end, when he was tackled hard on the sideline, Johnny Evans said.

Evans said his son reported that he didn’t remember the last few plays of the game but that Pack offensive coordinator Marc Trestman told Daniel he still made the right calls.

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52 Responses to Daniel Evans Suffers Mild Concussion

  1. noah 10/15/2006 at 9:01 AM #

    He was definitely fighting the cobwebs at the end. Look at how much time we spent just organizing the formation.

    It looked like he didn’t know where he was.

  2. IrishPackFan 10/15/2006 at 10:08 AM #

    In a way that is a good thing; at least we know he wasn’t just some confused kid out there and that there was obviously something just wrong with him. I have more respect for him now to be able to do what he did with a concussion. I hope he just rests now and comes out swingin’ next Saturday.

  3. packpigskinfan23 10/15/2006 at 10:12 AM #

    I really thought the interception at the end of the game was more of a “young QB mistake”

    turns out it was a “where am I? who am I? and what is going on right now?” kind of mistake…

    rest it up Daniel!!! Shake it off, and lets finish this season out on a great note!!!!

  4. Wulfpack 10/15/2006 at 10:51 AM #

    ^Concussions are nothing to just “shake off” like a mild ankle sprain or something.

  5. packpigskinfan23 10/15/2006 at 10:59 AM #

    ^ I ment the loss/the interception…

  6. GAWolf 10/15/2006 at 11:45 AM #

    Best wishes to Daniel. Once again he did everything we needed him to do to have a shot at winning a game. I commend him for his play. The last interception, even if not the result of a concussion, was not the game loser for us. I hope he shakes it off soon.

  7. NCSUDude17 10/15/2006 at 1:18 PM #

    “Oh No! We Suck Again!”

  8. Lock 10/15/2006 at 1:23 PM #

    Wow…just…wow. Hope the kid’s okay, yeah? Certainly makes swallowing the WFU pill a bit easier, though my concern lies more on his well-being.

  9. old13 10/15/2006 at 2:32 PM #

    Putting a kid back in the game with his bell rung would seem to be endangering the kid’s health to me.

  10. class of 74 10/15/2006 at 2:33 PM #

    Question: Is a groggy D. Evans better than a fresh M. Stone at the end of the game? Evans got tagged a couple of times on that last series prior to the intercept.

  11. 82grad 10/15/2006 at 6:10 PM #

    think this might be evans eventual downfall- he’s awfully small, no way in hell he weighs as much as he’s listed.

  12. NCSUDude17 10/15/2006 at 6:12 PM #

    ^His downfall, after 3 games? are you kidding me? he will be fine.

  13. 82grad 10/15/2006 at 7:04 PM #

    read much “dude”? i said eventual.
    the kid is small and if he takes many hits like he did against wake i feel for his health. if he’s 190 lbs. then i’m 225, which isn’t so.

  14. packpigskinfan23 10/15/2006 at 8:00 PM #

    ^yeah and I’m 6’2″!!!!

  15. GAWolf 10/15/2006 at 9:21 PM #

    Do any of y’all remember a kid at Carolina named Jason Stanicek that ripped us to shreds running the option for the Heels? I’ve searched the net and can’t find any height/weight information, but was he not about as equally small as Evans? Maybe I’m dreaming that, but I remember the Florida State… as in the “good” Florida State… linebackers talking about Stanicek being the toughest little guy they ever played against.

    Not to mention, Flutie “ain’t no big man” and he did okay. I wish people would stop talking about Evans size. While it may not be an advantage for him, I don’t think he views it as a disadvantage. He’s tall enough to see over the line and as long as he’s tough enough to take a lickin’ and keep on tickin’… who cares how big he is?

  16. GAWolf 10/15/2006 at 9:23 PM #

    I understand the concern for his health, however. I guess I should say that other than for his personal safety, which is something he’s obviously not too concerned about as no one is forcing him to play football, I think his size should be a nonfactor.

  17. packpigskinfan23 10/15/2006 at 9:31 PM #

    the only disadvantage I see of Evans size is his possiblities of becoming a player on the NFL level, should that ever come about…

  18. TomCat 10/15/2006 at 10:54 PM #

    Evans reminds me alot of Marc Bulger’s demeanor and size when he QB’ed WVA. Bulger now quarterbacks the St. Louis Rams.

  19. 82grad 10/16/2006 at 7:45 AM #

    of course you can be smallish and still play. point is, on only the first couple of hard hits he’s taken he has a concussion, which is scary.

  20. GAWolf 10/16/2006 at 8:34 AM #

    82grad… I completely understand where you’re coming from… but a melon is a melon no matter how big your body is. You smack Debo on the head hard enough and he’ll have a concussion. Had he broken ribs or cracked a femur, I’d say I agree with you. Again, I understand the concern for his safety and it’s logical and completely admirable. However, a blow to the head is a blow to the head.

    Have they said when it happened? On his scramble… I believe not for a first down but for a six yard gain… he got stood up a little trying to go down and took a couple of decent licks. I think that’s what happened, but maybe I’m getting confused.

  21. packpigskinfan23 10/16/2006 at 8:45 AM #

    it had to have been the play that ended on with him getting hit near the sidelines.

  22. noah 10/16/2006 at 8:50 AM #

    That was the play. It wasn’t the scramble for the first down. He slid and didn’t get hit on that one.

    Evans ran to the sidelines and didn’t make it. He got clocked and the coaching staff and several of his teammates had to pick him up.

  23. packpigskinfan23 10/16/2006 at 9:03 AM #

    ^ i think it was the play right after the first down scramble… right?!

  24. Mike 10/16/2006 at 9:16 AM #

    It was the play on the sidelines, right after the 1st down scramble. He took a knee to the head, and stayed down for a few seconds. You could see he rolled over a little bit and could tell my body language he was woozy. The coaches did have to scramble to get him up and point him back to the field. I saw the hit on TV and I knew right away he was not right. One of the fluke things that happen, not intentional, not a cheap hit, just one of the things that happens in a game.

  25. choppack1 10/16/2006 at 9:31 AM #

    Concussions in general are fluke things. If you were watching the Panthers game yesterday, McNair – one of the biggest and toughest QBs in the game got one on what appeared to be a very benign play.

    The fact that he doesn’t remember the last couple of plays – to me indicates that the concussion wasn’t “minor”. The key for Evans will be if these re-occur. I don’t know if you play Evans Saturday unless you are 100% certain he is having no issues. Concussions seem to have a cumulative effect. Once you’ve got the first, it seems to be really easy to get a second, then a third, etc.

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